Chapter 3: The Discovery

Thomas had dedicated years of his life to the Nexusgate project, pouring countless hours and resources into making it a reality. However, despite his best efforts, he had hit a seemingly insurmountable obstacle; the project required an astronomical amount of power to create a portal that would allow him to travel through space. The sheer magnitude of the energy required was daunting, equivalent to the power of four nuclear bombs or 5000 tons of Jules. The smallest error could lead to catastrophic results, potentially even the creation of a black hole capable of destroying the universe.

Despite the enormous risks, Thomas remained undeterred in his pursuit of a solution. He was determined to find a way to power his machine without putting the universe in peril. Countless hours of calculations and experiments had left him disheartened, until one chance encounter sparked a breakthrough.

One day, while on a routine trip to the grocery store, Thomas overheard a group of young teenagers discussing the power of a nuclear bomb. He approached them and asked for clarification, and to his amazement, they mentioned that they studied about a nuclear fusion reactor and that it could generate a power of many nuclear bombs. Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in Thomas's mind - this could be the solution he had been searching for.

He immediately set to work on creating a direct nuclear fusion reactor, a task that would take years of painstaking effort to perfect. The challenge was immense; the reactor would need to generate a chamber capable of withstanding the pressure of 10 million elephants and heat that rivaled the Sun's temperatures. But Thomas was not deterred. He tried every possible approach, but none seemed to work.

After countless failed attempts, Thomas finally fell into an exhausted sleep, only to awaken with a sudden inspiration. He dreamt of a box with an unusual shape, so hot that it seemed to burn his hands. When he awoke, he quickly sketched the box and began to analyze it. After carefully considering it, he realised he could use it to generate the power he needed.

Thomas had designed a unique box, which was in the shape of an icosahedron. An icosahedron is a geometric shape that has 20 faces, 30 edges, and 12 vertices. In this box, each face had a tube connected to it, and two larger tubes were connected on the opposite sides.

Through experimentation and careful calculations, Thomas discovered a gas that he named Xorime dioxide (X02). X02 is unique because it never turns into liquid or solid form, which makes it an ideal gas to work with.

Thomas realized that by inserting as much X02 gas as he wanted into the icosahedron box, he could increase the temperature and pressure inside the box due to the high density of the particles. With the right conditions inside the box, such as the introduction of atoms, he believed he could generate a nuclear fusion reaction.

Nuclear fusion is a reaction that occurs when two atomic nuclei are combined to create a heavier nucleus, which releases a large amount of energy. This process is the same reaction that powers the Sun and other stars. If Thomas's theory proved successful, he could create a clean and sustainable energy source for the Nexusgate.

Thomas's discovery of Xorime dioxide and his design of the icosahedron box are promising steps towards achieving nuclear fusion. It will require further experimentation, research, and development, but the potential benefits of a successful nuclear fusion reaction are immense.

After several trials, Thomas succeeded in creating a sample of the box that generated 0.001% of the power required. This was a significant breakthrough, enough to power the entire world for two days. However, it was still not enough to create a portal and run the Nexusgate. Nonetheless, it was a remarkable achievement, and Thomas was more determined than ever to continue his work and eventually achieve his goal.

Thomas was ready to just start his Nexusgate with his sample power box. With trembling fingers, Thomas initiated the activation sequence for his machine, his heart pounding with anticipation. But just as the machine began to hum with power, he heard a loud bang and saw sparks fly everywhere. He desperately tried to shut it down, but it was too late. The machine had malfunctioned and exploded, destroying all of his hard work in an instant. Thomas felt a deep sense of despair and defeat as he stared at the smoldering wreckage in front of him. He had invested so much time, effort, and resources into this project, and now it was all gone in a single moment.

As he tried to regain his composure, Thomas couldn't help but feel a sense of resentment towards the machine. He kicked it with all his might, feeling a surge of anger and frustration towards the machine that had let him down so badly. But just as he was about to give up, he noticed something strange happening around him. The air seemed different, thicker and denser than before. The people around him seemed taller, their features distorted and unfamiliar. He looked around in disbelief, and that's when it dawned on him that he was no longer on Earth.

Thomas was stunned, bewildered, and terrified all at once. He had no idea how this had happened or where he was. The world around him was polluted, uninhabitable, and completely foreign to him. He realized that he had created a portal that had transported him to a different planet, and he was completely alone in this strange new world. But despite the overwhelming odds against him, Thomas knew that he had to find a way to survive and make his way back home.

