Ball Dance: We plot, they know nothing


My eyes wandering, it caught her light ones, it stares back at her, I watch her eyes flicker, but I cared less about that fact

" was 20 years ago" Her voice fading out, I watch her swallow the saliva down her throat..

Her shaky eyes finally met mine...

It pierced to my green ones, it glued to mine, mine remained lifelessly blank with no emotions, while hers were teary, but yet again, she didn't look away, I saw it all.

The tears threatening numerous times to fall, yet she didn't look away, her teary eyes remained fixed to mine...

It was indeed an intense eye lock, but she was the only one breaking down...

"It was 20 years ago" I watch her shaky lips repeat again, as I watch the tears betray her, it finally fell off her eyes, down to her cheeks.

I would be a fool if I lie that I didn't know this was hard for her to speak, but at last, my lips wouldn't let me stop her from speaking..

Let her speak, so my heart would at last shake and trust her, I tell myself, as I watch her rain her salty tears, I gave her no tissues anymore, my hands remained folded together, her tears affected me less...

I have learnt it the hard way...

No matter how you shed tears, at last, they all were useless, her tears wasn't exceptional, her tears were all a waste of precious time..

"I would walk away if you do not speak" My cold voice echoing round the silence walls, I whispered out, but I knew too well that she heard it all..

I allowed my spiteful lips to tell her, and at last she finally stopped all the bloody emotional outburst, she look me in the eye again, the tears were at last gone..

I watch her lips part away...

"The memory is bitter, it causes my soul to bleed, but yet again, I chose to kill myself and dive back into it, because of your sake...

I want to hate you for this, but at last I cannot do that, cause in the end, you are the only way for me, for your Adeline, for everyone else out there that despise this bloody bastard royal family..

You are the only hope for us all...

She confesses, her eyes without breaking contact, she stares deeper, yet my expression remain blank, yet my lips decided to remain still, not a single word out...

I watch her sigh, I watch her continue...

"I got married, never knew it would end this way, I swear I didn't..

The tears rose again, it fell off her eyes, and watered her red cheeks...

He was a royal solider, he was my life, I was his wife, he was the only one I had left, my parents were long dead, he was my family and I loved him with every part of my body..

I loved him with my soul..

But at last, they chose to kill me ruthlessly, they spared nothing less, those monsters took it all..

He plead and plead, he wasn't guilty, they did not believed him, it was fraud, the light eyes witch framed him to take his place away from the king's heart...

Who framed him... I find my lips betraying me, it spat out, but it was too late to reverse what I had already spoken out

Her watery eyes raining down tears, I find my hands doing the same betrayal as well, it lifts up, it hands her the last tissues I held firmly in my hand all this while...

My eyes piercing into hers, I watch her take the tissue away from my hands, her watery eyes screaming with gratitude...

Something broke inside me..

At last, she was a killer, I should have knew...

For the first time in this lifetime, a light eyes woman was capable of doing this, she killed me, she made me feel the one thing, that no one has ever made me feel throughout the 22 years of my life..

For this few minutes, I felt human again, she caused it...

She made me feel this pity for her, I felt sorry, looking into her eyes, it broke for her...

She was in pain, but never was I ever going to tell her this, never in my life, I would be a insane fool to do that...


This would stay with me and me alone...

Till I am been put five feet down the ground...

I would never say it...

My eyes wandering back into her light ones, it stared into hers, the tears were gone again, all soaked up in the tissue...

She stares back, her lips form a weak grateful smile, but hell no, would I care about that shit..

I pitied her, but yet again, I am still the same person, heartless...

I would never change, I assure myself..

Her gaze still on mine, my lips parted..

Who framed...

The same woman.. She cuts me off, her eyes shakes with nothing but burning hatred, that I was no stranger of...

The same bloody demon that is in charge of this vanity serenade...Her voice echoes into my eardrums, her lips spoke out...

I could hid my amazement no more, it was the same demon, she was referring to...

You mean...

"The Almighty Countess".. She cuts me off again, as she stares into my eyes, her eyes pierced into mine...

It was truly the same people that ruined me, that ruined her too, the light eyes countess and the king, it was truly the same people..

