Chapter 7: The Mysterious Paper On AK07

The air was thick with anticipation and anxiety on AK07, a barren planet in a distant galaxy. The inhabitants, a race of humanoid aliens, were busy loading their weapons and supplies into a massive metal structure that towered over the landscape. Their portal machine, a device that could bend space and time to create a wormhole to another world, was working seamlessly.

They had been working on this project for years, ever since their home planet had become uninhabitable due to a devastating war. They had searched the cosmos for a suitable place to settle, until they had found it: a blue-green planet with abundant life and resources. They had named it AK07.

They had studied AK07 (Earth) from afar, using their advanced technology to spy on its inhabitants and learn their weaknesses. They had devised a plan to attack Earth with their superior weapons and numbers, and take it by force. They had no regard for the lives of the humans, whom they considered inferior and disposable. They only cared about their own survival and domination.

As they prepared for their final assault, a strong gust of wind swept through the portal machine, carrying with it a piece of paper that had flown out of one of the supply crates. The paper was thin and smooth, with strange symbols and images printed on it.

The paper flew through the portal, unnoticed by anyone, and landed on the dusty ground of AK07. There, it caught the eye of a curious AK07 being, who was passing by. He picked up the paper and examined it with fascination, realizing that it was unlike anything he had ever seen before. He wondered where it had come from and what it meant. He decided to take it to his leader, hoping that he might have some answers.

He ran to the leader's tent, which was located at the center of the camp. He entered the tent and saw his leader sitting at a large table, surrounded by maps and charts. The leader was a tall and muscular person, with scars on his face and a fierce expression. He looked up as the being approached him.

"Sir, I have something to show you," the being said nervously.

"What is it?" the leader asked impatiently.

"It's this paper, sir. I found it near the portal machine. It looks very strange."

The leader took the paper from him and glanced at it. He frowned as he saw the unfamiliar symbols and images.

"Where did you get this?" he demanded.

"I told you, sir. It was lying on the ground near the portal machine. I think it came from there."

"From there? How is that possible? Nothing can come through our portal except us."

"I don't know, sir. But look at it. It's not made of any material we know."

The leader was intrigued by this claim. He decided to test it for himself.

"Give me your scanner," he ordered his assistant, who was standing nearby.

The assistant handed him a small device that could analyze any material.

The leader scanned the paper with the device and waited for a few seconds. Then he checked the report on the screen.

He was shocked by what he saw.

"This paper is not from our planet," he said in disbelief.

"What?" his assistant exclaimed.

"It's true. Look at this report. It says that this paper is made of organic matter that is not found on our planet."

"Organic matter? What does that mean?"

"It means that this paper is made of living things. Plants or animals or something like that."

"Living things? How can that be?"

"I don't know. But there's more. This paper is also not from AK07."

"What? How do you know that?"

"Because I scanned it with the AK07 materials we have collected. And there's no match."

"No match? Then where is this paper from?"

"I have no idea. But it must be from another planet. A planet we don't know about."

"A third planet? That's impossible."

"Apparently not. This paper proves it."

The leader was baffled by this discovery. He wondered how this paper had gotten into their portal machine.

He decided to examine it more closely.

He saw that it had strange symbols and images on it, which he could not understand.

He wondered if it was some kind of message or code from another civilization.

But he wondered how it ended up on their planet and was so confused but he didn't want a single paper to delay or miss their attack on that planet so he decided to keep it silent and wanted to concentrate on their attack.

He decided to keep the paper as a souvenir, thinking that it might be valuable or useful in the future. He instructed his assistant to store it in a safe place and not to mention it to anyone else. He then resumed his preparations for the invasion, hoping that nothing else would distract him from his mission.

However, unbeknownst to him, the paper was not just a random piece of material that had flown into their portal machine. It was actually a page from a book that belonged to Thomas from Earth who had accidentally traveled to their planet through his own portal machine.

Thomas and his assistant had risked everything to reveal the truth about the impending invasion from AK07, a planet in their own universe that was an exact replica of Earth. They had used their Nexusgate machine to travel to the parallel world and witness the aliens' sinister plans. They had gathered evidence and calculations to support their claims and warn the people of Earth of the grave danger they were facing. But as they sat next to each other, staring at the computer screen, they realized that their efforts had been futile.

They had tried every possible way to get their message across. They had posted on social media platforms, blogs, forums, and websites, hoping to reach as many people as possible. They had also sent an email to the president of the United States, pleading with him to take their warning seriously and prepare for the invasion. But none of their attempts had worked. Most of their posts had been blocked by the social media algorithm, which had flagged them as spam or fake news. Their email to the president had never reached him, as it had been intercepted by his security team and dismissed as a hoax. They felt helpless and frustrated, knowing that time was running out.

