
It took minutes before before they could get to the hills. The taxi driver took them as high as he could on one of the high hills. They paid him and walked to the top themselves.

"So why did you bring me here?" Silvia asked.

He spread his arms; "Just look at this beauty in front of you," he said.

It was sunset, the different hues of the sky was absolutely breathtaking. From where they were standing, they could see the most of the city, the light, the buildings, the vehicles, the people. It was a view to appreciate indeed.

They sat on the ground and savoured the beauty of the sunset of Asteria.

"It's really beautiful," she said, in a soft tone.

He glanced at her; "I never thought you'd appreciate these small things of life," he said honestly.

"I do. My friends and I usually come here every season to watch the aurora," she confessed.

"It's usually occurs during this approaching winter season, rarely comes in the other seasons in our city," he said.

"(Sighs) I've been to other places but there's still nothing like our home, I'll have to admit," she replied.

"Will you watch the aurora with me when the time comes?" he smiled at her.

She nodded.

"You're so good with kids, unlike me," she stated hugging her knees and arms, it was getting cold. She heard him chuckle.

"It's just...I don't know. I just love kids, my childhood was a bit lonely. I was bullied by some other kids because I never had a dad to call my own.

"It made me furious but, I decided on instead of wallowing in self-pity and letting my bullies win, I should ignore them and channel all my love to other important things," he said.

"Like my mother, my few friends, my studies and now my career," he added.

She never expected him to be so open to her on something so delicate about him. She was also feeling a bit...guards down. Maybe it was the effects of the quiet and peaceful atmosphere and the sunset.

"It's not my fault I grew up without a father figure. I don't want any child to go through what I went through," he continued.

"I bet you'll be an amazing dad," she said, a small smile on her face. He smiled back.

"And I'll stay alive, try to stay alive for my kids. I'll work very hard to give them the best of life," he replied.

"Call up Moses to come pick us up. You're getting goosebumps," he pointed out and she blushed.

She called him up and in no time he arrived and they entered the car and drove off.

"Sleep over at my place tonight," she said. He gazed at her questioning.

"Like what I've told you before, we need to-"

"Ssssh," he shushed her, his index finger on her lips again. He was tired of hearing that over and over again. He leaned closer;

"But are you sure that's all?" his voice became husky all of a sudden. She swallowed and turned to face the window. What's wrong with her?

"What else do you want me to say?" she said.

"That it tends to get pretty lonely staying alone," she muttered to herself but he heard her. His lips curved up in a small smile, he too turned to view the moving roads through the window.

They soon arrived at Silvia's house. They got off the car once it had came to a halt and proceeded inside the building.

"What a nice place you have here, Silvia," Davian acknowledged.

"Thank you," she said.

"Do you want to eat dinner?" she asked.

"No, I'm good. You're right, I bought and ate too much earlier," he surrendered and they both shared a small laugh. She too wasn't that hungry either.

"Well, I already had my maids prepare a room for you. Clothes and other things you'll be needing are already provided in the room," Silvia elaborated.

"Myne? take him to the room," she said to the housekeeper.

"This way, sir," Myne said to Davian. He started to follow her as she led the way.

"Davian?" Silvia called and he stopped to glance at her.

"Goodnight," she said.

He smiled, "You too. And sweet dreams, princess," he replied.

They both didn't see each other again for the rest of the night. Till the next day morning.

They'd already freshened up and were having a light breakfast with each other after they asked about the other's night. It was a quiet meal.

Meanwhile, Gabriel Yul was raining havoc at the Reyes' mansion. He was so furious.

"So all I've been hearing about Silvia being engaged is all true?! And you approve of this?!" Gabriel fumed.

Alan sipped his whiskey with a poker face. "Why wouldn't I? My daughter's happiness is my happiness," he said.

"We already had a deal," Gabriel stated.

"We never made any deal with you," Janet responded.

"I am to marry your daughter. You'd better make sure of it. Who...who the hell is this wretch that she wants to get married to?" he yelled.

"A more decent man than you can ever be, you hogwash," Janet answered, irking Gabriel even more. Alan smirks at his wife, she still has it-That feisty nature he fell in love with.

"If I don't marry your daughter, no one will," he said.

