Chapter 88: Captured

In a quiet and dimly lit neighborhood, a man hurriedly ran from the shadows and into the light. There was a look of complete and utter fear and abject horror etched in his face. He was breathing heavily and sweating profusely. 

Someone or something was behind him. It was gaining on him at an alarming speed.

He was being hunted. He hastened his steps.

At a distance, his porch light came into view and the man nearly wept with relief.

Just a few more steps and he would be safe.

But just as he thought he would make it into the safety of his home, he was pulled back and swung around by a large black hand. The man tried to scream but no sound came out. He was paralyzed.

In front of him was a gigantic black wolf larger than the height of 2 human beings combined. The creature stood on its hind legs and easily lifted up the man by the neck. Its golden eyes gleamed in the night.