Chapter Forty Four: Forbidden

Two days later

Aiden continuously slashed at the air with a pair of short twin daggers that had the small sigil of a purple hibiscus flower engraved on their handles.

He was in the training room, catching up on all the trainings he missed and trying to regain his footwork and sword art. His parents had gone out with Faustus, their Butler while Magnus and Bayne went off to God knows where.

He was still training when he felt a presence behind him, but he acted like he didn't know and continued training.

When he felt the presence coming closer to him, he suddenly ducked and did a U-turn, holding the dagger close to it's neck

"You are still so sloppy" he chuckled and Gaia cried

"I still can't perform a sneak attack on you! What kind of a vampire are you?!"

"The kind that kicks your butt every time we spar"