Chapter 13: VR25 On Action

Thomas picked up his pen and began to list all the possible reasons why the VR25 had malfunctioned, but none of them made sense to him or his assistant. He beckoned his assistant over and they both started to analyze the probability of each scenario, using their data and calculations. The most likely cause seemed to be sabotage, but Thomas didn't want to believe that anyone here would betray their mission and endanger the world. He trusted his team and his colleagues, and he hoped that they felt the same way about him.

He was interrupted by a knock on the door. It was the president of NASA, who had come to check on his progress and offer his help. Thomas respected the president, who had been supportive of his project and had given him the resources and freedom he needed.

"Thomas, how are you doing? I heard about the VR25. I'm sorry to hear that it didn't work out as planned. Do you have any idea what went wrong?" the president asked.

Thomas sighed and said,

"Not yet, sir. I'm still trying to figure it out. But I'm not giving up. I know I can fix this. I know I can close the portal."

The president nodded and said.

"I admire your determination, Thomas. You're a brilliant scientist and a brave man. You've done amazing things with the Nexusgate and the VR25. You've shown us a new reality and a new possibility. You've also shown us a new danger, and I know you're doing everything you can to protect us from it."

He paused and said,

"But you don't have to do this alone, Thomas. You have a great team behind you, and you have me. If you need any help, any support, any resources, just let me know. I'm here for you."

Thomas felt a wave of gratitude and relief wash over him as he listened to the president's words. He realized that he had a strong ally in him, and he felt more confident in his ability to succeed.

He smiled and said,

"Thank you, sir. Thank you for your trust and your support. I appreciate it more than words can express."

The president smiled back and said,

"You're welcome, Thomas. And thank you for your hard work and your bravery. You're an inspiration to us all."

He clapped Thomas on the shoulder and said,

"Now, get back to work. We're counting on you."

He left the room, leaving Thomas with a renewed sense of purpose and hope.

Thomas watched as the president left his room, feeling a surge of frustration and disappointment. He had hoped that the VR25, his latest invention, would be able to close the portal that the AK07 people had opened to invade Earth. But to his dismay, the machine had failed to work, leaving him with no way to stop the impending threat.

He racked his brain, trying to figure out what had gone wrong. He knew that the VR25 was capable of opening and closing portals between parallel universes, as he had successfully done so before. He had used his previous machine, the Nexusgate, to travel to a parallel universe where he had witnessed the AK07 people's plans. He had also managed to return to Earth through a mysterious light that he believed was their portal.

But when he had tried to use the VR25 to close their portal, nothing had happened. The machine had remained silent and inert, as if it was not connected to anything. Thomas was baffled by this outcome, and he wondered if there was something he had overlooked.

Suddenly, a thought occurred to him. Could it be that the location of the portal had changed? He remembered that he had opened the portal in his room, and that was where he had returned as well. But the VR25 was made in NASA's headquarters thinking that it would not make a difference. What if I was wrong? What if the portal was still in his room, and he had to activate the VR25 there?

He felt a pang of regret for not considering this possibility before. He realized that he had wasted precious time and resources on a futile attempt. He knew that he had to act fast and try again in his room, before it was too late.

He turned to his assistant, who was standing next to him with a worried expression on his face.

"Hey, I think I know why the VR25 didn't work," Thomas said.

"Really? What is it?" his assistant asked eagerly.

"I think it's because of the location. The portal is in my room, not here. We have to move the VR25 back there and try again," Thomas explained.

His assistant nodded, understanding his logic.

"That makes sense. But how did the portal end up in your room in the first place?" he asked.

Thomas let out a deep sigh as he recalled his experience with the Nexusgate. "The Nexusgate opened the portal and helped me travel to the AK07. But when I came back, I found myself in my room, but not with the Nexusgate. I think their portal brought me back somehow," he said.

His assistant looked at him in disbelief. "So, you're saying that there's still a portal in your room that connects to the AK07 planet?" he asked.

Thomas nodded. "Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. And we have to do something about it. We have to close the portal and prevent them from coming here," he said.

But there was a problem. The VR25 was a massive device, weighing over 200 tons and measuring over 50 feet in length. Transporting it from NASA's headquarters to his old lab would be a monumental challenge, requiring special equipment and vehicles. Thomas knew that NASA had the technology to transport heavy objects, such as the crawler-transporters used to carry spacecraft from the Vehicle Assembly Building to the launch pad.

Determined to find a solution to the impending threat, Thomas made his way to the office of the president of NASA. The president was busy looking at files on his table when Thomas knocked on the door.

"Hello, sir. I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I have an urgent request," Thomas said.

The president looked up from his files and gestured for Thomas to enter. "It's fine, what is the urgent request, Thomas?" he asked.

