
Davian soon let go of her hand once they were far away enough from the fashion house. He placed his hands in his pockets as he breathe in some more fresh air, the wind blew on his hair, they were close to a park now.

"So, where are you taking me to?" Silvia asked.

"I'm hungry," he shrugged.

Her mouth fell; "What?!" she almost yelled. He smirked. Sometimes she is calm, as calm as an iceberg while sometimes she is easily riled up.

"We could have just gone to eat at a restaurant with 'the car'," she emphasized.

"I also needed fresh air as I take a walk," he replied as he stopped at a food truck when they got to the park.

"Good afternoon handsome, welcome to Nanna's truck for all, how may I help you?" a middle aged woman acknowledged. A young boy who seems like her son was also in the truck assisting her.

"I will have two cheese burgers, two fries, two Nanna tacos, two burritos, two hotdogs with two smoothies. I want all that with ketchup, mustard, the best hot sauce you've got and even mayonnaise," he smiled gazing at the menu at the top of the truck.

The woman blinked at him;

"Long day or you and your girlfriend just have big appetites," the woman humored.

"Maybe both," he replied and they both shared a small laugh.

"I'll prepare your orders," she added and got busy. Silvia tugged on the arm of his long sleeve t-shirt, he turned to face her leaning at her a little as it seems she wants to whisper.

"I don't really eat street food," she said, matter of fact. What if it upsets her stomach?-She thought.

"And I don't do five stars restaurants, princess. But who said I bought any for you?" he replied. Oh, she thought.

He suppressed his laughter at her expression. "Huff, of course I bought some for you. Today, I'm going to be your guide as you're going to experience how it feels to be...normal," he replied, searching for the right word.

"Normal? Are you trying to say I'm not?" she asked, one of her brows up in a questioning expression now.

"No. What is the right word...uhm...less, rich...yeah, less rich," he replied.

"Your orders are ready," the woman announced as Silvia was about to retaliate.

Davian collected the orders and paid the woman even tipping her, she smiled happily. What a good day!-She thought.

They walked towards one of the round tables with two chairs set at the front of the food truck, they sat down and Davian unpacked the food.

"Why did you even buy this much?" she complained.

"Have you tasted any of these? I doubt," he said.

"I have. Just not from a street food truck," she replied.

"Let's start with the burgers," he said. He picked up his and she followed and they had a bite together.

This is impossible!-Silvia thought. How can food from a street food truck taste this good, even better than what she'd ever had.

"Good?" he asked reading her expression.

"Shockingly," she replied and he chuckled.

They continued eating, applying the ketchup, hot sauce, mustard and mayonnaise at some point, it just made the foods to taste even more better. It was mouth watering and she never knew she was this hungry, she ate more than usual trying everything out.

Oh she was so full-She thought, when they were done eating and were just finishing up with their smoothies.

"Enjoyed it, didn't you?" he smirked.

"If I get a stomach upset or food poisoning, just know that it's all because of you," she replied and he let out a laugh. She too didn't know when she smiled.

"What...what did you mean by you want to make me feel...'less rich'," she recalled.

"You know," he shrugged.

"Know how it feels as a middle class.(Grins) This is just the start, you need to know how to appreciate the simple things of life, you know. Leaving all these extravagance sometimes," he continued.

"You are like up here, your status makes you think everyone else are underneath you, was that how you were brought up?" he asked but she didn't respond.

"You need to view things like the locals sometimes. In that way, you'll understand them more and show some empathy, my princess," he stated.

"Why do you keep calling me that?!" she asked.

"Because you are a princess, the princess of the Reyes family and kingdom or should I say empire," he responded.

"Is that how you really see me?" she asked softly.

"Well, I also see you as an overbearing spoilt brat," he replied honestly. His index finger went to her lips shushing her as she was about to retaliate.

"Shush...don't spoil the mood," he winked at her. After some while, his finger began to move on its own. Her lips were so soft-He thought.

She brushed his finger off with her hand, he smiled. He had gotten some of her lip gloss off, she moved her lips to make the remaining lip gloss evenly again.

He wiped his hand with his handkerchief and stood up. "You're done, right?" he asked and she nodded standing up as well.

"C'mon, let's explore the park," he said and they started to take a walk around the park. Though it was late in the afternoon, the park was still busy with people. Some children blew bubbles around tirelessly, people were playing catch with their dogs and some just relaxed enjoying the fresh air.

They walked towards a four set swing in the park. There were about five kids there, three girls and two boys, it didn't take time for Davian to concur with the kids.

He started to play with them, blowing and popping bubbles with them and even helping to push them on the swing. Silvia just stood by watching.

He must really love kids-She thought.

His smile beamed like never before as he played with the little ones. She felt a tug at the skirt part of her gown, her eyes moved down to see another child tugging at her with round brown eyes filled with light. It was a little girl.

"Are you an angel?" the girl asked. Davian almost laughed, not because of what the child said but because of how stiff Silvia was as she stared down at the child. He didn't know why she was reacting like that?

"No, I'm Sil-"

"Can you be my guardian angel?" the girl cuts her off.


Silvia was speechless, she didn't know how to respond to this. She felt the urge to just shoo the child away, she wasn't too good with kids. Maybe because she seldom has been in their midst.

"Leave the lady be, Ann," one of the other girls who seems to be the girl's elder sister as they had some resemblance, reprimanded the girl.

"I'm sorry, miss. She thinks every pretty woman is an angel and wants them be her guardian angel or fairy godmother," the girl said to Silvia.

"Is anything wrong with that?" the little girl asked.

"How many times has mommy told you not to talk to strangers, no matter how angelic they look?" the older girl recalled as they started to walk away, probably going to meet up with their parents or parent.

"But she is pretty," little Ann stated dreamily.

"Do you think she's Cinderella?" she added.

"Well for that she would have to have blonde hair," the other pointed out.

"Relax, you're so stiff. They aren't going to bite you," Davian whispered to Silvia.

She was so focused on the girls, she didn't know when he had gotten close to her and was even holding her chin with his thumb and index fingers.

"Ouch!" one of the kids drew their attention. He fell off the swing and bruised his knee. He burst into tears almost immediately.

"Crybaby joey," the other kids jeered.

"Hey, hey, hey...that's not fair. Any of you could have fell off the swing, do you know how much he's hurting right now?" Davian reprimanded the kids as he tended to the boy's knee, cleaning his bruise with his handkerchief and water from one of the kid's water bottle.

"Now apologize," he requested.

"Sorry, Joey," they chorused.

"It's okay," Davian said.

"It's getting late. You should all go to your parents," he added.

"Okay, bye Mr. Davian,"

"Bye, sir,"

The kids said in unison and started to leave except the other boy. "We're neighbors so I want to walk with him to our parents. They entrusted him to me," he said and Davian nodded.

The boy walked away with Joey, he'd stopped crying, they bid Davian goodbye as they exited. Davian sighed throwing his handkerchief away into the nearest waste bin. He sat on one of the swings and glanced at Silvia, tapping the seat of the other swing gesturing her to come join him, she did.

They sat there in silence swinging gently, she never expected to do this again, it's been so long since she sat on a swing.

"I'll take you to an amusement park someday," he smiled at her.

"An amusement park? What are we, twelve?" she objected and he just chuckled standing up.

"You're gonna love it. Just like the food truck," he responded and started walking away, she followed him immediately.

"Where are you going this time?" she asked as he stopped a taxi.

"Up hills," he said, that far-She thought.

He smiled at her anticipating expression, they got into the taxi and it drove off.
