Chapter 14: Delay on AK07

The leader of AK07 stood before his army of warriors, ready to launch the final assault on Earth. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time, ever since he learned that his home planet was dying and that Earth was the perfect place to start anew. He had spent years developing the technology to create a portal that would allow him to travel across the vast distance between the two worlds. He had also studied Earth's history, culture, and defenses, looking for any weaknesses he could exploit. He was confident that his invasion would be swift and successful, and that he would soon claim Earth as his own.

He looked at his warriors with pride and admiration. They were the best of the best, loyal and fearless, willing to follow him to the ends of the universe. He knew that they shared his vision of a new world, a world where they could live in peace and prosperity, free from the hardships and dangers of AK07. He knew that they were ready to fight and die for him, and he felt a surge of gratitude and respect for them.

He raised his voice and addressed them with a commanding tone. "My fellow warriors, today is the day we have been waiting for. Today is the day we make history. Today is the day we conquer Earth!"

The warriors cheered and roared in response, raising their weapons in the air. They echoed his words with fervor and enthusiasm, eager to begin the battle.

The leader continued, "We have worked hard and long to prepare for this moment. We have built a portal that will take us to AK07 in a matter of hours. We have studied our enemy and learned their weaknesses. We have devised a strategy that will ensure our victory. We have nothing to fear, for we are superior in every way."

The warriors nodded and clapped in agreement, feeling confident and invincible.

The leader went on, "Our strategy is simple but effective. We will divide our army into three groups. The first group will be the largest, consisting of 60% of our forces. They will enter the portal first and launch a surprise attack on Earth, destroying everything in their path. They will cause chaos and confusion among the humans, weakening their defenses and morale.

The second group will be half the size of the first group, consisting of 30% of our forces. They will enter the portal shortly after the first group and provide backup and support. They will target any remaining resistance and secure key locations.

The third group will be the smallest, consisting of only six warriors. They are the elite of our army, the most skilled and experienced fighters we have. They will accompany me as I enter the portal last. Our mission is to find and capture the human leader, who is hiding in a secret bunker somewhere on Earth. Once we have him in our custody, we will force him to surrender and accept our terms if not kill them and win AK07.

This is our plan, my warriors. If we execute it well, we will be victorious. We will claim AK07 as our new home, and we will live in peace and harmony with each other."

The warriors applauded and cheered again, feeling inspired and motivated by their leader's words.

The leader smiled and concluded, "We are ready, my warriors. We are strong, we are brave, we are unstoppable."

The warriors shouted in unison, "we are unstoppable!"

The leader raised his fist in the air and said, "Now let's go and make history!"

As the threat of invasion from the parallel universe grew more imminent, a team of NASA experts arrived at the site of the portal and swiftly began to set up a massive barrier around it. The barrier had a radius of 10 kilometers and was designed to prevent any unauthorized access or interference with the portal. The NASA team worked around the clock to ensure that the barrier was secure and stable, while also coordinating with the local authorities to evacuate all the residents in the vicinity of the portal. They transported them to safe and distant locations, where they would be protected from any potential harm. Thomas and his team kept a close eye on the VR25, their last hope of stopping the invasion. They knew that they had to devise an alternative plan in case the VR25 failed to destroy the portal, but for the time being, they wanted to make sure that it performed its task flawlessly.

Thomas looked at his team and said, "We need to think fast. We can't just rely on VR25 to save us. We need a backup plan in case it fails."

One of his team members suggested, "What if we try to establish contact with them? Maybe we can reason with them and find a peaceful solution."

Thomas nodded in agreement, "That's a good idea. We need to explore all our possibilities. But for now, let's focus on making sure VR25 is doing its job."

Thomas was eager to check the progress of the operation AK07, which was their last-ditch effort to stop the invasion from the parallel universe. He asked his assistant to arrange a meeting with all the members involved in the operation and to solicit their ideas and feedback. His assistant quickly sent out an email to the team, requesting their presence in the conference room as soon as possible.

