Chapter 4: The Answers

The next day, Thomas took a seat at his desk with a pen and paper in hand, resolute in his determination to make sense of the bewildering series of events that had unfolded. With painstaking detail, he recorded every element of the experience, from the initial explosion of the Nexusgate to the inexplicable moment when he was sucked into the machine's back wall. However, the more he wrote, the more confounded he became. He couldn't fathom how the Nexusgate, with only a mere 0.001% of the power required to open a portal, had somehow transported him to another parallel universe. And more bewildering still, he had somehow managed to return to Earth without the aid of any navigation or even activating the Nexusgate. These questions plagued Thomas, leaving him to ponder the very nature of reality and the unfathomable possibilities that existed beyond his understanding.

After his strange journey through the Nexusgate, Thomas was determined to uncover the truth behind his experience. He scoured the internet, devouring every piece of scientific theory and equation he could find that might explain what had happened to him. Despite his tireless efforts, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. The more he searched, the more he realized that his journey had been more than just a simple malfunction of the Nexusgate.

Thomas's curiosity led him deeper into the unknown, driving him to explore theories and ideas that few people dared to contemplate. He spent hours poring over complex mathematical equations and delving into obscure scientific concepts, hoping to find a way to make sense of his experience. But the more he learned, the more questions he had.

Despite the frustration and confusion he felt, Thomas knew that he could not give up. The mystery of the Nexusgate consumed him, driving him to delve ever deeper into the unknown. He was determined to uncover the truth, no matter what the cost. For Thomas, the search for knowledge was a never-ending quest, and he would stop at nothing to unravel the mysteries that had thrown his life into chaos.

The next day, Thomas's mind was still consumed with questions and curiosity about the strange events that had occurred to him. He was determined to unravel the mysteries that had thrown his life into chaos. The memory of the people from the parallel universe and their plans to capture a planet called AK07 lingered in his mind, and he wondered if this planet existed in his own universe as well.

With an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Thomas turned to NASA's extensive database of planets to begin his search. He combed through the vast amount of information, looking for any mention of AK07. To his amazement, he discovered that the planet did indeed exist, but it was located an astonishing 30 million light years away from Earth.

As he processed this information, Thomas couldn't help but be awestruck by the technological advancements of the parallel universe's inhabitants. To be able to create a portal from such an immense distance was a feat that was beyond his wildest imagination. He knew that he had to continue his search for answers, to understand the mechanics and science behind this incredible feat of technology.

He realized that he had stumbled upon an entirely new field of study. The possibilities of alternate universes and their relationships to each other were infinite, and Thomas knew that this was a discovery that could change the course of human history. But as he thought about the inhabitants of AK07, his mind was filled with sadness and concern. The parallel universe's advanced weaponry was a cause for worry, and Thomas couldn't help but wonder if the people of AK07 would be able to defend themselves against such formidable foes.

Despite his curiosity, Thomas decided to refrain from investigating the parallel universe's capture plan any further. He felt that it was not his place to interfere in the affairs of another universe and that there were more significant questions that needed to be answered first. He sat there at his desk, lost in thoughts, pondering the implications of his discoveries and hoping that more answers would come to him soon.

Thomas was still trying to make sense of his experience of visiting a parallel universe. His mind was filled with vivid images of the world he had seen, and he was determined to capture them all in drawings before they faded from his memory. With a pen and paper in hand, he began to sketch the universe and everything he could remember from his trip. He was particularly struck by the weapons he had seen, which were unlike anything he had ever encountered before.

These weapons were incredibly powerful, capable of cutting through 100 inches of concrete with ease. What was even more remarkable was that they didn't require ammunition. Instead, they harnessed the energy of the Sun, firing out devastating light beams that could obliterate anything in their path. Thomas was in awe of the sheer power of these weapons, and he knew that he would never forget them.

As he continued to draw, Thomas also remembered the awe-inspiring technology that permeated every aspect of life on that planet. It was evident that the people in the parallel universe were far more advanced than those on Earth. Their technology had the power to manipulate the very fabric of space and time, enabling them to travel between parallel universes and even harness the energy of entire stars. It was a world beyond anything Thomas had ever imagined.

As he sketched, Thomas couldn't help but wonder about the implications of such technology. If the people in the parallel universe could harness the energy of the Sun and travel between parallel universes, what else were they capable of? And what kind of impact would this technology have on Earth and the rest of the universe? The more he drew, the more he realized just how much there was still to discover and understand about the universe and its infinite possibilities.

The uniforms worn by the inhabitants of the parallel universe were no less impressive. They looked almost indestructible, as though nothing could penetrate them. Thomas could not help but wonder what sort of advanced technology had gone into their creation. He made sure to include every detail he could remember, from the way the fabric seemed to shimmer in the light to the intricate designs etched into the surface.

After finishing his drawing, Thomas wanted to display it on his wall. He grabbed a nail and began to hammer it into the wall, but then he realized he needed to make a hole in the photo to hang it up. He took a pencil and carefully marked the center of the photo before starting to pierce through it. However, the pencil was not sharp enough and the task was proving difficult.

One of Thomas's teammates walked in and saw him struggling with the pencil. The teammate made fun of Thomas, saying he had lost all his energy after a one-month holiday. Thomas gave him an annoyed look but didn't respond. The teammate suggested that Thomas push the photo against the nail, using the weakened top point to make a hole in the photo. Thomas decided to give it a try and was pleasantly surprised when it worked.

After Thomas's colleague left, he was left feeling confused by the comment about taking a leave. However, he decided to brush it off and continue with his work. When he checked his phone, he was surprised to see that an entire month had passed since he had visited the parallel universe. He immediately checked his laptop and confirmed that the date was accurate.

