Chapter 15: Beverly Taylor

Beverly is used to getting whatever she wants. And this time around, it was a silly, tall, lanky and nerdy looking man named Ricky. Yes. That Ricky. She's had her eye on him since he stayed behind to help her with her biology lab homework after school. The funny thing was, it wasn't even something she wasn't able to do. Beverly was rather smart after all. However, it felt good to have someone aiding and supporting her. All her other ex-es required her help and she always used to be the provider in the relationship. So it was nice to be the one on the receiving end.

To make the encounter last longer, Beverly even pretended not to know the homework. It was her first time doing something so silly. But Ricky was none the wiser and patiently went through all the questions one by one. And at that moment, the tall, lanky man appeared rather attractive.

The problem was, Ricky was a good friend and he had questionable sexual preferences. Although, Ricky was closer to her friend Aubrey, he was still a good pal to her. Looking back at it, the man had always been a nice person. He was especially nice to Aubrey and her, helping line up for snacks during break and carrying their bags to and from school. Beverly is certain Ricky would make a good boyfriend. He is caring and attentive.

There was something else more pressing, the fact that he may be GAY. The man never showed any inclination towards the opposite sex. This was true for the entirety of the time she knew him. If this was not an indication that he was gay, then she didn't know what is. Guys like Ricky should be at an age where they had a hard time keeping it in their pants. As a college student, he should be experiencing increased libido. Yet everyday his attention was only on his books and Aubrey.

And Beverly was certain that Ricky had no romantic feelings for the latter. She can see it in his eyes and in their interactions. His feelings for her are purely platonic. But what of Aubrey? Aubrey seems to be quite fond of Ricky. Aubrey's gaze would always stray towards him when she thought no one was looking. However true to Aubrey's nature, the girl didn't confess her feelings. As such, everything was fair game. Plus, How deep could Aubrey's feelings be anyways? It must just be a passing fancy otherwise she would surely have done something about her feelings. And even if it wasn't, Beverly was sure Aubrey would understand. The latter always conceded everything to her anyways.

Yes Beverly is a selfish person. She knew that and she can afford to be such. Beauty always provides people with a free pass. And Beverly is aware that her beauty is on a league of its own. Even if the truth were to come to light that she "stole" Ricky from Aubrey. The public would still be more considerate towards her. Such is the power of beauty. And to be quite honest, Beverly didn't feel bad for Aubrey. The other girl has other things going for her anyways, a broken heart would just be a tiny little thing in her life.

Also, a small part of her felt good about the situation. She always felt that Aubrey was too prideful and conservative that she somehow thought too highly of herself. Beverly knew Aubrey disapproved of her dating around. The girl still believed in dating with the thought of marriage in mind. This irked Beverly somewhat and so she thought that suffering such a minor setback of having a man be taken from her would be good for Aubrey. It would teach her a lesson not to be such a goody two shoes.

But aside from Aubrey's burgeoning feelings for Ricky, a main thing that hasn't been resolved were the man's sexual preferences. No matter how attractive Beverly was, she didn't have the confidence of unbending someone who was bent. However if he wasn't gay, then he doesn't stand a chance. Beverly always gets what she wants.

So Beverly went about her plan to seduce the man. It was easier than she expected. A kiss out of the blue during one afternoon session was all it took to seal the deal.

Ricky was midway through the explanation of cell mitosis when it happened. Beverly swooped in for a quick kiss. She saw the man's eyes widened in surprise and a flash of desire crossed his face. No words were exchanged in the next few seconds, only deep kisses. Apparently the man also had feelings for her all along.


"Aubrey must be so shocked huh." Beverly scrunched up her beautiful face and asked the man seated across from her. They were at a cafe partaking lunch after class together.

"She's been ignoring my calls and texts for the past 2 days."

"We did give her quite a shock. But it works out for the better." Ricky said after a thoughtful pause.

"Why do you say that?" The girl asked with a confused look on her face.

"I've been wanting to let her know for a while now." He confessed.

"Really?!" Beverly exclaimed with an attractive smile.

It wasn't really a surprise. She knew Ricky wanted to make their relationship public. The guy was head over heels for her. He loves her way more than she does him. Obviously. She's so smart and beautiful. Anyone would be over the moon if they were able to date her.

Beverly knows she is a perfect 10. With her by his side, she made his number go up. Ricky who was a 6, on a good day could be a 7. Everything from her hair to the tips of her toes is beautiful.

Beverly just liked the thought of a secret relationship like those seen in the movies, so she strove to keep their relationship in the wraps for the longest time. However, if she had to choose, Beverly preferred the thought of openly being pampered more than the thrill of sneaking about. Plus, the fact that she still hasn't lost feelings for Ricky even after a few months have passed must mean something. Maybe… just maybe she could date him long term.

Definitely not marriage material though, she needed to marry someone on her own level.

"Yeah, well I'm tired of having to control my actions in front of her. I can't even treat you specially in case she might notice." The man answered honestly.

"Aww. My baby really loves me. He wants to show me off." Beverly cooed.

She didn't notice that Ricky was uncharacteristically serious in his response.

"Of course. I want to let the world know, you're my girl."