Chapter 9: He’s Not My Type

'Aubrey Lee Young doesn't seem to like people. Or maybe she just doesn't like me.' Was the thought that crossed Rhyland's mind after trying for the up-teenth time and failing to meet with her outside of class.

'Is she avoiding me? Nah, that can't be. I'm Rhyland Darling.'

Rhyland didn't waste time figuring out Aubrey's schedule. Aubrey is quite the busy bee, working weekdays at the school cafeteria and weekends as a waitress at a diner. If he was to figure out the secret behind that scent, then he would need to spend as much time with her as possible. But he never would have thought that the woman would thoroughly loath spending any time together. When they were outside campus the young woman remained civil but uninterested. He was quite certain that she would have completely ignored him if it was not rude to do so.

The first time Rhyland realized that Aubrey held no amorous intentions towards him was when they coincidentally bumped into each other at a popular cafe near school. Rhyland had been in line to buy an americano when something had bumped him from behind. At first he thought it was the same group of girls who normally follow him around, but he was pleasantly surprised to find a familiar mousey dark haired woman engrossed in whatever she was reading on her phone.

"So sorry." The young woman said with a cursory glance at Rhyland.

On the other hand, Rhyland didn't know whether to laugh or be insulted. It's the first time in his life that the opposite sex has treated him this way. Usually it's the other way around, that he would be the one ignoring obvious grabs for attention and persistent calls or texts asking him out.

"Bree? You come here often?" He asked, attempting to start a conversation.

The woman called Aubrey squinted her eyes and furrowed her brows at Rhyland.

"Huh? Oh uhm yes."

"What are you reading over there?" Rhyland asked suddenly.

The man's interest caught Aubrey off guard and she muttered consciously under her breath. "Just a webnovel…"

In fact, Aubrey had been doing some market research to figure out what the masses are currently into reading. She was planning to incorporate some of these topics in her new story. However, she had no intention of sharing these with him, she barely even knew the man. And so Aubrey did what she usually does in social situations, she averted her eyes focused on her own thing expecting the man to quickly lose interest. But the opposite occurred.

"Oh what kind of webnovel? Is it a fantasy novel?" Rhyland prodded. He saw the girl's eyes widen like saucers and dart left and right. He couldn't help but smile. She was like a frightened deer.

Aubrey's felt senses become hyperactive. Out the corner she heard someone say the magical words. "Next in line." And she sighed with relief. Instead of responding to Rhyland, she simply pointed at the register in front of her.

Rhyland shot the girl a helpless smile before leaving to order at the register. Knowing that the girl had been standing behind him in line, Rhyland was planning on waiting for her after he placed his order, Only turn around to find the girl gone.

'Was this girl Aubrey avoiding him? No that couldn't be right?' Rhyland hoped he was mistaken.

Speaking of which, Rhyland didn't even know the girl's number. He thought it would be easy to ask around to get Aubrey's number but that wasn't the case at all. Nobody in school seems to have any impression of the petite doe eyed girl. Everyone knew of Beverly Taylor but no one knew of Aubrey Young. They only knew her as the friend of the 'hot girl.'In the end, Rhyland had to ask Beverly for Aubrey's number.

Rhyland thought that would be the difficult part but apparently he didn't know Aubrey well enough. The girl was a master at avoidance. Everytime, Rhyland stops by the cafeteria she's never there, even during her shift. However, Rhyland hadn't been concerned at that time. He merely thought that the girl was playing hard to get. But this did not appear to be the case at all.


"You'll never guess what happened today." Beverly said in a singsong voice as she pulled up a seat beside Aubrey who was studying in the library.

"Business 101 class is canceled?" Aubrey asked in a hopeful voice. She didn't particularly like that class since the professor had a tendency to call out students randomly to 'participate.'

Beverly laughed. "No you nerd. Class isn't canceled. It's something better."

"There's no school tomorrow?"

"No, girl! Why are your guesses all about school?" Beverly gave a mock sigh before squealing in excitement.

"Rhyland Darling asked me for your number!"

"Whaaaaaat?!" Aubrey sputtered in horror. Why would that man want her number?! She was just about to ask whether Beverly gave out her info when a student seated at the other table shot her a nasty glare.


"Did you give him my number?" Aubrey hissed in a low voice.

"Of course, I'm the ultimate wing woman!" Beverly whispered back."You're welcome." She continued with a satisfied smile on her face. But contrary to Beverly's expectations, Aubrey was not at all pleased by this.

"You jerk!" Aubrey exclaimed, punching her friend's arm.

"Oooouch." Beverly shouted while rubbing her arms.

"Shhhhhh!" The student shot the pair another fierce look. The pair exchanged glances before Beverly whispered.

"Why?! Did you not want me to give your number? He's like the most popular guy in school!"

"Ugh precisely. Why would the most popular guy in school want my number?" Aubrey rolled her eyes at her friend. Sometimes Beverly could be so dense.

"Why not?!" Her friend asked, looking confused.

Aubrey gestured up and down to herself.

"You're cute." Beverly insisted.

"Girl you need to get your eyes checked if you're sincerely saying that." Aubrey responded in a self deprecating voice. "Guys like him don't go for girls like me."

"Come on, Bree. Don't sell yourself short." Beverly nudged Aubrey with her elbow.

"I'm not selling myself short, I'm being realistic." Aubrey continued in a bland tone. "Now I'm wondering if there's a bet going on. Ask out the plainest girl in school."

"What?! There's no way. If there is, I'll cut off their balls for having the audacity to bet on you."

"I'm just saying, it's weird that some guy I barely know who just happens to be the most handsome guy on campus suddenly becomes interested in me. I wonder if he needs my notes or something."

"Nah, I heard he was also an ace student." Beverly pointed out.

"Now don't you think it's weird?"

"Well if you say it that way. I guess it is huh"

"Well whatever, I have no time to play his games. Plus!"

"Plus what?" Beverly asked.

"Plus more importantly."

Aubrey looked at her friend in the eyes before responding.

"He's not my type."