Thomas was shocked by the realization that time could run at different rates in different universes. This concept had previously been a theoretical concept to him, but his experience had now proved it to be true. He couldn't help but wonder what other secrets the parallel universe held and what other incredible discoveries were waiting to be uncovered. He was eager to explore this new realm of science and learn all that he could about it.

Thomas began to consider the implications of time running at different rates in parallel universes. He wondered if it could be possible to use this concept to travel through time or if it could be harnessed in some way to manipulate time. He also wondered if the differences in time between universes could be used to predict future events or even prevent disasters. The possibilities seemed endless, and Thomas was excited to explore them all.

Thomas was grappling with a difficult decision: whether or not to share his groundbreaking invention and discoveries with others. He knew that if he shared his findings, people might not take him seriously and dismiss his claims as pure fiction. In the midst of his contemplation.

Thomas was hit with a sudden realization. He recollected his teammate suggesting how easy it was to penetrate a weakened point, and an idea sparked in his mind. What if his Nexusgate wasn't actually creating a portal, but rather connecting him to the backside of a pre-existing one? However, he couldn't fathom how a portal could already be established there, and who could have constructed it.

As he delved deeper into his research, he stumbled upon some startling revelations. Thomas learned that the people in the parallel universe were employing advanced machinery to construct a portal to a planet called AK07, but, as it turned out, AK07 was, in fact, Earth. He realized that the two machines were interlinked and that his Nexusgate only required a fraction of the energy to bore through from the opposite end. This led him to a disturbing conclusion: the parallel universe he had visited had nefarious intentions towards Earth, and the extraterrestrial beings residing there were attempting to take control of our planet.

Thomas was astonished by what he had uncovered and knew he had to act fast to prevent a catastrophic event. However, he also knew that revealing this information would be met with skepticism and disbelief. Despite this, Thomas continued his work, determined to find a way to prevent the parallel universe from seizing control of Earth.

The implications of this discovery were staggering, and Thomas knew that he had to act quickly to prevent the potential invasion of Earth. He was determined to protect his home planet from the impending threat by unraveling the mysteries of the parallel universe and the alien technology. Thomas realized that he had stumbled upon something much bigger than himself, and he felt a sense of responsibility to share his findings with the world.

However, he was also aware of the high probability that people would dismiss his claims as mere fantasy, and this left him in a dilemma.

Thomas grappled with the perplexing nature of his Nexusgate, which had transported him to a parallel universe. He understood that drilling from the backside had initiated the teleportation, but his return to Earth remained a mystery, especially since the Nexusgate had malfunctioned. As he pondered the situation, a chilling possibility emerged: perhaps a small, nearly invisible portal from the parallel universe had already reached Earth, allowing him to pass through while remaining too small for the inhabitants of that world.

This revelation led Thomas to a terrifying conclusion: the portal was being deliberately expanded by the parallel universe's inhabitants, potentially to invade Earth with their army. Despite his growing understanding of the Nexusgate and the portal, Thomas still struggled to fully comprehend the invisible medium in which he had traveled and the intricacies of how the portal functioned. As the gravity of his discovery settled in, Thomas was consumed by a blend of fear and astonishment, questioning whether his deductions were mere conjecture or if he had truly uncovered a sinister plot to conquer Earth. The undeniable evidence and mathematical proof, however, left no room for doubt.

Thomas came to the realization that the people from the parallel universe were actually discussing their plan to conquer a planet within their own universe, but they had ended up targeting Earth from another universe. He was baffled by how this could be possible and began to wonder if they were living in the same universe, but on an exact replica of Earth. This idea astounded him, and he began to work out the equations to validate his theory. He found that in his universe, the planet AK07 was the one he had visited, mistaking it for the parallel universe of Earth. Furthermore, on AK07, the planet Earth was referred to using the same name that we use for their planet. Thomas was left dumbfounded by the possibility of a parallel universe that could be an exact duplicate of Earth, within the same universe.

He realized that the parallel universes were not separate dimensions, as he had initially thought, but instead were planets that existed within the same universe. This revelation was groundbreaking and changed the way he viewed the parallel universe and the technology that made travel between the two worlds possible. The portals were created by folding space, much like folding a piece of paper to bring two points closer together. This technique allowed the two worlds to be connected, and travel between them became feasible.

It was a challenging concept to comprehend, but his calculations and research validated the existence of such a phenomenon. With a sense of urgency, Thomas devoted himself entirely to understanding the parallel universe and the threat it posed to Earth. He spent every moment relentlessly pursuing knowledge.

This revelation filled Thomas with both wonder and dread. He knew that the inhabitants of AK07 were plotting to conquer Earth, and that his home planet would be completely defenseless against them. With a determination to protect Earth at all costs, Thomas resolved to delve even deeper into the mysteries of the parallel universe, the alien technology, and the intentions of the AK07 inhabitants. He knew that the survival of his world rested on his shoulders, and he was willing to do whatever it takes to ensure its safety.

Thomas was in a state of panic as he frantically searched for answers, trying to calculate how much time he had left to act before the AK07 beings arrived. However, he was also faced with the daunting task of convincing others about the danger they were in. He knew that it would be an uphill battle to prove his theory to the people of Earth, and he might not have much time left to do so.

Thomas's calculations also revealed that the aliens from the parallel universe were building a portal that would allow them to invade Earth. He estimated that it would take them 70 days to complete the portal, leaving him with a limited amount of time to warn the people of Earth and prevent the invasion.

Despite the overwhelming sense of fear and urgency, Thomas refused to give up. He continued to work tirelessly on his calculations and equations, hoping to find a way to prevent the invasion. However, he knew that he faced a daunting task in convincing others about the danger they were in. How would he prove the existence of this threat to the people of Earth, and how would he convince them to take action before it was too late? The fate of the planet rested on his shoulders, and he knew that time was running out.