Thomas took a deep breath and began to explain his situation. He told the president about his discovery of the portal and his belief that it might be located in his old lab. He explained that he needed to transport the VR25 immediately to his old lab in order to investigate further.

The president listened intently as Thomas spoke, understanding the urgency of the situation. "I see," he said, nodding thoughtfully. "This is indeed a matter of great importance."

He picked up the phone and instructed his transport team to prepare the crawler-transporters immediately. "We'll have the VR25 transported to your old lab as soon as possible," he assured Thomas.

Thomas thanked the president and left his office, feeling a sense of relief that his request had been granted. By the next day, they had successfully transported the VR25 to Thomas's old lab.

As Thomas ran to his office and unlocked his room, he was surprised to see a portal in his room, about the size of a football. At first, it had been so small that it was invisible, but now he realized that it had grown larger. Shocked, he stepped back and called his team members to hurry up with their preparations.

As Thomas called his team members involved in "Operation AK07", they all witnessed the portal for the first time in their lives. After seeing it, they all fully believed in Thomas and the urgency of the situation.

To fix the VR25 in his room, there wasn't enough space, so they had to break down some walls and install it against the small portal that was rapidly growing. They worked quickly and efficiently, knowing that time was of the essence.

Thomas turned to one of his team members and said, "I can't believe we're actually seeing this. It's incredible."

The team member replied, "I know, right? I never thought I'd see something like this in my lifetime."

Thomas nodded and said, "We need to work quickly. We don't have much time left."

The team member nodded and said, "I'll get right on it."

With determination and urgency driving them forward, Thomas and his team worked tirelessly to install and activate the VR25 against the rapidly growing portal in his room. They knew that time was running out and that they had to act quickly to prevent an invasion from AK07.

As they worked, Thomas couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at what they were witnessing. The existence of a portal connecting their world with another was something straight out of science fiction, yet here it was before their very eyes.

But despite their excitement at this incredible discovery, they knew that they couldn't let their guard down. The threat from AK07 was real and imminent, and they had to do everything in their power to protect their world from invasion.

With each passing moment, Thomas and his team worked with renewed vigor and determination, knowing that the fate of their world rested on their shoulders. They were willing to do whatever it took to protect Earth from harm and ensure its safety for generations to come.

As they continued working on the VR25, one of Thomas's team members asked him about the nature of the threat from AK07. "What do we know about these beings from AK07?" he asked. "What are their capabilities and intentions?"

Thomas paused for a moment before responding. "From what I've been able to gather," he said slowly, "they are a highly advanced civilization with technology far beyond our own. Their planet is becoming uninhabitable, and they are looking for a new home. Unfortunately, it seems that they have set their sights on Earth."

The team member looked grim as he processed this information. "So we're facing an invasion," he said quietly.

Thomas nodded gravely. "Yes," he said. "And we have to do everything in our power to stop them."

The team member nodded resolutely. "We'll do whatever it takes," he said firmly.

With renewed determination, Thomas and his team continued working on the VR25, knowing that the fate of their world hung in the balance.

After successfully installing the VR25 opposite to the portal, Thomas initiated the sequence to activate the machine. As he pressed the first button, the VR25 sprang to life, and everyone in the room clapped their hands in excitement. Thomas pressed the second button, and the nitrogen fluid began to create a vortex that started absorbing energy from the portal and neutralizing it. The VR25 was working even more efficiently than Thomas had anticipated.

Thomas shook hands with his assistant, happy that the VR25 was functioning as intended. However, as he approached the portal, he realized that it wasn't getting any smaller. He quickly grabbed a pen and paper and began scribbling down some calculations. To his dismay, he realized that while they couldn't close the portal completely, at least the VR25 was slowing down the progress of the AK07 machine.

Thomas knew that they had to come up with another solution before the portal was fully built, but at least they had managed to delay the invasion. He shared this information with his team, and while they were disappointed that they couldn't close the portal completely, they were happy that the VR25 was working and giving them hope that they could win this war.

One of Thomas's team members spoke up. "What do we do now?" he asked.

Thomas looked around at his team, determination in his eyes. "We keep fighting," he said firmly. "We've managed to slow down their progress, but we can't stop here. We have to come up with a new plan to stop them for good."

The team nodded in agreement, and they all began brainstorming ideas for how to stop the invasion from AK07. They knew that time was running out, but they were determined to do everything in their power to protect their world from harm.

As they worked, Thomas couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his team. They had come together in a time of crisis and were working tirelessly to find a solution. He knew that they faced an uphill battle, but he also knew that they were strong and capable of overcoming any obstacle.

With renewed determination, Thomas and his team continued their work, knowing that the fate of their world rested on their shoulders. They were willing to do whatever it took to protect Earth from harm and ensure its safety for generations to come.