
Daolin slowly made his way through the dense forest. He was searching for a rare herb that would cure Meiying, He had managed to stabilize her, but he knew she needed more than just bandages and salve.

Despite his search efforts, he had failed to find the herb.

Out of options, Daolin had continued to brave the Mist Forest, known for its treacherous nature and hidden dangers. He had heard rumors that the herb he sought grew deep within the forest.

As he ventured into the misty forest, he could feel the spiritual energy that permeated the air, making every plant, tree, and creature around him feel alive. It was an intense and humbling experience, but Daolin knew he had to keep going.

Meiying clung to his back, still weakened from her injuries. Daolin moved in silence, with only the sound of his footsteps and the wind rustling through the leaves.

Suddenly, a rustling sound alerted Daolin to something moving in the bushes ahead. He tensed, his hand going to the saber at his waist. He knew there were dangers in the forest, and he couldn't afford to let his guard down.

A creature emerged from the bushes, and Daolin braced himself for a fight. But as he saw the creature, he relaxed. It was a small flying squirrel, one of the few harmless animals in the forest. It chirped at him, as if trying to say something.

Daolin was about to move on when he felt a sudden tug at his sleeve. He looked back to see Meiying holding on to him tightly, tears streaming down her face. "What is it?" he asked, concerned.

Meiying pointed to the squirrel, her voice shaking. "It was my father's favorite spirit animal. He used to say that they always led him to what he needed."

Daolin considered this for a moment. Maybe Meiying was right. Maybe the squirrel was trying to guide them to the herb they were looking for. He turned to the animal, and it chirped again, this time as if urging him to follow.

Daolin nodded and followed the squirrel, with Meiying still holding on to him tightly. As they walked, Daolin could feel a new energy surging through him. It was as if the forest itself was guiding him towards the herb. He felt more determined and confident than ever before.

Finally, they arrived at a small clearing, and there, in the center, was the herb they had been searching for.

"It's really here" Daolin was surprised could what Weiying said be true

Weiying was also happy" see I told you"

The plant had a brilliant green color, and its leaves shimmered in the sunlight that filtered through the trees.

Daolin plucked the herb from the ground and placed it carefully into his satchel.

Finding a small cave Daolin took a deep breath as he sat down, carefully opening his satchel and removing the precious herb. The pressure and tension that had built up within him dissipated a little as he prepared to treat Meiying's wounds.

In the dim light of the cave, Daolin could see Meiying's face crease with pain, as he began to work on her injury. She blushed, feeling vulnerable but grateful for Daolin's gentle and caring touch.

Daolin's hands were big and rough, and he worked with the utmost care to apply the herb, feeling the warmth of its power radiating through his fingers. It seemed to seep into Meiying's skin, easing the pain and helping to heal the damage done.

As Daolin continued to work, he noticed a faint glow emanating from his hands. He was surprised by this, as he had never seen anything like it before.

All the while, Meiying watched him carefully, taking small glances whenever she could, watching how he treated her with utmost care like a delicate flower, she liked this feeling, she had butterflies in her stomach.

As Daolin finished treating Meiying's wound, the glow faded from his hands, He looked up at Meiying and smiled, the pain and stress from earlier slipping away.

Meiying smiled back weakly, but gratefully, knowing that her wounds were in safe hands with Daolin. They sat for a while longer in the cave to recuperate.