Her twisted fate: Against the world, she stands


"When the night comes, everyone goes to sleep, everyone except "ME"!....

The day would come, you think of yourself safe and happy, then suddenly, Then quickly, your joy would turn to ashes and you'd know the debt is paid... Ten folds...


"I'll give you my word, her sharp tongue would be snapped off by then, even if it means literally" Those horrible grin of hers, were placed on her lips, as both exchange sinister chuckles, but all I did was watched, what more could I do.

My eyes traced him, as he slowly stood up, gave that pathetic grin of his to me, before immediately vanishing into thin air, as the doors that had always kept me trapped and hopeless, were shut yet again, leaving me to dance to the music...

I wish I could run, hide or just fade away, I swear I'd do anything, if it actually meant I'd be free, but no, it was never possible, so I gave up wishing a long time ago.

Just like the plague, She had kept me far away from the outside world, she had took me in, not out of love, Never!. But as a captive, I was her captive and she was my captor...

Here comes torture, Again...

"What on earth did you think you were doing" Her eyes spelt out pure anger, but still my mouth remain shut, not a single word out.

I could see my silence made her boiled, even though there was absolutely nothing to say, still my silence made her mad and she...She completely lost it.

"Curse you" She spat, as her tight murderous hands held my hair.The next thing I could feel was my head crashing brutally against the wall and before I knew it...

It was there, yet again.

I could feel it, I could see it, the red ink of pain...But this time it wasn't the one I intentionally cause myself every lifeless day.

This time, it was intentional, this time it was coming from Lucifer's wife herself, Her!.

It flows, the red painful liquid flows, it hurts, but not more than the misery I call life.It flowed from my head to my face, slowly down to my neck, it was BLOOD!.

I stare at her face, her eyes, already widen, Obviously!, but deep down I knew those weren't true either.

Her eyes spoke clearly, it was nothing less than two things: "Lies and fake sympathy". It was obvious her only worry was not to get her star dummy killed.

Not to get me killed, cause without the eye of attraction, this place was no less than a slump.Useless!

Even though she never truly cared, that's was okay too, I neither needed her " Sympathy" or "Love". I truly don't care one bit.

It'd be better if she hates me just as much my soul despise her, so the feeling would be mutual.

I could cry now, cause of the pain, but my eyes were longed dried, no tears left was there, not anymore. Instead of crying I'd pay the debt back, starting with her.

Am sick and done forgiving people, not anymore, All of them would pay, I swear.

Slowly my eyes drifted back to hers, Quickly, I could feel my blood rising to it climax.Indeed the mere sight of her face irk every part of my body

Slowly I could feel my legs moving towards her, with nothing less than hatred in my eyes,

I kept on moving, as hers kept on staggering back, till there was no where to go.It was the wall now, so she was trapped.

This was what I wanted... Fear!, How glad it made my soul to see her shiver in fear, hiding under her shell, as she stood helplessly on the wall, as her eyes kept on glued to mine.

"W..what are you do..doing" She manage to speak, but her shivers was all I needed, her shivers brought the lost smile back on my lips, as I kept on glancing into her soul.

Indeed she did me a favor today, by showing me just how much impact I had on her. Even though she caused the smile on my face, still that was never enough for me to spare her, No, Never!

My hand firmly gripped onto her neck, as I kept on watching her gasp for air, but I wasn't going to leave her.

Slowly her face turned pale, she was dying, but still I felt the urge to keep on strangling her.After all she deserved it.

"Why did you make me suffer that much" I whispered to her already pale face, but all her eyes kept on doing was pleading.Still I wasn't satisfied.

"I did nothing to you, yet you also killed me too" I mumbled to myself, but it was loud enough, so she heard it all.

Her skin had already turned so pale now, it was already obvious, I knew she'll give up the ghost in the next four minute, if I don't let go, if I don't have mercy.

Her life was in my hands right now, I could kill her and take my revenge, but no, am not that cruel.

Cruelty was a word so little compared to me, cause I was more worst. Cause the demon all along was actually... ME!...

Killing her so easily, there was no fun at all in that, I'd make her and everyone else pay, but in the worst most possible way to.

I would not revenge cheaply, Hell no!. I refuse to do that, instead my vengeance would be worth a remembrance.

I may die after that, but then would I finally find my peace, only then would I truly be free.

Slowly my hand let go of her neck, as the pale looking woman tried gasping for oxygen.Indeed it was worth watching.

Sharply, I turned around, leaving her helplessly behind, only to stop halfway, as I slowly opened my mouth to speak.

"This time was a warning, next time you'll surely perish" I whispered, but it was loud enough to hear, as my voice echoed throughout the room, causing a grin on my face, that faded away too, as fast as my legs disappeared away from there, as fast as I left her behind.

As quick as the wind, I was gone, but still I failed, my blood was dripping, my head was broken...As usual.