Daolin continued his training with renewed vigor, feeling more confident in his skills and knowledge. But deep down, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more going on within the sect, something he couldn't quite put into words.

One day, as he was practicing his swordsmanship in the garden, he caught a glimpse of Meiying talking to someone just beyond the trees. As he moved closer, he realized that Meiying was speaking to someone in a hushed tone, and he strained his ears to catch a few words.

"...it's risky, but it's the only way to ensure that the sect remains stable" Meiying was saying, her voice low and urgent. "The others cannot be trusted."

The figure she was talking to was obscured by the foliage, but as Daolin approached, he realized that it was none other than the sect master himself. His heart skipped a beat, but he quickly composed himself and bowed respectfully.

"Daolin," the sect master said, eyeing him shrewdly. "What brings you to this part of the garden?"

"I was practicing my swordsmanship, sir," Daolin replied, trying to appear casual.

The sect master nodded, his eyes narrowing. "And what did you hear, if I may ask?"

Daolin hesitated, feeling a strange sense of unease. He had never seen the sect master speaking with Meiying before, and the fact that they were having a private conversation made him feel suspicious.

"I heard only snatches of conversation, sir," he said finally. "I did not mean to listen in."

The sect master nodded again, but Daolin couldn't shake the feeling that he was being scrutinized. There was something in the old man's gaze that made him uneasy, something that hinted at a knowledge he didn't quite possess.

"Very well," the sect master said at last. "I have business to attend to, so I must bid you farewell. Continue your training, Daolin. There is much left for you to learn."

With that, the sect master turned and walked away, disappearing into the trees once again. Daolin watched him go, feeling a sense of confusion.

But as he turned to leave, Meiying appeared at his side, her eyes bright with excitement.

"Daolin," she said, taking his arm. "I have something to show you."

She led him through the gardens, her steps quick and sure. They passed through a small grove of cherry blossoms and emerged in a hidden clearing, where a small pond glittered in the sunlight.

Meiying took a seat on a nearby rock, motioning for Daolin to join her. As he sat down next to her, he noticed that something was different about her something in the way her eyes shone.

"I have something to tell you," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "And you must promise me that you will keep it a secret."

Daolin nodded, feeling a sense of curiosity and anticipation creeping up on him. "Of course, Meiying. You can trust me."

Meiying took a deep breath, and for a moment, Daolin thought she was going to back out. But then she spoke, her words tumbling out so quickly that he had to strain to understand them.

"The sect master is not what he seems," she said, her eyes fixed on his. "In fact, the sect master is a woman."

Daolin's jaw dropped, and he felt a sense of confusion and disbelief wash over him. The idea was so preposterous, so inconceivable, that he couldn't make sense of it.

"A woman?" he repeated, feeling foolish.

Meiying nodded, a small smile playing at the corner of her lips. "Yes, Daolin. A woman. And a beautiful one at that."

For the next few hours, Meiying told Daolin the whole story - how the sect master had been born a woman, but had disguised herself as a man in order to protect herself. She had trained under the previous sect master, a wise and respected man, until he had passed away. And then, with no clear successor, she had taken over the sect, continuing his work in secret.

It was a complex story, full of twists and turns, but as Meiying spoke, Daolin felt a strange sense of clarity creeping up on him. All the doubts and questions he had been holding inside suddenly seemed to make sense, that's why the sect master seemed so strangely distant.

"And you're the only one who knows?" Daolin asked, feeling a sense of amazement.

Meiying nodded, a solemn expression on her face. "There are others but there all trusted people this is a secret and we must keep it that way"

Daolin felt a surge of pride from here trust in him.

He looked at Meiying, her face radiant in the sunlight, she was a true beauty.

"So why did you tell me this" said Daolin this is the question that's been on his mind since the beginning.

"Because your master Li Mei is my masters sister and since your her disciple you'll eventually know it" said Meiying then looked at him with a blush" and also because..your my fiance"
