Meiying 1

As the months passed, Daolin and Xiaomei became fully immersed in the ways of the sect. Even Xiaomei started training slightly but mostly focused on studying the ancient texts.

As the year drew to a close, the sect held its annual competition. the disciples were eager to showcase there skills in combat and change there ranking.

Daolin was excited to participate, eager to show off all he had learned. As he made his way to the competition grounds, he caught sight of a beautiful girl walking towards the same direction.

She was dressed in a flowing robe of deep maroon, with intricate golden embroidery around the collar and sleeves. Her red hair was braided in a complicated design that looked like it must have taken hours to perfect, adorned with tiny golden beads and delicate flowers.

Her eyes were a striking shade of emerald green, with deeply set eyelashes that gave them a piercing, almost otherworldly gaze. Her skin was the color of cream, smooth and unblemished, with perfectly sculpted cheekbones and a slender, graceful neckline.

As she walked by Daolin, their eyes met for a brief moment, a strange sensation washed over him. He felt drawn to her in a way he had never experienced before.

He shook the feeling off and continued on to the competition grounds, but he couldn't help but steal a glance back at her as she disappeared into the crowd.

When he arrived at the competition grounds, he saw her again, standing at the edge of the field and watching intently as the other practitioners demonstrated their skills.

Daolin could tell that she was not just another disciple. There was an air of importance about her, a kind of regal confidence that marked her as someone of high status.

He approached her, hoping to strike up a conversation. "Greetings," he said, bowing slightly. "My name is Daolin master Li Mei disciple."

She turned to him, her eyes scanning him briefly before settling on his face. "I am Meiying," she replied bowing in return, her voice like music to his ears. "the sect master's disciple."

Daolin felt a pang of nervousness as he spoke to her, a fluttering in his stomach that he couldn't explain. "It is an honor to meet you," he said, trying not to sound too obvious.

Meiying smiled at him, a small quirk of her lips that made his heart race. "Likewise. And good luck"

He was about to say something but he heard his name being called.

"Daolin vs Loton get into stage" said the elder supervisor

With that, she turned and disappeared into the crowd