The sun beamed through the canopy, dappling the forest floor with spots of gold. Daolin and Weiying, soiled with the grime and dust of an age-old tomb, emerged from the darkness and breathed a sigh of relief. The air outside felt crisper than the starl dark atmosphere that had lingered within the tomb's chambers.

"We made it, Daolin," Weiying said, her voice trembling with excitement as she looked around. "We got out alive."

"Indeed," he replied, wiping sweat and dirt from his brow. "I'm glad we managed to retrieve the artifacts, but I'm even happier to see the light of day again." Daolin looked at their caked clothes with a frown and shook the dirt off as best he could. "Let's wash off this filth. I heard the sound of water nearby"

Weiying nodded in agreement, and they both started to trudge through the forest. The sounds of chirping birds and the rustle of leaves were soothing after the eerie silence of the tomb.