Her twisted fate: Is life all this?


Questions I keep asking, answers I'd never find...

Am tired, but am not weak


"She's dead...

"W..what, n..no..


"You can't stay here anymore..

"Please, don't do this, I plead...

"Isn't it obvious, ..


" Murderers don't deserve anything good..

"What wrong did I do...

"Get out...

"You killed her...


"There no place for a useless child in the world of men, Get out now, or I'll drag you myself...

"Have mercy, I plead...

"Have it your way, Drag her! and shave all her hair, Her worthless mother is dead now...


"At least smile for the nice gentleman" Her voiced echoed straight into my ears, as it brought me out of my misery, but I had had it now.

Enough was enough, no more, my mind finally voiced out, as I stared lifelessly at her ruthless face, before slowly drifting it to the brown hair man.

I'll ruin you woman, even if it means I'd spend the rest of my remaining days called hopeless life, in prison. I'll gladly do, anything was better than here.

I'd confess I killed him, then I'll finally be free, I would still have my virtue and would finally leave this goddamn place, right in front her eyes, in shackles, but she'll be the one dying, never me.

The only reason she covered up for me that day was to save herself. After all I was the eye of the brothel, if am taken away by the law, she'll lose everything and the scores would finally be settled.

Miracle, it would be considered, that after all this years, I still wasn't deflowered yet, not because she didn't stump so low, No she did.

It was because all I did was tried and survived, that all I have ever be doing in this garbage life.

Either would I say I had a chronic contagious disease, or I'll helplessly pass out in front of the client, still everything ended well, except for his case..Sir William, but now his case was miraculously the one that was going to get me out of here. Finally.

"Truly, your guts are incomparable madame" I let out a silent loud whisper, it was loud enough to here and I knew finally my work is done.

My lips curved into a rare tiny smile, as the one on hers, slowly faded away into pure bliss, as she opened her mouth to speak

"Not here Agatha" Her voice failed her, as it completely let out her fears, but still she kept on repeatedly smiling back at the "Visitor", I'd rather say "Client"

Even though his face spelt pure confusion, still he kept on sitting there, like the dummy that he was, only then did I realized, that I needed to add some oil to the fire.

"Oh gracious, you haven't told no one yet" I spat out, tracing my hateful eyes longingly at him, as the frown on his face became as clear as ever, for anyone to see.

It was then he finally snapped.

"What on earth is she blabbering about, Madame Renée" He roared with so much anger, as he slowly fixed his gaze at the clearly anxious woman. Sorry, do pardon me, where are my manners?...

He fixed his gaze at the clearly anxious "Madame", as the beams of sweat became more visible to see..

Now time for the drama!...

"No-no, it's not..nothing like that, she..she actually meant...

"You know madame, I came here to enjoy my youthful self, but I'd tell you right now, I really don't appreciate been kept in the dark and insulted by this "SLUT!". He roared, as he made emphasis on the word "slut".

Slowly I could feel my fist clenching, as anger bumbled right inside me, but yet again, all I had to do was to quietly remain calm and watch the show.

"Please do pardon me sir, if..if you feel insulted by this one, I can get another one for you" She dared uttered out, as her eyes spoke of pure ruthlessness. Indeed yet again, she had proved to me, that she is willing to stump so low for anything.

I watched, as I slowly folded my arms together. Disappointed?, of course, yet again, cause she, as usual, manage to cover up the brutal crime, yet again.

It was obvious, there would be no arresting to do this night. Disappointed that yet again, I failed to finally leave this hell, but overall, I was grateful.

Grateful, that at least I wasn't going to get deflowered, well that is at least not today, but still it could be someday, if I don't figure out a way to get out of here, Quick.

I trailed my eyes back at him, as he finally opened his bloody mouth to speak.

"It's alright madame, just get her to keep her sharp tongue to herself tomorrow" He spat out, as his eyes slowly trailed back to me, with that lustful smile creeping on his hideous face, but yet again, all I could do was let out all my frustration on my lips, as I angrily bit it.

"Pardon, but I don't quite understand, what exactly you mean" She questioned, as if her life depended on it. Still I guess it actually does, cause money's life for her, so it actually explains her dumb worried nature.

"No-no, no need to panic, keep my word, I'd be back by tomorrow for her. I already lost the craving some minutes ago. He spat those lines, with absolutely no darn shame at all

But still that wasn't the worst, cause all I felt was dead seeing madame calming down, back again.

Yet again, she had somehow managed to win this war, either way, I won't still give up, I'd fight till my dying breath, I'd keep fighting forever.

"Indeed!, it is really a big relief" She let out a deep sigh, as the smile on her face was back yet again, No!, just murder me.

"I'll assure you her sharp tongue would be snapped by then, even if it means literally" She smiled back, as the both exchange sinister chuckles, before he quickly stood up, gave that awful grin to me, as he immediately vanished into thin air, as the door slowly closed shut.

Here again I failed...

Here again comes part two of this shit I call life...