Chapter 8- Operation AK07

Day 23. The sun shone brightly on the building of the lab as the day began. Inside, a flurry of activity was taking place, as scientists and engineers gathered around Thomas and his assistant, eager to learn more about their groundbreaking discovery. The pressure under the lab had increased as more people had started to believe in Thomas and his theory of parallel universes. Unlike any other day, today Thomas and his assistant felt relieved that they were not alone in this fight, and that others had joined them in their quest to save Earth from the impending invasion.

Thomas had managed to convince some of his colleagues and superiors about the existence and the threat of the parallel universe by showing them his sketches, calculations, and notes. He had also explained how he had traveled to the other world through the Nexusgate, a machine he had invented to open portals between universes. He had told them about the people he had seen there, their advanced technology and weaponry, and their plans to capture Earth and make it their new home. He had also revealed that they had only 47 days left before the invasion would begin, according to his calculations.

Thomas's revelations had shocked and amazed his listeners, who had initially been skeptical and dismissive of his claims. However, as they examined his evidence and listened to his explanations, they began to realize that he was telling the truth. They understood the gravity of the situation and the urgency of taking action. They agreed to help Thomas in his mission to prevent the invasion and protect Earth from destruction.

The first step was to analyze all the theories Thomas had proposed and understand the mechanics of the Nexusgate and the portal. It was a daunting task, as Thomas's equations were complex and intricate, requiring a high level of mathematical and scientific knowledge. It was nearly impossible for them to understand Thomas's equations as a single person, but as Thomas asked some others and his assistant to study his equations and notes to make it easy for other scientists to understand, they began to make progress.

Thomas divided his team into smaller groups, each assigned with a specific task. Some were responsible for studying the properties of space-time and how it could be manipulated to create portals. Others were tasked with examining the energy requirements and sources for powering the Nexusgate. Others were in charge of designing and building a new Nexusgate that could withstand the tremendous forces involved in opening a portal. And others were focused on researching the parallel universe, its inhabitants, their technology, and their motives.

Thomas supervised and coordinated all these activities, providing guidance and feedback whenever needed. He also communicated with his assistant regularly, who acted as his right-hand man and helped him with various aspects of the project. Together, they worked tirelessly towards their common goal, hoping to find a way to stop the invasion before it was too late.

Thomas was grateful for the support and assistance he received from his team. He realized that he couldn't have done this alone, and that he needed others to help him achieve his vision. He appreciated their talents, contributions, opinions, and perspectives. He also respected their differences, acknowledging that diversity was a strength rather than a weakness. He knew that together they could accomplish more than they could individually.

As they continued to work on their project day after day, Thomas felt a growing sense of hope that they would succeed in preventing the invasion. He believed that they had what it took to save Earth from destruction. He also felt a growing sense of curiosity about what lay beyond the portal. He wondered what other secrets and wonders awaited him in the parallel universe.

On Day 30 -Thomas was so engrossed in his computer screen that he barely noticed the loud knock on his door. He looked up and saw his manager standing outside, holding a letter in his hand. His manager's face was pale and tense, and Thomas could sense that something was terribly wrong.

"Thomas, I need to talk to you. It's urgent," his manager said in a grave tone.

Thomas felt a surge of apprehension as he invited him in and asked him what was going on.

"Thomas, I just received this letter from NASA. It's a global emergency. They want you to lead a team of scientists from all over the world to stop an alien invasion," his manager said, handing him the letter.

Thomas took the letter and opened it with trembling hands. He read it with disbelief and shock. It said:

"Dear Thomas,

We apologize for the delay in responding to your email. We have been analyzing and verifying your data and theories, and we have come to the conclusion that they are correct. You have discovered a parallel universe that is planning to attack Earth and take over our planet. This is a grave threat that we cannot ignore.

We have declared a global emergency and mobilized all our resources to deal with this situation. We need your help and expertise to prevent this invasion. We have created a new project called Operation AK07, and we want you to be the leader of this project. You will be working with the best scientists from different fields and countries, who will support you in every way possible.