It was the beginning of day 22, and only 48 days remained before the AK07 people would arrive on Earth. Thomas and his assistant were working on their Nexusgate project, trying to find a way to stop the invasion. They knew that they couldn't rely on anyone else to help them, and that they had to act fast.

Suddenly, a loud alarm sounded throughout the lab, startling them and everyone else. They heard an announcement over the intercom, instructing them to report to the meeting hall immediately. They grabbed their belongings and ran to the hall, wondering what was going on.

They walked into the hall, where a large crowd of people had gathered, looking anxious and frightened. They saw their manager standing on the stage, holding a microphone and a piece of paper. He was visibly shaken, his hands and legs trembling. He coughed and spoke into the microphone.

"Please, everyone, I need your attention. I have something very important to tell you. This is a matter of life and death for all of us. Please listen carefully."

He took a deep breath and continued.

"I have just received some shocking news from NASA. They have detected an anomaly in the cosmic background radiation, which is the leftover heat from the Big Bang that fills the entire universe. According to them, this anomaly could be a sign of an impending solar storm, a massive eruption on the Sun that can send out powerful waves of energy across the Solar System, affecting Earth and its magnetic field. And this is not just any ordinary solar storm. This could be one of the most powerful ones ever recorded in history, capable of causing widespread damage and disruption to our planet."

Thomas could not believe what he was hearing. He had been working on the project for years, and he had discovered the truth about the AK07, a hostile faction from another dimension that was building a portal to invade Earth. He had tried to warn his superiors, but they had ignored him and accused him of being delusional.

Thomas felt a surge of anger and disbelief. How could they be so ignorant and blind? They were putting the whole world in danger by denying the reality of the threat. He looked at his assistant, who shared his frustration and outrage.

He whispered to his assistant,

"This is nonsense! They are being dumb! There is no solar storm! This is the AK07's doing!

His assistant nodded in agreement, feeling equally outraged.

He whispered back,

"I know! This is outrageous! We have to do something!

Nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination.

He jumped from his chair and walked furiously to the stage. Everyone in the auditorium looked at him curiously as he approached the manager. He grabbed the microphone from him and pushed him back. He spoke into the microphone with a loud and clear voice.

"Listen to me, everyone! This is bullshit! There is no solar storm! The cosmic background radiation is a sign of a portal opening from another planet! The AK07 are coming to invade us! They are an enemy we have never faced before, and they will stop at nothing to destroy us!"

The audience gasped in shock and disbelief. Some of them laughed nervously, thinking he was joking or crazy. Others looked scared or confused, wondering if he was telling the truth.

Thomas continued,

"I know you won't believe me, but I have proof! I have been working on the NexusGate project for years, and I have seen things you can't imagine! I have seen the portal, I have seen the AK07, I have seen their weapons and their plans! They are real, and they are here!"

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a USB drive. He held it up for everyone to see.

"This is my evidence! This contains all the data and equations I have collected from the portal. This shows you what the AK07 looks like!"

He plugged the USB drive into a laptop that was connected to a projector. He turned on the projector and showed the images of his notes and of his drawings on a large screen behind him.

The audience gasped again as they saw the images of the portal, the AK07, their weapons and their plans. They were horrifying and disturbing. They looked like nothing they had ever seen before.

Thomas said,

"Look at this! Look at what they are doing! Look at what they are planning! They are building a massive portal on their planet, big enough to send thousands of troops and vehicles through. They are preparing for a full-scale invasion of our world. They have weapons that can vaporize us in seconds. They have no mercy, no compassion, no remorse. They want to wipe us out!"

He looked at the audience with a serious and urgent expression.

"We don't have much time left! The portal is almost ready! The invasion will be in 48 days from now! We have to act fast! We have to stop them before it's too late!"

He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in.

He said,

"I know this sounds crazy, but it's not. It's real. It's happening. And we are the only ones who can stop it. We are the only ones who know about it. We are the only ones who can save our world."

He looked around at the audience, hoping to see some signs of support or agreement.

He said,

"Please, I beg you, don't ignore me. Don't dismiss me. Don't let them fool you. Listen to me. Believe me. Help me."

He waited for a response.

Some of the audience members remained skeptical or hostile. They thought he was lying or insane. They booed him or shouted insults at him.

But others started to pay attention to his equations and to check if they worked out. Thomas was surprised to see that many people supported him as they stood up and sided with him. The manager didn't know what was going on and he still didn't believe Thomas, but the ones who believed in Thomas forced the manager to document Thomas's work and to send it to NASA for verification.

Thomas felt a glimmer of hope as he saw some allies among the crowd. He hoped that NASA would confirm his findings and alert the authorities about the impending invasion. He hoped that it was not too late to stop the AK07.