Thomas entered the room and saw that his team was already assembled, waiting for him. He greeted them warmly and thanked them for their hard work and dedication. He then proceeded to ask them about the status of the operation, hoping to hear some good news.

One of his team members spoke up. She was in charge of monitoring VR25, the device that they had built to destroy the portal that connected Earth to the parallel universe. She said, "Sir, we have been keeping a close eye on VR25, and so far, it seems to be functioning properly. We have been testing its power output and stability, and we have not encountered any major issues. We have also been producing and filling liters of liquid nitrogen inside VR25 simultaneously, as per your instructions."

Thomas nodded in approval, pleased with her report. He then turned to another team member, who was responsible for coordinating with NASA and other agencies to secure the site of the portal and evacuate the nearby residents. He asked him, "How are things going on your end?"

He replied, "Sir, we have been working closely with NASA and other authorities to ensure that the site of the portal is safe and secure. We have set up a massive barrier around the portal, with a radius of 10 kilometers, to prevent any unauthorized access or interference. We have also coordinated with the local authorities to evacuate all the residents in the vicinity of the portal and transport them to safe and distant locations. We have done everything we can to minimize the risk of any harm or damage."

Thomas smiled and thanked him for his efforts. He then addressed the rest of his team and asked them, "Do you have any ideas or suggestions for plan B? As you know, VR25 is our only hope of stopping the invasion, but we can't afford to be complacent. We need to be prepared for any eventuality."

The team fell silent for a moment, pondering Thomas's question. Then, one of them raised his hand and said, "Sir, I have an idea. What if we build two or more VR25 devices and place them around the portal? That way, we can increase our chances of destroying it."

Thomas considered his suggestion and replied, "That's an interesting idea, but I'm afraid it's not feasible. Building one VR25 device took us days of hard work and resources. Building two or more would take us even longer, and we don't have that much time left. Besides, we don't have enough liquid nitrogen to cool down multiple devices. And even if we did manage to build more VR25 devices, there's no guarantee that they would work in sync with each other. The timing and coordination of their activation would be crucial, and any slight error could result in failure or worse."

The team member nodded in understanding, realizing that his idea was not practical. He apologized for wasting Thomas's time and sat back down.

Thomas appreciated his team member's initiative and creativity, but he knew that they needed a more realistic and reliable plan B. He looked around the room again and asked his team if they had any other ideas or suggestions.

Thomas and his team were working hard to come up with a plan to stop the invasion from AK07, the hostile planet that was preparing to launch an attack on Earth. They had learned from Thomas's experience of visiting the parallel universe that the AK07 people had advanced technology and weapons that could easily overpower Earth's defenses. They needed to find a way to prevent them from reaching Earth through the portal that they had created.

One of Thomas's colleagues suggested a bold idea. He said, "Maybe we can create another portal and strike them first, before they strike us. We can make the portal small enough to only let humans through, and block them from coming back through the same portal."

Thomas considered this idea, but he quickly realized that it was not feasible. He said, "It would be pointless to attack them on their home planet. Our weapons would have no effect on their armor, which can resist even the strongest explosives. We would be outmatched and outnumbered."

His assistant, who had been listening carefully, suddenly had a brilliant idea. He said, "What if we can change the portals to send them somewhere else where they can't survive, like outer space or our sun?"

Thomas was intrigued by this idea, but he knew it would be difficult to change the portals' locations. He said, "First, we need to figure out how the portal opened in this location. I want you all to start researching that."

As his team got to work, Thomas wondered if Nexusgate had something to do with opening the portal in his location, or if it was just a coincidence. He decided to investigate this himself, hoping to learn more about the portal's origin and mechanism.

Thomas wanted to understand how the portal worked and how it could be manipulated. He knew that portals were created by folding space, which brought two distant points closer together. He also knew that portals required a lot of energy to open and maintain, and that they could be unstable and dangerous if not handled properly.