Meiying 2

Daolin watched as Meiying disappeared into the crowd, still feeling a strange pull towards her. But he quickly shook himself out of it and focused on the competition.

The competition was fierce, with practitioners with various skills show their skills. The events included sword fighting, hand-to-hand combat and meditation.

Daolin registered for the main one, the sword fighting competition. He was up against some skilled opponents, but he managed to hold his own and make it to the final round.

In the final round, he found himself facing off against one of the sect's most skilled refinement realm disciples, a man named Xiao who had been training in the sect for 3 years.

The two faced each other, their swords clashing in a shower of sparks. Daolin struggled to keep up with Xiao's lightning-fast attacks, but he refused to give up.

Finally, after long clash, Daolin managed to knock Xiao's sword out of his hands.

The crowd erupted into cheers as Daolin was declared the winner of the sword fighting competition. He felt a sense of pride and exhilaration wash over him as he accepted his prize - a beautiful ceremonial sword, engraved with the sect's symbol and few useful pills to boost cultivation.

After the competition, Daolin went in search of Meiying. He found her outside, sitting on a bench and watching the sunset.

"Congratulations on your victory," she said, without turning to look at him.

"Thank you," Daolin replied, taking a seat next to her. "It was a tough competition, but I managed to pull through."

Meiying nodded, her gaze still fixed on the horizon. "You showed great skills your movement are very refined and precise. I can see why the sect master has taken an interest in you."

Daolin's heart skipped a beat at her words. "The sect master? What do you mean?"

Meiying turned to face him, her eyes locking onto his. "The sect master has been watching you closely, Daolin. He..sees great potential in you."

Daolin felt a scaptical. The sect master was a powerful and respected figure, why would he pay attention to a refinement realm disciple like him.

"What does this mean?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Meiying smiled at him. "It means that your future with the sect is bright. This is an opportunitie."

Daolin still had some doubte but he felt didn't dwell on it too much. He had found a home within the sect, and he doesn't want to lose it now.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Daolin and Meiying sat in silence, watching the sky turn from orange to pink to purple. They discussed the competition and the rewards, but the conversation soon turned into some kind of flirting as they both felt attracted to each other.

Daolin felt a sense of connection with Meiying, as though they shared a deeper understanding. Something He couldn't explain.

As the night wore on and the stars came out, Daolin and Meiying continued to talk, their voices low and intense.