Chapter 9- Beginning of Operation AK07

Thomas and his assistant woke up early in the morning, before the sun rose, to get ready to go to NASA's headquarters. They had received a letter from NASA the previous day, informing them of a global emergency and requesting their help to stop an alien invasion. Thomas had been chosen to lead a team of scientists from all over the world, based on his discovery of a parallel universe that was planning to attack Earth. His assistant had agreed to join him on this mission, as his loyal friend and colleague.

They both brushed their teeth and put on their scientist coats, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. Thomas was anxious about his new position as the leader for this mission. He knew it was a huge responsibility, and he hoped he was up to the task. His assistant was curious and eager to learn more about the parallel universe and alien technology. He also wanted to support Thomas in any way he could.

They left their rooms and headed towards the rooftop of the lab, where they expected a helicopter to arrive and take them to NASA's headquarters. They were surprised when they heard a loud noise and saw 50 helicopters hovering over the lab, while one landed on the rooftop. They didn't think that so many helicopters would come for their protection.

They approached the helicopter that had landed and saw a man in a suit waiting for them. He greeted them with a smile and introduced himself as Agent Smith, a representative of NASA.

"Hello, Thomas. I'm Agent Smith, and I'm here to escort you to NASA's headquarters. We have a lot to discuss," he said.

"Hello, Agent Smith. Thank you for coming," Thomas said politely.

"Yes, thank you," his assistant said.

"Please, get in the helicopter. We don't have much time," Agent Smith said.

They got in the helicopter and put on their seatbelts. Agent Smith handed them each a headset and told them to put it on.

"This is so we can communicate during the flight. It's also for your safety. There might be some turbulence along the way," he said.

They put on their headsets and waited for the helicopter to take off. Agent Smith spoke into his microphone.

"Alright, we're ready to go. Pilot, take us to NASA's headquarters."

The pilot acknowledged the command and started the engine. The helicopter lifted off the ground and joined the other helicopters in formation.

Thomas looked out of the window and saw the lab getting smaller as they flew away from it. He felt a pang of nostalgia as he thought of all the memories he had made there. He also felt a sense of anticipation as he wondered what awaited him at NASA's headquarters.

His assistant looked out of the other window and saw the city below them. He marveled at the sight of the buildings, cars, and people moving about their daily lives. He also felt a sense of awe as he thought of how different this world is from there.

Agent Smith broke the silence.

"So, Thomas, I'm sure you have many questions about this mission. I'll try to answer them as best as I can," he said.

Thomas nodded.

"Yes, I do have many questions. First of all, how did they verify it?" he asked.

Agent Smith explained.

"When you sent an email to NASA through your lab about your discovery of an alien invasion plot, we decided to take a closer look at your evidence. We analyzed your data and ran some simulations based on your equations. We were astonished by what we found."

He paused for dramatic effect.

"Your data and theories were correct, Thomas. You had discovered a parallel universe that was planning to attack Earth and take over our planet."

Thomas gasped.

Agent Smith shook his head.

"We don't know how to stop this invasion yet. That's why we need your help. You're the only one who has seen their world and heard their plans. You're also the only one who knows how to operate the Nexusgate."

He looked at Thomas with seriousness in his eyes.

"Thomas, you have made one of the most important discoveries in human history. You have uncovered a grave threat that we cannot ignore."

They landed on a helipad that was surrounded by high fences and security guards. A man in a suit greeted them warmly and introduced himself as the president of NASA. He said he was honored to have them on board and that he would show them around the headquarters. They had to pass through several checkpoints where they scanned their IDs and checked their belongings.

Thomas and his team were amazed by the sight of the NASA headquarters. They had never seen such a large and impressive building before. They felt honored and excited to be invited to visit the prestigious institution. They followed the president of NASA, through the secure tunnel that led to the main building. Thomas noticed that the tunnel was equipped with cameras and sensors, indicating a high level of security. He wondered what kind of secrets and discoveries were hidden inside the headquarters.

As they entered the main building, they were greeted by a large lobby with a glass ceiling and a giant model of a rocket. They saw people wearing different colored badges, some with symbols of stars, planets, or rockets. Thomas guessed that these badges represented their roles and clearance levels within NASA. He felt a surge of curiosity and admiration for these people, who were working on some of the most cutting-edge and innovative projects in the world.

The president of NASA explained that the headquarters was divided into five main sections, each corresponding to a mission directorate: Aeronautics, Exploration Systems Development, Space Operations, Science, and Space Technology. He said that Operation AK07 was under the Space Technology directorate, which was responsible for developing innovative technologies and solutions for space exploration and applications. He said that they would meet the director of Space Technology and his team later, after they settled in their rooms.

The president of NASA led them to an elevator that took them to the ninth floor, where his office was located. He told them that this floor was reserved for the top executives and managers of NASA, and that they had to be careful not to wander off or touch anything without permission. He said that they would have a brief meeting in his office, where he would explain the purpose of their visit and answer any questions they might have. He also said that he had arranged a tour of the headquarters for them, where they would see some of the facilities and laboratories that were involved in NASA's missions.

