The cargo planes were already in their respective hangars, the last one landing smoothly on the runway. A few minutes later, the Army and Deformity troops exited the planes with their luggage.

Their expressions were mixed, looking tired, relieved, though some were disappointed. All troops in Langdon had been withdrawn for everyone's safety. The existence of the queens gathered in Langdon made the Supreme Leader unwilling to risk losing all the troops.

Because of this possibility, there will be other queen gatherings, such as in Fall City, New Castle, Tacoma, as well as other cities in other parts of the world. They had to find a new strategy; if they continued to defend Langdon, the enemy would continue to advance.

The decision was made shortly after Elijah's small force returned to the left flank of Langdon's camp and reported on the situation. After one night there, the troops were suddenly withdrawn. And they were forced to return to Washington.