Thomas was in disbelief as he surveyed his unfamiliar surroundings. Everything was so distinct, yet he couldn't shake off a feeling of recognition. As he tried to exit the room, he felt his legs buckle under him. The gravity and air pressure on this foreign planet were significantly stronger than those on Earth, making it difficult to maneuver. However, when he moved his feet back inside the room, the gravity returned to normal. Thomas was perplexed by this sudden realization that he could only survive within the confines of the room.

Despite the physical challenges, Thomas was still excited to explore this new world. As he looked around while being in the room, he noticed that everyone was speaking English.

Thomas couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him as English was his first language, and he had always been fascinated by linguistics and communication, so the fact that he could communicate with the locals was a huge relief. He wondered if they had been monitoring him or if they had some sort of advanced translation technology that allowed them to understand his language. As he pondered this, he also took note of other similarities between this new world and Earth, such as the architecture and clothing styles. However, he also noticed distinct differences in the landscape and vegetation, which only fueled his curiosity further.

Thomas was struck with curiosity as he observed a peculiar machine in the distance on the alien planet. It appeared to be drilling energy and creating a portal adjacent to his room. Confused and mystified, Thomas wondered how it was possible for him to be living inside the room without the others being able to see him. As he delved into the mechanics of the Nexusgate and did some calculations, he realized that he was not physically present on the planet but rather connected to it through the Nexusgate - an invisible medium that allowed him to exist in this alternate reality.

Thomas also came to the realization that the room he was in was invisible to the inhabitants of the alien planet. If he were to step outside the room, he would be transported to a parallel universe, but as long as he remained inside the room, he was only partially present in that universe. The implications of this realization left Thomas with more questions than answers, leading him to further explore the nature of his connection to this strange world.

Thomas couldn't believe his eyes as the tall and bulky figure approached him, almost resembling a human being. The stranger began to speak about their plans to capture an entire planet, AK07, which was located millions of light-years away. Thomas was stunned by this revelation - they were planning to seize an entire planet and enslave its inhabitants, all for the purpose of making it their new home. The thought of such an aggressive act left Thomas feeling uneasy and uncertain about what he should do next.

As Thomas overheard their conversation, he learned that the aliens' home planet was on the verge of becoming unlivable due to some catastrophic event, and they were in dire need of a new place to settle. The gravity of the situation hit Thomas hard as he realized the potential threat that these aliens posed. He knew that he had to find a way back to Earth as soon as possible, before it was too late. The urgency of the situation only fueled Thomas's determination to succeed.

He spent hours working tirelessly on the Nexusgate, pouring all his energy into it, trying to make it function so he could escape. But the machine refused to start, and Thomas grew increasingly frustrated with each failed attempt. Just as he was about to give up, he noticed something peculiar – a mysterious, flickering light was emanating from the back wall of the Nexusgate, almost as if it was calling out to him.

Intrigued, Thomas approached the wall and examined the strange light, trying to determine its source. Was it a glitch in the Nexusgate's programming or something else entirely?

Thomas's curiosity was piqued. He cautiously approached the light, wondering what it could mean. As he drew closer, he felt a sudden pull, as if he was being sucked into the light. The light grew brighter and brighter, engulfing him completely. Thomas closed his eyes, bracing himself for whatever lay ahead.

Suddenly, he felt weightless, as if he was floating in space. The sensation was disorienting, and Thomas felt his stomach lurch as he hurtled through a vortex of swirling colors and strange lights. The journey seemed to last forever, and he had no idea where he was or what was happening.

But then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the journey came to an end. Thomas found himself back on Earth, surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds of his home planet. He looked around in disbelief, wondering if it had all been a dream. But the memories were still fresh in his mind, and he knew that he had experienced something incredible.

Thomas breathed a sigh of relief as he found himself back on Earth, away from the dangers of the other planet. But despite his escape, a nagging feeling of unease lingered within him. The Nexusgate had malfunctioned, leaving him with more questions than answers. How had he managed to travel through space? What had caused the machine to fail?

Driven by a burning curiosity, Thomas knew that he couldn't let these questions go unanswered. He had to discover the truth behind the Nexusgate and its mysterious power. As he gazed up at the vast expanse of the night sky, he sensed that there was something out there, lurking in the darkness. Something ominous and foreboding that threatened the very fabric of reality.

But Thomas was not one to back down from a challenge. With a steely resolve, he embarked on a quest to unravel the enigma of the Nexusgate. He understood that the path ahead would be fraught with obstacles and perils, but he was determined to see it through. For the fate of the universe rested in his hands, and he was the only one with the power to save it. With each step he took, he felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders, but he also felt a sense of purpose and clarity that he had never felt before.