After the events in Langdon's territory, the central government in Washington has only centralized defenses and built higher fortifications. There has been no attack on any orb, but rather a search for civilians who can be rescued.

The civilians, except for the elderly, are receiving military training. They work with the deformities to defend outposts that are considered vulnerable to ant attack. 

Elijah and his friends had to fly to different areas as part of their punishment. After rescuing the inhabitants and destroying the ant swarm, they would move on to another place that needed help. This went on for days and weeks.

Until it was almost three full moons, they had done many dangerous missions. 

Elijah immediately jumped into his bed after three days and nights of evacuating people and fighting ant swarms. His body felt so tired, and all he wanted to do was sleep all day.

"Welcome home," Camille greeted as she drew on her bed.