This technique no good

As they entered the chamber, Daolin and Weiying found themselves standing before an elaborate altar that glowed with an otherworldly light. Runes etched into the floor pulsed with energy, seeming to breathe in time with the room's heartbeat. A powerful presence emanated from the center of the room.

Daolin approached the altar, his eyes sweeping across an array of rare artifacts displayed upon it. He noticed an ancient scroll that seemed to be the centerpiece of the collection, and he reached out to touch it.

As Daolin's fingers touched the ancient scroll, he felt an incredible surge of warmth that flowed through his body, energizing him with newfound power. Suddenly, a horde of stone soldiers appeared attacking them.

However, Daolin was prepared. With the power of the scroll now at his disposal, he unleashed a powerful wave of flame energy exploding outwards, immediately reducing the entire horde of stone men to ash.