As they walked through the corridors, Thomas and his assistant marveled at the size and complexity of the headquarters. It was like a city within a city, with hundreds of offices, labs, conference rooms, and facilities. They saw scientists and engineers working on various projects, from designing rockets and satellites to analyzing data and images from space missions. They heard different languages and accents, reflecting the diversity and collaboration of the NASA staff. They felt a sense of awe and curiosity, wondering what secrets and discoveries were hidden behind these doors.

The president of NASA took them to a spacious room with two beds, a desk, a sofa, and a TV. He said that this was their room for the duration of their stay. He said that they had an hour to rest and freshen up before their first meeting with the presidents of the countries that supported Operation AK07. He said that the meeting would be held online via a secure video conference system. He said that he would come back to escort them to the meeting room when it was time. He handed them each a file folder with a red label that read "Operation AK07: Confidential". He said that this folder contained all the information they needed to know about the operation, including the objectives, the methods, the risks, and the expected outcomes. He said that they should read it carefully and prepare any questions or comments they might have for the meeting. He said that he hoped they would enjoy their stay and that he looked forward to working with them on this important mission. He smiled and left them alone in their room.

Thomas and his assistant were putting the final touches on their presentation, hoping to convince the world leaders of the imminent threat posed by the AK07 people. They heard a knock on their door, and they turned to see the president of NASA standing there. He looked serious and stern, but also supportive and encouraging.

"Are you ready?" he asked them.

"Yes, sir. We're ready," Thomas replied, trying to sound confident.

"Good. It's time for the meeting. Follow me," the president said, leading them to the conference room.

The conference room was huge and impressive, equipped with a large screen that displayed all the countries that were participating in the meeting. Thomas recognized some of the faces on the screen, such as the president of the United States, the prime minister of China, and the chancellor of Germany. He felt a surge of nervousness and excitement as he realized that he was about to address some of the most powerful people in the world.

Thomas and his assistant took their seats at a table in front of the screen, while the president of NASA sat next to them. The president nodded at them and pressed a button, initiating the meeting.

"Good morning, everyone. Thank you for joining us for this urgent meeting. I'm sure you're all wondering why we're here today. Well, I have some news that will shock you and change everything you thought you knew about our universe," he began.

The screen showed a mixture of curiosity and skepticism on the faces of the world leaders. They looked at each other, wondering what this was all about.

The president continued, "As you know, Dr. Thomas, who is here with us today,is a brilliant scientist who has made some incredible discoveries. I will let him explain in his own words. Dr. Thomas, please take it away."

The president handed over the microphone to Thomas, who took a deep breath and cleared his throat.

"Thank you, Mr. President. Hello, everyone. My name is Dr. Thomas, and I'm here to tell you about something that will change your lives forever. Something that will challenge everything you thought you knew about reality. Something that will put our planet in grave danger if we don't act fast," he said.

He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in. He saw some of the world leaders raise their eyebrows, while others looked bored or annoyed.

He continued, "I know this sounds unbelievable, but please hear me out. I have evidence to back up my claims. I have witnessed it with my own eyes. I have traveled to another planet in our universe, where I overheard their plans to invade Earth and enslave us all."

He saw some of the world leaders gasp, while others rolled their eyes or shook their heads.

He went on, "I know this sounds like science fiction, but it's not. It's a science fact. And I can prove it to you."

He pressed a button on his laptop, and the screen showed a video of his journey through the Nexusgate portal which was processed by NASA's stimulation. He narrated his experience as he showed them the footage of the alien planet, its inhabitants, and their weapons.

He explained how he had calculated that they had only 39 days left from now before they arrived on Earth, and how he had managed to return through a mysterious light that he believed was their portal.

He concluded his presentation by saying, "This is what we're up against. A highly advanced civilization that wants to take over our planet and wipe us out. We have no time to waste. We have to act now."

He looked at the screen expectantly, hoping to see some signs of agreement or support from the world leaders.

But instead, he saw disbelief and mockery on their faces.

One of them spoke up, "Dr. Thomas, are you serious? Do you really expect us to believe this nonsense? This is ridiculous."

Another one chimed in, "This is a joke, right? You're trying to prank us or something? Because this is not funny."

Another one added, "This is an insult to our intelligence and our time. How dare you waste our resources on this fantasy project? You should be ashamed of yourself."

Thomas felt his heart sink as he realized that they were not listening to him at all. They were dismissing his claims as pure fiction.

He tried to defend himself, saying, "Please, listen to me. This is not a joke or a prank or a fantasy. This is real. I have proof right here."

Thomas felt a surge of frustration and despair as he saw the world leaders laughing and mocking his presentation. He couldn't believe that they were so blind and ignorant to the danger that was looming over them. He had risked his life to bring them this vital information, and they were treating it like a joke.

