That Day...

I usually avoid killing innocent people unless it becomes necessary, but I vividly remember that day when the streets were filled with blood...

Guns don't scare me much, because they'd have to hit me perfectly in the head to knock me out, and that's not as easy as in the movies.

That's why most people aim for the upper body due to its larger target area.

I can still recall how I battled both the police force and the Followers that day, until only the Alpha was left.

Sadly he managed to snatch away Cthylla and escape with her... Leading me to shed more blood, as I stormed the city hall to get to the mayor's office.

"Stay close to me, and whatever you do, don't go near the Follower!" I warn Cthylla, before placing my hand on her cheek and giving her a short kiss.

Little did I know that this would be our last kiss for a long time, or I would have cherished that moment longer...

She nods and retrieves her pistol from her purse, while my body walks towards the police chief automatically with my hands raised.

I had a pistol hidden on me, but I wanted to reserve the special bullets for the Followers. And the policemen in front of me were armed enough, anyway...

"Stop, don't move, or we will open fire!" warns the chief, and I can hear every policeman making their weapons ready to shoot.

To this point, everything goes according to my memory... until the Alpha Follower walks towards the chief and whispers something in his ear.

The police chief then nods and begins to speak into his radio. Well, that's new, but it doesn't change anything.

Or so I thought...

The next moment, the policemen drop their weapons and retrieve bazookas and grenade launchers, from their cars.

There was even a guy who looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger who had a minigun...

"You've got to be kidding me..." I mutter as I see the grenades, rockets, and bullets flying towards me.

"No, Ras!!!"

The last thing I hear before being shredded to pieces is Cthylla's scream, and everything goes dark...

That's not how I remember this... Sure, my blood was on the streets that day too, but I was not the one who died there...

As I regain consciousness, I find myself not on the street, but, luckily or unluckily, inside the mayor's office.

Lucky because I somehow made it to the mayor's office, but also unlucky because six Followers are surrounding me...

They hold me in place by stabbing me with their ugly tentacle hands and pin me in a kneeling position to the ground that way.

When the one in front of me realizes that I'm awake, he steps aside, giving me a clear view of the office.

The Alpha Follower leans on his table and grins triumphantly at me, while Cthylla stands beside him, staring blankly ahead, with Cthulhu's symbol on her forehead.

Well, this part fits again... except for the fact that I'm playing the skewer right now.

"Look who woke up, the daughter seducer..." says the Alpha Follower, while approaching me.


He kneels down to my height and says, "I must say you're an interesting specimen. Annoying but interesting. You see, I've met people, or 'immortals,' who appear in every universe I've been in.

And like you, they were always ready to fight me, but in the end, they could still be killed, and I feasted on their souls afterwards.

Some died when you beheaded them, others died when you killed them a few times, and some would get killed if you spread their ashes after burning them.

But you are unique... you are not simply an immortal. You are something else, right? Something that simply exists. Maybe you are even one of us?

My throat was pierced by one of the Followers, and I couldn't answer him, even if I wanted...

"Oh, sorry, it seems you can't answer me. Well, I don't really care because this will be your final destination anyway," he says and steps back, and three Followers begin to melt down and attach themselves to my body.

This fucker wants to imprison me...

"First, I wanted to let you watch my birth in this world, by my lovely daughter here, but now I've decided otherwise," he says while walking behind Cthylla and placing a hand on her shoulder that makes her empty eyes flicker red for a second...

In the meantime, the remaining Followers step aside and take their tentacles out of me while the melted-down ones form a blob, leaving only my head out in the open.

He then whispers in Cthylla's ear, while her symbol and eyes begin to glow green, "Daughter, prove that this man is nothing to you and take his head."

Well, in the end, it seems that it will still lead to the same outcome...

When it happened the first time, I arrived at his office, but this excuse for a tentacle monster let his mind-controlled daughter fight me, knowing exactly that I would not hurt her...

