Xiaomei Loneliness

The sun climbed lazily up the sky, gradually casting its light over the Tranquil Petal Peak, home to Xiaomei and her Master. The morning breeze carried the faint scent of herbs and blooming flowers as Xiaomei took a deep breath, absorbing the tranquility around her. A feeling of serenity washed over her, but the ache in her heart was insistent.

"Concentrate, Xiaomei," Master Li Mei's calm voice broke through her thoughts. "Focus on the flow of spiritual essence in your body. It will only work if you trust yourself."

"Yes, Master," Xiaomei replied obediently.

With closed eyes, Xiaomei recalled the meditation technique. It required a lot of focus. However, despite her efforts, Xiaomei couldn't help but feel that something vital was missing from her practice.

"Master, may I ask you a question?" Xiaomei inquired hesitantly.

"Feel free," Master Li Mei answered, her kind gaze never Xiaomei.

"Do you think this technique is suitable for me?" Xiaomei asked softly, her hands fidgeting with her loose robes.

Li Mei smiled. "the last few years you have displayed exceptional talent. This advanced technique will undoubtedly be a challenge, but I believe in you."

Xiaomei hesitated, her heart heavy with unspoken feelings. "I feel like my progress is slow, Master. It's just… I miss my brother so much."

Master Li Mei nodded empathetically, moving closer to Xiaomei. "Your brother has always been your rock, hasn't he? The bond between you is precious and irreplaceable."

"Yes, We were always together. He is strong and decisive, and always encouraged me when I felt weak." Tears welled in Xiaomei's eyes as she spoke, but she blinked them away. "Now that he's gone on the hunting expedition, I feel lost."

Li Mei lifted her disciple's chin, sympathy shining in her eyes. "Your brother's departure is a challenge for you, Xiaomei. But it's essential for you to cultivate inner strength, this separation will only make you stronger."

Taking a deep breath, Xiaomei nodded. They resumed their training, and she found herself gradually adapting to the technique that once seemed impossible, the image of her brother in her heart as she moved.

The next day, Master Li Mei brought Xiaomei to the peak of Tranquil Petal Mountain, the highest point in the sect's territory. "Today's lesson is more profound" she said. "This is where you'll learn to harness the elements and understand your connection to the natural world."

Gazing out at the breathtaking view, Xiaomei felt an inexplicable connection to the world around her. It was as if the wind carried her brother's voice, whispering encouragement to her from the distant wilderness. "I understand now, Master. I can feel my brother's spirit even when he's far away."

Li Mei smiled and placed a hand on Xiaomei's shoulder. "This state of being is what we call the Heart of Nature. Now that you've found it, your cultivation will become even more potent."

Xiaomei's eyes sparkled with newfound enthusiasm. She was eager for the day her brother would return and witness how much she'd grown.