He desperately tried to make them see reason, pointing at his laptop where he had stored all his calculations and equations that validated his theory. He hoped that they would at least look at the evidence and give him a chance to explain.

But no one seemed to care. They continued to ridicule him and dismiss his claims as nonsense. They accused him of wasting their time and resources on a fantasy project. They told him to stop wasting their time and get back to reality.

Thomas felt his heart sink as he realized that he had failed. He had failed to convince them of the truth. He had failed to protect his planet from the impending invasion. He had failed to save the world.

He was about to give up, when he heard a familiar voice speak up.

"Enough!" the president of NASA shouted, grabbing the microphone from Thomas. He looked at the screen with a stern and serious expression, silencing the laughter and mockery of the world leaders.

He continued, "I'm sorry, but you're all making a huge mistake. Dr. Thomas is not lying or joking. He's telling the truth. And you need to listen to him."

The screen showed a mixture of surprise and curiosity on the faces of the world leaders. They looked at each other, wondering what was going on.

The president of NASA said, "I know this sounds unbelievable, but it's not. It's real. And we have proof."

He pressed a button on his laptop, and the screen showed a series of graphs, charts, and images that corroborated Thomas's theory.

He explained, "We have analyzed Dr. Thomas's data and findings, and we have confirmed that they are accurate and valid. We have also conducted our own independent research and experiments, and we have reached the same conclusion. There is indeed a parallel universe that is planning to invade Earth, and we have only 39 days left before they arrive."

He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in.

He added, "We don't have visual proof yet, but we have enough evidence to support Dr. Thomas's claims. And we have no reason to doubt his testimony. He is one of our most brilliant and respected scientists, and he has devoted his life to this project. He has nothing to gain from lying or making this up."

He looked at the screen with a serious and urgent expression.

He said, "This is not a joke or a prank or a fantasy. This is real. And this is an emergency. We have to act now, before it's too late."

He looked at Thomas with a supportive and encouraging smile.

He said, "Dr. Thomas, please continue your presentation and tell us what we need to do."

Thomas felt a wave of relief and gratitude wash over him as he heard the president of NASA's words. He felt a renewed sense of hope and determination as he saw the world leaders' expressions change from disbelief and mockery to interest and concern.

He nodded at the president of NASA and thanked him for his support.

He said, "Thank you, Mr. President. I appreciate your trust and confidence in me."

He turned back to the screen and resumed his presentation.

He said, "As I was saying, we have only 39 days left before the AK07 people arrive on Earth. We have to prepare ourselves for their arrival and prevent their invasion. To do that, we need two things: first, we need to form a global alliance that can coordinate our defense strategies and resources. Second, we need to get ideas of how we have to stop this portal or counter attack them."

He asked for financial and technical support from the world leaders, promising them that he would share his knowledge and technology with them.

He said, "I know this is a huge request, but I assure you that it is necessary and worthwhile. This project will not only save our planet from invasion, but also open up new horizons for scientific discovery and exploration. We will learn more about our universe and its infinite possibilities than ever before."

He then explained how he envisioned forming a global alliance that could unite all nations in their common goal of defending Earth.

He said, "We need to work together as one planet, one people, one force. We need to share our intelligence, resources, and strategies with each other.

The world leaders agreed to support Thomas's plan and pledged to cooperate with him in building the new Nexusgate and forming the global alliance. They realized that this was their only hope of saving Earth from the AK07 invasion, and they were willing to do whatever it took to ensure its success. They thanked Thomas for his courage and leadership, and wished him luck in his mission.

Thomas felt a mix of emotions as he ended the meeting. He was relieved that he had managed to convince the world leaders of the truth, but he was also anxious about the challenges that lay ahead. He knew that he had a monumental task in front of him, and that he had little time to spare. He also knew that he was putting his life on the line, and that he might not make it back alive.

He looked at his assistant, who gave him a reassuring smile. He felt a surge of gratitude and admiration for his loyal and dedicated colleague, who had been with him every step of the way. He knew that he could not have done this without him, and that he would need his help more than ever in the coming days.

He said, "Thank you for everything. You've been a great friend and a great partner. I couldn't have asked for anyone better."

The assistant replied, "No, thank you. You've been an inspiration and a mentor to me. I'm honored to work with you. And I'm ready to follow you wherever you go."

Thomas smiled back at him, feeling a bond of friendship and trust between them.

He said, "Let's go then. We have a lot of work to do."

As they walked out of the building, they looked up at the sky, where the stars were shining brightly. They wondered what secrets and dangers awaited them in the parallel universe, and what fate had in store for them.

They felt a chill run down their spines as they remembered the words of the AK07 leader, who had declared his intention to conquer Earth.

He had said, "We are coming for you. And we will not stop until we have what we want. You cannot hide from us. You cannot escape us. You cannot resist us. We are your destiny."

Thomas clenched his fists, feeling a surge of determination and defiance.

He said, "We'll see about that."