We have also arranged for a secure transport to take you to our headquarters, where you will be briefed on the details of the project and meet your team members. Please pack your belongings and be ready to leave as soon as possible.

We trust that you will accept this responsibility and do your best to save our planet. The future of humanity depends on you.



Thomas was speechless as he finished reading the letter. He couldn't believe what he had just read. He had been right all along. His Nexusgate had opened a portal to a parallel universe that was plotting to destroy Earth. And now, NASA wanted him to lead a team of scientists to stop them.

He felt a whirlwind of emotions: fear, excitement, disbelief, pride, anxiety, curiosity. He didn't know how to react or what to say.

His manager broke the silence.

"Thomas, I know this is a lot to take in, but we don't have much time. You need to make a decision now. Will you accept this mission?"

Thomas looked at his manager, then at the letter, then at his Nexusgate. He realized that this was his destiny. He had been chosen for this task, and he couldn't refuse it. He had to save Earth from the alien threat.

He nodded his head and said:

"Yes, I will."

Thomas felt a surge of adrenaline as he got up from his desk and began to gather his belongings. He knew he had a monumental challenge ahead of him, but he also felt a sense of purpose and clarity that he had never felt before.

As Thomas packed all his belongings, he thought of his assistant, who had been with him through thick and thin. He felt a surge of gratitude and loyalty towards him, and he decided to invite him to join him on the mission. He knew that his assistant was more than capable of handling the challenges ahead, and he wanted him by his side as his right-hand man.

He left his room and headed towards his assistant's room, knocking on the door. His assistant opened it, looking surprised to see him.

"Hey, Thomas. What's up?" his assistant asked.

"Hey, I need to talk to you. It's important," Thomas said.

"Sure, come in," his assistant said, letting him in.

Thomas entered the room and handed him the letter from NASA.

"Read this," he said.

His assistant took the letter and scanned it quickly. His eyes widened as he realized what it was about.

"Wow, Thomas. This is incredible. You were right all along. And now NASA wants you to lead a team of scientists to stop them. This is huge," his assistant said.

"I know, right? It's unbelievable. But it's also terrifying. We don't have much time left. They're coming for us, and we have to stop them," Thomas said.

"So, what are you going to do?" his assistant asked.

"I'm going to accept the mission, of course. I have to. It's my duty. And I want you to come with me," Thomas said.

"Me? Come with you? Why?" his assistant asked, taken aback by the offer.

"Because you're my friend, and you're the best assistant I've ever had. You've been with me since the beginning of this project, and you've supported me every step of the way. You're smart, reliable, and trustworthy. I need you on my team," Thomas said sincerely.

His assistant was touched by Thomas's words, but he also felt hesitant.

"Thomas, I appreciate your offer, but I don't know if I'm qualified for this mission. There will be other scientists who are more experienced and knowledgeable than me. I don't want to hold you back or mess things up," his assistant said.

Thomas shook his head.

"No, you won't. You'll be an asset to the team. You have skills and talents that others don't have. You're good at analyzing data, solving problems, and communicating ideas. You're also creative and adaptable, which are essential for this mission. Trust me, you have what it takes," Thomas said.

His assistant looked doubtful but also curious.

"What exactly is this mission? What will we be doing?" he asked.

Thomas explained the details of Operation AK07, the project that NASA had created to stop the alien invasion. He also felt a sense of loyalty and admiration for Thomas, who had made such a remarkable discovery and was willing to risk his life for Earth's sake.

He looked at Thomas and saw the determination and courage in his eyes. He realized that Thomas was not only his boss but also his friend, and he wanted to support him in any way he could.

He made up his mind and nodded.

"Okay, Thomas. I'm in. I'll join you on this mission," he said.

Thomas smiled with relief and gratitude.

"Thank you, my friend. You won't regret it. We'll make a great team," he said.

He then hugged his assistant and told him to pack his things quickly.

They both hurried back to their rooms and gathered their belongings. They knew they had a monumental challenge ahead of them, but they also felt a sense of purpose and clarity that they had never felt before.

They were ready to embark on the most important mission of their lives: Operation AK07.