Next day, while Daolin was taking a break from his training, he saw a woman stumble across their front yard. She was injured, and it was evident that she needed help. He rushed to her

Daolin took her inside and made her as comfortable as possible. He called Xiaomei to treate her wounds, after that they gave her water, and she fell asleep. She was more like unconscious, and they were not sure how long she would be in that state.

For the next three days, Daolin and Xiaomei took turns taking care of the injured master. They watched over her, fed her, and kept her cool, making sureshe was taken care of.

On the third day, the master finally woke up. She looked disoriented at first, and her gaze took a few moments to focus. She thanked Daolin and Xiaomei for their care and asked them for their names.

"I'm Daolin, and this is my little sister Xiaomei we found you in the yard and took you in to treate your wounds" said Daolin.

The master nodded in acknowledgement. "Think you for saving me my name is Li Mei I am an elder of colorful sword sect" she said, looking them over.

Li Mei was a beautiful woman, with sharp, angular features that gave her an almost ethereal quality. Her eyes were deep and dark, and they seemed to have a secret knowledge. Her hair was long, black and lustrous, it cascaded down her back like a waterfall.

Daolin and Xiaomei were surprised. They had only been practicing for a short while, and never saw a martial master.

Li Mei continued, "I have been traveling all over the realm to experience the world but I didn't expect to encounter a berserk beast it almost took my life.. but at the critical moment I managed to escape while it was distracted"

Hearing her story Xiaomei felt a surge fear, But that fear quickly disappeared as Daolin held her hand replaced with cute blush.

Li Mei observed there interaction with a curious glint in her eyes.

In the next few days Li Mei shared a lot knowledge with them, and Daolin and Xiaomei soaked up every word. They were impressed by her.

Li Mei, was a powerful figure in the inner chi practice. She was known for her exceptional skills with the sword, She had dedicated her life to the practice.

then came the time for her to leave, as she was leaving she turned to them both and said, "Remember, inner chi is not just about mastering your body, but also mastering your mind. Always strive to learn and grow, and inner peace will follow."

As she walked away, Daolin and Xiaomei exchanged a knowing look.

As Li mei left, Daolin and Xiaomei returned to their daily routine. What they didn't know was that Li mei was not far away.

She had decided to stay and observe them secretly

Over the next few days, Li Mei observed Daolin and Xiaomei from a distance and especially Daolin, she was just curious, she can't pinpoint what but there's a layer of mystery surrounding him.

As she watched him train she saw that his movement were refined but lack experience which was weird you can't refine your movement without experience that's basic understanding.

The sister Xiaomei was.. pretty normal only her beauty stand out, and something else which was also weird is there closeness of each other they were more a husband and wife then siblings' I mean they literally sleep together in the same bed..' though Li Mei with blush on her face.

After a few days of watching without any result the master decided to approach them.

As Daolin and Xiaomei continued with their routine, on the 7th day she approached them.

On the day Li Mei approached them, Daolin and Xiaomei were at the yard. Xiaomei was laughing as Daolin was tickling her to death.

"Hahaha..nooo stop you meeeani..hahaha" said Xiaomei while laughing uncontrollably.

"Who told you to challenge your big bro I will show you whose boss" replayed Daolin with a grin.

They were too emersed in each other they did not sense her presence.

" Ehm..Young ones" Li Mei said, her voice weird

The siblings were startled with the unexpected visiter, the quickly got to there feet,

At this moment Xiaomei was so embarrassed that she wants a hole to hid herself and Daolin.. well he doesn't care.

Regaining her composure Li Mei "Daolin last time I visited I noticed you have very high potential now i came back to ask you if you want to be my disciple."

Daolin watched her with curious eyes"you..want to take me as your disciple?"

Li Mei replied with a serious look on her face " yes of course the invitation is also extended to your sister to come I guarantee you both resources to cultivate and will guide you to the best of my ability..so what do you think..".

Daolin and Xiaomei looked at each other and bowed respectfully. "We greet the Master," they said in unison.

Li Mei was surprised, it was easier then she thought. "Good, You have talent and potential, but there is much for you to learn, now take what you need and follow me we are going back to the sect."

Daolin looked at her excitement shining in his eyes, this is what he wanted' now all that's left is to get the resource so I can start with that technic'

Li Mei smiled pleased. "Listen well From this day on, you are my disciples, any one that becomeyour enemie is my enemy." She said with dangerous glint in her eyes.

Xiaomei watched her with admiration, as for Daolin he was deep in thought no one know what he was thinking.

Over the next hours they gathered there luggage and departed with Li Mei.