As the morning sun cast its golden rays through the dense canopy of the Forest, Daolin and Weiying emerged from the tent, their breath misting in the crisp air. The previous days had been very tense, but now a sense of tranquility settled over them as they prepared to resume their hunt.

Their bond had grown stronger since the dangerous encounter, they even sleep in the same bedding sharing there warmth in the cold forest nights, though this Weiying found herself addicted to the feeling of being held and Daolin manly smell. As they set out, the mist clung to the air like a shroud, creating an otherworldly atmosphere.

The forest, with its ancient trees and twisting vines, appeared to be alive, the very air hummed with latent energy. Daolin and Weiying moved together, their senses alert for any sign of danger. As they ventured deeper into the forest, the light filtering through the foliage grew dimmer, lending an eerie quality to their surroundings.