Daolin made his way up the mountain toward the main hall of their sect to meet his good friend, Meiying. As he climbed, surrounded by sweeping vistas and the sounds of the wilderness, he couldn't help but turn his thoughts toward Meiying, they had grown closer the last 2 years.

As he walked, he couldn't help but envision Meiying's stunning beauty. Her red hair, delicate features, and poise made her captivating

At the main hall entry, he saw Meiying already seated at a table, beckoning him to join her. Though she had a serious expression on her face, her eyes lit up as soon as she saw him. Daolin took a seat across from her.

"Daolin, it's been a while" Meiying began, bright smile on her lips.

Daolin nodded, a grin crossing his face to match hers. "Indeed it has, Meiying. So, what did you want to talk about?"

In fact it's only been 2 days they often meet to spar and talk about dao this is just her way of talking he had gotten used to it.

"There is a hunting expedition, and I would be honored if you would join me," Meiying said, her demeanor shifting to intense enthusiasm.

Daolin raised an eyebrow, intrigued "Why?"

"Hear me out, Our sect continues to face external threats which make the hunt this year more dangerous this hunting trip an opportunity to hone our cultivation skills and being together would allow us to safeguard each other" Meiying said, her words soft but also serious.

Daolin nodded in acknowledgement, he had no problem in teaming up with her the prospect of developing his cultivation skills alongside Meiying was too enticing to pass on.

Meiying smiled again, relieved and thankful. "Excellent"

Over the course of their discussion, Daolin began to understand that this hunting trip, Not only would they be navigating treacherous terrain, traversing dense forests, and hunting fierce beasts, but they would also be working together to develop their inner skills as cultivators. He viewed this trip as an opportunity to deepen his cultivation and bond with Meiying.


As Daolin prepared for the hunting expedition, He spent hours every day refining his skills and training vigorously to prepare for the challenges that lay ahead, both physical and spiritual

Finally the day of the hunt came and disciples left the sect, they joined in groups, each of them had determined faces, but they didn't know most of them would not comeback from this hunt



Mist forest

As Daolin and Meiying walked through the wilderness. The harsh environment tested their endurance, but they pushed forward. But as they pushed deeper into the wilderness, it became clear that something was wrong, the place became suddenly silent, suddenly a fierce and powerful beast they had never seen before jumped at them.

Daolin's heart raced with excitement as he and Meiying prepared to engage the beast. They were confident in their abilities after years of training, but as the battle unfolded, they realized they had underestimated the creature's strength with there lack of experience. In the heat of the moment, Meiying was badly injured by the massive beast's claws.

"Meiying" screamed Daolin

His heart sank as he saw Meiying's limp body sprawled on the ground, her face twisted in pain. But know he had to act fast to save her. With his skills and instincts honed from years of training, Daolin focused all his energy on protecting Meiying and fending off the beast.

The battle raged on for what seemed like hours, and Daolin's limbs burned with exertion, but he refused to give up. His mind and body were focused on one thing: protecting Meiying from harm. Despite the beast's ferocity and cunning, Daolin was able to gain the upper hand and finally defeat it.

As he tended to Meiying's wounds, Daolin felt a profound sense of relief mixed with fear. He had put his life on the line for Meiying, and he wasn't sure he could face the thought of losing her

Daolin tended to Meiying's wound, he noticed her blush.

"Is it hurting you?" Daolin asked, with concern in his voice.

"No, it's just that...I've never had someone take care of me like this before," Meiying admitted, lowering her gaze as her cheeks grew hotter.

Daolin smiled softly, pleased that he was able to make her feel cared for. "It's my duty to take care of you, Meiying. You're very dear to me" he said, as he wrapped a bandage around her injured milky white leg.

Meiying met his gaze, feeling her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn't deny the warmth and affection she felt for Daolin.

"I'm grateful to have met you Daolin" Meiying said a beautiful smile adoring her face

Daolin's heart skipped looking at her, He knew that his feelings for Meiying were deepening by the day. He couldn't bear the thought of ever losing her.

"We're in this together, Meiying. And I promise to always protect you," Daolin said, with a reassuring smile.

Meiying's heart swelled with emotion feeling butterflies in her stomach she nodded, she feels safe and loved in Daolin's company.