As a beast lay defeated on the ground, Daolin wiped the sweat from his brow and turned to Weiying. "We should return to the sect, Weiying. We've advanced our battle power enough. Plus, I miss my lil sister" he said, a tinge of longing in his voice.

Weiying nodded, sheathing her blade. "Agreed. The sect Master is expecting our return, and Xiaomei must be worried about you" Weiying said.

As they walked back, their conversation flowed easy, recalling past battles. However, that was cut short as they encountered a group of men, from there outfit they seemed to belong to another sect.

Their eyes lingered on Weiying, a covetous gleam reflecting in their gaze.

"Weiying, be on your guard," Daolin cautioned, noticing there filthy gases, positioning himself in front of her protectively. However, the group of men made their intentions clear as they moved to surround them.

"We don't want any trouble," Weiying said, her voice steady. "Let us pass."