Cthylla then walks slowly towards me while her hand transforms into a dark grey sword that glows an ominous red.

She then comes in front of me and raises her hand while looking blankly at me but does nothing in the end.

This makes my useless head smile at her... if this autopilot head knew what would happen next, it wouldn't smile.

"Daughter, I ordered you something... finish it."

The symbol starts to glow brighter, and blood-red tears flow out of her eyes, but she still doesn't move.

This hesitation angers her father, and he says in his monstrous voice, {I ordered you to finish him! Cut all connections to this useless world!}

But Cthylla still doesn't swing down her arm, and instead, grabs her forehead with her normal-looking hand.

In the next moment, the fingernails on her hand become red claws as she stabs into the symbol.

"Aghhh!!! No!" screams Cthylla and rips off the flesh with the symbol on it, then drops to her knees in front of me while holding her bloody forehead.

"{Disappointing... then I will do it}," says the Alpha and transforms his hand into a green glowing sword.

Cthylla lets go of her forehead and screams "No... you won't touch him!"

The next moment, a monstrous red glowing eye appears on her forehead, and the sclera of her normal eyes becomes dark, while her irises begin to glow red as well.

She then turns towards her father, and red glowing wings that seem to be made out of her essence itself appear behind her.


These wings give her full access to her eldritch powers... sadly, this power-up also opens a door that she can't close afterwards...

{Stop her!}, orders Cthulhu while stepping back, seemingly afraid of his own daughter.

But Cthylla simply flaps her wings, and hits the Followers and the blob that is still attached to me.

Afterwards, they simply disintegrate while being absorbed by her.

My body stands up and seems to be proud of her... what a fool I was.

Cthylla then walks towards the Alpha while he steps backwards till he reaches the wall and has nowhere to run.

{Do you really think it's all so easy? You forgot why we do this, foolish ch---}

Before he can finish his sentences, she extends her arm unnaturally towards him, transforming it into a spike that penetrates his body and absorbs him too.

Afterwards, her wings and the third eye disappear, and her eyes return to normal.

In the end, she destroys the Alpha as she did in our original encounter with him... Then she smiles at me and opens her arms to give me a hug.

But before we can, green essence tentacles stab through the back of her body, and she looks shocked at me while blood begins to come out of her mouth.

And I could do nothing to stop that...

{Foolish child... what have you done... wounding your own father... now feast and afterwards fulfill your destiny in another world}

Like the last time, Cthulhu used the opened connection to her to manifest his essence in this world and wound her...

Cthulhu fathered Cthylla, and Cthylla gave birth to Cthulhu. They share a connection that is on a whole new level...

But if Cthylla is reborn in a new world, this connection closes again and stays that way till she uses her powers. It is basically a fail-safe if she faces an enemy that is beyond her.

Then Cthulhu and the Followers can come and help her. The problem is that it doesn't close afterwards, even if she stops using her powers...

Allowing Cthulhu to influence, control, or even 'manifest' next to her because of this connection.

Afterwards, the tentacles disappear again, and Cthylla collapses, so my body moves again automatically to catch her, but as soon as I touch her, the lights go out again...

While the lights were out, I reflected on the events...

The grenade launcher and bazookas were comical, and the pinned-down part never happened originally, but in the end, it came to the same conclusion...

It was also strange that I had no control over my body... it was like watching a movie from the first person.

Suddenly, the lights turn on again, and I find myself back in the diner in New York with a coffee in front of me, while Cthylla comes out of the bathroom.

"Motherf---, do I look like Bill Murray? I can guess who is doing this... but why, and how do I stop him?"

It doesn't feel like an illusion either; it's more like reality itself was changed...

"Do you think we can finally take a breather here? My father's Followers have become pretty active lately," says Cthylla after coming out of the bathroom and sitting across from me.

Here we go again...

My mouth moves again on its own, "I hope so, but we should be fine as long as we stay among some crowd of people, since he seems to avoid publicity."