Chapter 10: A Fire

"He's not my type."

Aubrey hoped she finally got her point across to Beverly and her friend would stop playing cupid between her and Rhyland Darling. She couldn't understand why she would do such a thing in the first place. Can't Beverly see that they obviously aren't suited for each other? The man was way out of her league. This was why Aubrey couldn't understand why he would ask for her phone number. If it isn't for a bet then it must be because the man was pitying her. It certainly isn't for her beauty or mental prowess that the man is suddenly trying to get close to her.

She should stop worrying about this. It won't do any good anyways. And she had no intention of confronting Rhyland about his weird behavior.

She would just look stupid doing so. What would she even say?

"Hey, why are you paying attention to me? I don't like it." She would simply sound crazy and come off as disingenuous. Especially when everyone else is dying for even a sliver of the man's attention. Yeah it's definitely better to just leave it alone.

Plus, It's not like she would get a straight answer out of him.

She knows popular guys like him. Well, not know know them but she knows just what they're truly like. She's seen all the men Beverly has dated. They're all the popular sort like Rhyland. They're also rich and full of themselves. They never think that anything is their fault. And they loved to play games with people's feelings.

There is no telling that this Rhyland person will be any different. Chances are, he would be exactly the same as them.

Aubrey stared at her friend Beverly who was looking aghast at her statement.

"HE'S NOT YOUR TYPE?" Beverly made an exaggerated wave of her hand.

"My girl. Rhyland Darling is everyone's type." She added with panache.

"You date him then!" Aubrey rolled her eyes at her friend's dramatics.

"No way! I'm staying away from bad boys. This is my New Year's resolution. And besides I never go for the same boys as my friends. Remember sisters before misters."

Once again, Aubrey couldn't help but scoff at Beverly.

"Wait So you know that he's a bad boy and you're pushing him to me?"

"It's 'cause you need the life experience." Beverly said in a knowing manner.

"Crap, I gotta run I got class in 10 minutes. Talk to you later."

"Go. Go." Aubrey made a shoo-ing motion with her hands and brought her attention back to her homework.

Unbeknownst to the pair, their entire conversation was overheard by the man in question, Rhyland Leslie Darling.

On the other side of the library, Rhyland could hardly contain his shock.

"He's not my type."

These four words kept echoing in his mind.

He had been looking for a quiet place to rest his mind when the aforementioned conversation flitted through his ears. Any normal person wouldn't have been able to hear this but he was anything but ordinary. His preternatural senses allowed him to hear sounds from up to 10 miles away. So listening in to a conversation at the same floor of the building was a piece of cake for Rhyland. Of course, he didn't make a habit of this. He typically actively blocked off other peoples voices from his ears whenever he was in public. It was just that this time after he heard his name, he heard the voice of the woman he had been searching for for the past few weeks.

Initially, Rhyland felt elated. 'So this is where you have been hiding.' He thought to himself, an attractive smile unfurling from his lips. But as the conversation went on, a frown began to furrow in his brow.

Did he really come off as some sort of jerk that would bet on a girl? Can't he be genuinely interested in her? Granted she wasn't the type of girl he would normally go for but was it really that implausible? Why does she have to think that he had some evil intentions?

He didn't know if he should feel offended. He just couldn't understand why Aubrey has such a bad view of him. She doesn't even know him.

Furthermore, it was often an easy feat for werewolves to attract and lure silly humans. In fact, he knew some Lycans in different clans who often made a sport of it. Rhyland himself never participated in such childish games. He already could sleep with as many girls as he wanted; he didn't feel the need to do otherwise. He knows if he wants to he can bewitch any woman or man. But what's the point of having sex if it was not consensual? It would be like driving under the influence.

That was what Rhyland sincerely believed. And yet seeing Aubrey's continuous attempts to avoid him sparked a fire inside of him.

All at once, Rhyland's competitive side reared its ugly head. He didn't believe that there was a girl in this country that would not fall for his charms.

Just you wait Aubrey Lee Young.

'I'm gonna make you fall for me even if it's the last thing I do.' Rhyland vowed.