"Are you threatening us in our own territory?" Alan spat.

"Don't cross the line, Gabriel. I'll make sure to paint the roads of Asteria with your blood," Alan added.

Gabriel glared at them. He dashed out of the mansion and got into his sports car. He drove off in a furious speed. With just one hand on the steering wheel, he puts on his earpod as he made a phone call. He put down his phone and waited for the person in the other line to pick up.

{Hello, boss}

"Find out where Silvia Reyes lives and text the address to me asap," he ordered.

{Okay, boss}

He hanged up and continued driving. He has always had his eyes on Silvia, that feisty beauty. When her parents offered him a marriage proposal, he was so happy. The plans he had if he gets married to her.

He would make their business empire his, he would be free to do whatever he wanted with that sexy body of hers, he would make her eat all the hurtful words she has ever said to him and he would make sure she regrets ever getting on his bad side.

Now this, he finds out she's about to get married to some wretch and he confronted her parents only for him to find out they were in approval. He wasn't going to let this happen, he's not going to let a golden opportunity like this to slip off his hands, he was tired of losing and being called a loser and a leech.


"Did you enjoy your breakfast?" Silvia asked.

"Yes. I should be leaving now," Davian said and Myne walked in immediately.

"Ms. Silvia, Mr. Yul is-"

"Hello my fiancée," Gabriel announced his presence. Silvia frowned at the sight of him.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Silvia. I tried to stop him," Myne said.

"It's okay. You may leave," Silvia responded and Myne left immediately.

"What the hell are you doing in my house? How did you even know where I live?" Silvia questioned.

"I have my ways, sweetheart," he replied.

"It's been a while," he added holding her arms. She shrugged him off immediately.

"I just came to see my future wife," he continued.

"Your head must be in the clouds," she spat.

His eyes glanced at Davian; "What is this i'm hearing about, you being engaged to another guy other than me?" he said and Silvia snorted.

"We were never engaged in the first place. Now get out of my house!" Silvia responded.


"You heard the lady, didn't you?" Davian interjected. Gabriel glared at him and Davian returned the glare with the same ferocity.

"Who the hell are you? Who do you think you are?!" Gabriel fumed.

"I'm Davian Randell and I'm about to marry the most beautiful woman in the whole world," Davian rubbed it in, it riled up Gabriel even more.

"So this is the idiot you chose over me?" Gabriel said to Silvia.

"He's ten times more of a man than you can ever be," Silvia replied.

Gabriel scoffed; "You think I'll just let you take what's mine?!" he directed to Davian.

"I was never yours!" she objected. She belonged to no one.

He was about to hold her again but Davian knocked his hands off this time and came in between him and Silvia.

"Hands off, you dick. You don't just touch my woman anyhow you like, not while i'm around," Davian said so irritated at the man.

'Then I'll have to make you gone,' Gabriel thought.

" 'Your woman'?" Gabriel scoffed.

"Yes. My woman, now out the door you go before I make you," Davian replied.

"Is that a threat?" Gabriel continued.

"No, it's fact," Davian pointed out.

He moved closer to Davian and whispered to him.

"Don't even think this is over. I will never sit by and watch you marry her. She belongs to me, no one else. I'll make you pay dearly if you don't back off now while it's still not late," he threatened. Davian just stared back at him with a calm expression.

"I'll be back, sweetheart," he said to Silvia and blew a kiss in the air for her as he winked at her. It just made him ten times more disgusting to Silvia.

He smirked and turned around, his expression becoming grim immediately. He was going to make the Reyes pay for these humiliations they were causing him. After he had boasted to everyone that he will be getting married to Silvia Reyes very soon.

It was one of his friends he boasted to that'd told him about her being engaged to someone else.

'Guess who's getting married? Silvia Reyes and not to you,' he recalled.

First, he will try to get Silvia back.

He walked out of the house, he got into his car and sped off again.

'The audacity of that man, who does he think he is for him to talk to me in such manner?! Who is he actually?' Gabriel thought. He doesn't care, he would make him pay, for ever thinking of taking something that didn't belongs to him.

'I'll teach you a lesson, Davian. A lesson you will never forget even in the afterlife because I'm going to make you disappear!'