My fist clenching, at last, my blood arrived at it hateful climax...

"You have to get all our vengeance, avenge my husband's death, avenge your parents, make them wish they were dead, let them prefer to die than this..

Her bitter lips speaking out, my fist clenched the more..

The hatred I have for them all is multiplied from the deepest part of my soul, she maked that happen...

Her hand creeping up, it creep unto my murderous hands, it holds it firmly, her face burning with the same insane hateful hatred I feel...

She looked me in the eyes...

"You have to marry him, make the devil son mad with your body, make him obsessed, have full control over him.

He see you, he can't stop himself, let him be in your finger tip...

Her lips spat out, but it didn't move, her eyes didn't look away, it dive into my soul...

"It would happen, I would make sure of it ..

"Once you accomplish that, once you are married to the almighty bastard son, the Crown Prince Edward, it is stated in the royal law, half of the kingdom would be yours, the royal Queen...

The full authority to the throne and it kingdom, all it glory, would belong to you once the prince is dead, that's the only way to have it full authority..

Adeline have told me tales about you, she planned all this for a very long time, your brain would never be able to imagine...

You know the royal law more than anyone else, your mission would be a pickle, it would be nothing..

It would be easy...

In order for the crown prince to become the king, The ruthless one, his father would have to die, you would kill him, I have faith in you..

The devil's son, the crown prince would become the king, you would be his queen, kill him as well, then take the throne, make it yours...

Spare no one..

Once both is dead, the throne of Persia would be yours, you do what you lived for, you avenge the ones that have be wronged dearly, you avenge us all...

Punish the one that still lives, punish the almighty countess, make her bow to her knees, what you decide to do with her, it is your own choice, just make her sure her death is more worst, more horrible than anything known in the history of man...

You avenge your parents crying blood on the soil, you avenge my husband's, you make them all rest in peace at last..

Only after that, we'll all have peace, I...

"I would do just that, Exactly what you said"...

I find my lips cutting her off, it speaks out, as I look her in the eyes, the hateful tears gathering up mine, I would never spare any one of them...

For all they had done, I would spare no one...

The tears in my eyes, it makes me weak, it makes me remember how they caused my parents death, those ruthless people..

The more I am reminded of my parents, the more I hate them more..

I live so that they would die, I would never fail...

My eyes wanders, the gathered tears is gone, it looks, my eyes meeting hers...

I remove my hand from her grip, I watch my legs move back, but yet, my eyes remained fixed, yet I did not look away, my eyes was fixed to hers...

"I would rule the kingdom with justice, after I watch their blood flow out from their bodies, after I avenge all of us...

After we all find peace, I would rule with justice, their sins would never be repeated again in history, I swear...

My hateful eyes still fixed to hers, my bitter lips tells her, her head nodded, her lips curving into a smile, I watch it all...

"Rest now, tomorrow the mission starts, do not...

"I won't fail, you know me too well" I cut her off, I ease her anxiety, my eyes glued on hers, I watch her nod her head reaffirming again...

The smile was on her lips, yet none was on mine, my lips was covered, it was drowned with bitterness and hatred, I see no reason to smile..

Not until I complete my mission, not until I make those useless abominations, not fit to be called human beings, not until I make them pay, would the smile be back on my lips...

I won't fail, I tell my raging self...

My eyes moving on its own, it drifts away, it stares outside the window, the cool breeze blowing into the room, it rests on my skin...

It's freezing, but yet again, it gives me pleasure, it makes me strong...

"Get some rest now"...

Her voice echoing through the cold walls, she repeated...

Only then did I realized how tired I actually was...

"Kill them all"...

Her voice repeating in my head, it makes my passion grow wings..

I would spare no one, I whisper to myself...

My eyes slowly wandering away, It lands on the mega size bed, but I do not wish to sleep in the bastard's house, nor in the bastard's bed, but yet again, I rethink...

I have no other choice, I tell my soul..

Not until I accomplished my mission, I would live in disguise, I concluded, cause my legs wanted no more...

It waited no more, it moves on it own, I find myself walking towards the bed, like an hungry beast...

My face falls flat, the world spinning before my very face, my eyes close shut....