Daolin and Xiaomei followed Li Mei through dense forests, steep mountains, and raging rivers. They walked tirelessly for weeks until they finally reached the gates of the sect. The siblings were awed by the sight before them. The sect name is colorful sword sect, was built atop a towering mountain, with elaborate structures carved into the stone. The outer walls were thick and impenetrable, and armed guards stood watch at every entrance.

As they were led through the gates, they could see that the sect was bustling with life. Practitioners of all ages and backgrounds filled the grounds, some practicing their inner chi while others engaged in daily tasks. The air buzzed with a sense of power and energy that was almost tangible.

Li Mei led the siblings to her quarters, a modest room with a large window that overlooked the rolling hills beyond. "Welcome to my sect," she said, gesturing for them to make themselves at home. "Here, you will learn the true power of inner chi."

As Li mei was explaining to them they arrived at a beautiful house the house was surrounded by flowers and pink trees the ground is a quilt of floral splendor. Cherry blossoms, delicate and ephemeral, shed their soft pink petals in the placid air, the air is perfumed with the sweet fragrance of these blooms " Li mei stood in front of it and said with a smile this will be our house from now on.

"Wooo so beautiful" Xiaomei was amazed everything was dreamy

Daolin had a weird look on his face so"...so we will live together"

"What's with that look..do you not like it?" Li said Li Mei a small blush on her face.

Daolin looked at her for a few seconds then shook his head "no.."

Li Mei smiled liking his response" ok then let's go in let me show you around" then with an enthusiastic Xiaomei the ladies entered the house with Daolin trailing behind deep in thought no one know what he's thinking.

Over the next few days, Daolin and Xiaomei were introduced to the ways of the sect. They were awed by the discipline, the strict adherence to tradition, and the respect that was shown to the masters who had come before them. They were also surprised to see that the sect was not just a place of training, but also a community that took care of its own.

There were healers who tended to the sick and injured, scholars who studied the ancient texts, and warriors who protected the sect from outside threats. Despite their various roles, all the members shared a sense of unity and purpose.

As the days turned to weeks, Daolin and Xiaomei began to learn the secrets of the sect. They also learned about the history of the sect, how it had been founded centuries ago by a group of powerful practitioners who had sought to create a safe haven for those who shared their beliefs.

They learned about the enemies of the sect, those who opposed it and sought to destroy it. The siblings were horrified to learn of the battles that had been fought, of the sacrifices that had been made, in the name of preserving inner chi.

Despite the dark history, Daolin and Xiaomei were grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the sect.