Chapter 16: Go Out With Me

'Something was bothering Aubrey Lee Young." Rhyland Leslie Darling thought amusedly as he observed the girl look out the window and sigh out loud. Her sixteenth sigh of the hour. Just what exactly was plaguing her thoughts, Rhyland didn't know.

The funny thing is, he WANTED to know. What could be on her mind right now? He wanted to pick her thoughts. He is certain this interest is related to her sweet scent and that he held no other romantic inclinations towards her. Maybe they can eventually have a mutually beneficial relationship. In the meantime, it was up to Rhyland to approach the girl. Rhyland thought that this might be the perfect opportunity to deepen his friendship with Aubrey. She's always so skittish

Rhyland may not seem like it but he was actually a damn good listener. Whatever was on her mind, Rhyland is sure he'd be able to talk her through it. Now if he could only bring down her guard, he could start investigating that scent.


"Is something bothering you? You've been sighing for the past hour." A masculine voice asked Aubrey as she was pipetting the solution into a beaker.

"!!!" Completely in her own world, a startled Aubrey nearly dropped the object in her hand only for the man to catch it in one fell swoop reminiscent of Edward catching the apple in that one scene in Twilight.

"I'm so sorry!" Aubrey said in a hushed voice before checking up on Rhyland. Did the solution get onto him at all? Is he hurt? 'Dammit, why am I such a klutz around this guy?! This is so embarrassing!'

Rhyland chuckled. "It's alright. I'm fine."

The fact that Rhyland seemed to be so easygoing with all her mistakes only made her feel worse about the matter.

"Sorry, I'll focus from now on." Aubrey promised.

She wanted to carry her weight in this class. At first, Aubrey had mistakenly thought that the unnecessarily attractive Rhyland would be a slacker and she would be left to work double the load to get a good grade on the course. But as it turns out, the man was just shy of being a genius. Rhyland had amazingly good memory and exceptional critical thinking.

While Aubrey on the other hand, often forgets and misplaces things. She was the type that had to study extra hard to get an A in a class. She even resolved to give him a piece of her mind once he started goofing off. Aubrey reddened in embarrassment at the thought. SHE should be worried about herself as she was the one who couldn't function like a normal human being around Rhyland. And what was up with this guy's reflexes? Did he just really catch that pipet millimeters from the ground?

"Is it boy problems?" Rhyland mused aloud amidst Aubrey's daydreams.

He couldnt help but be amused at the myriad of expressions that crossed the girl's face in a matter of seconds.

A shocked look crossed Aubrey's face.


Startled brown eyes met knowing amber ones.

"How do you know?!" Aubrey uttered in disbelief.

"Lucky guess." Rhyland shrugged as he shot her a charming smile. It was just a matter of deduction really. A girl Aubrey's age who seemed to have a good head on her shoulders, is working part time, is doing okay in school and seems to have a close relationship with her family and friends could really only have one problem. Boys.

Aubrey couldn't help but grimace. Was she that easy to read? Rhyland and her were practically strangers. Aside from their Chemistry class together, the two never hung out outside of school. So how could he have known what was plaguing her mind in a matter of minutes.

Normally, Aubrey would never be speaking so casually with someone like Rhyland. Rhyland Leslie Darling is THE cool kid in school. And Aubrey, well Aubrey is Aubrey. She quite obviously didn't run with the so-called "In" crowd but she wasn't part of the misfits as well. She's just average. She blends in and she likes it that way.

However that day, Aubrey is feeling particularly out of sorts and is in serious need of some advice from a male friend, of which she had none aside from Ricky.

Aubrey nibbled her lip. She thought seriously for a few minutes before shaking her head and then nodding as if she had made a decision.

"Well you see the thing is…" Aubrey began softly.


One hour later…

"So what you're saying is the guy that you like and your best friend are dating each other. And you want to stop having these feelings." Rhyland summarized the girl's hour-long rambling in a concise manner.

Class had ended and the pair had moved to a cozy cafe nearby the campus to continue their conversation.

Aubrey fidgeted in her seat. She could see that they were drawing so much attention because of the man seated in front of her. Tall, extremely charming, and good looking to a fault.In contrast to Rhyland, Aubrey looked like a child pretending to be an adult while drinking her hot cocoa. Even the way Rhyland held his iced americano was attractive. Is it wrong to find a guy's knuckles sexy?


As someone who was already in love with another man, Aubrey had to admit that Rhyland was attractive enough to warrant a second look. He was THAT distractingly handsome. His amber eyes were especially breathtaking that it took Aubrey longer than necessary to respond.

"R– Right." Aubrey answered in assent.

"Do you want me to help you?" The man immediately replied.

"Help me?" Aubrey asked and Rhyland nodded in response.

'I really shouldn't get him involved in my matter. Rhyland is too eye-catching. He stands for everything I am trying to avoid. With him in my life there is no way I can fly under the radar and be my normal average self. And yet…I am finding it so hard to reject this man's proposal outright.' Aubrey thought feeling conflicted.

"How?" She eventually inquired, her curiosity finally getting the better of her. However, she was totally unprepared for the response that came from the man's lips that she nearly spit out her drink.

"Go out with me."