
After the first reverse, the scenes from that day continued to repeat.

I run out of the diner with Cthylla while Penny screams after us. Then, I get killed, followed by the scenes in the mayor's office.

The second time, after running out, the police came with tanks and blew me away.

The third time, they came with giant rocket launchers loaded with small atom bombs and shot them at me.

Afterwards it got even crazier…

The fourth time, the police came with giant mechs and shot lasers at me. And I was pretty sure that the tenth time, I got stomped on by Godzilla while he fought Kong…

And whenever I watched the scenes unfold, my autonomous body said, "You've got to be kidding me…" before getting killed, which started to drive me crazy.

I died a lot of times during my short lifespan, but man, I never died like that… I even began anticipating what would happen next before appearing in the mayor's office and seeing Cthylla die…

Since I didn't really have anything to do other than getting knocked out and seeing my loved one pierced.

I began to use all my mental might to take control of my body by invading my own mind, using the Djinn's powers.

And finally, after the 350th time when I got crashed by a meteorite, I managed to stop my body from saying, "You've got to be kidding me…"

Although I was still unable to control my body, I could finally send him orders, like with a mental remote control.

"Grab your stuff! We need to get away from here immediately!" says my autopilot self and grabs Cthylla's hand, dragging her out.

"Wait, you need to pay for the coffee!" screams Penny for the hundredth time today, and her voice seems to get sore…

And this time, before opening the door, I stop and look around as if noticing something and say, "Let's go to the backdoor."

Cthylla nods, and we go towards the kitchen. As we walk past the dumbfounded Penny, I give her 500 bucks to pay her for the coffee.

"Wait, where are you two going?" says Penny and follows us to the back exit.

It seems to work out quite well. Maybe I can break this reality if I save Cthylla, or something like that…

Or maybe not…

"Is this a tiger?" asks Penny after seeing Cthylla and me stopping outside, because there was a huge tiger directly outside the door.

"Rarrgh!" The next moment, the beast jumps forward and bites me on the head, and everything turns dark.

What the hell, my body didn't even try to evade the attack… When I regain consciousness, I'm again in the mayor's office.

I don't care how powerful this guy is; I will enjoy killing him…


Afterwards, the world started to reset again, but this time I died every time I walked out the back door…

"Is this an elephant?" … "Is this a T. rex?" … "Is this the moon falling onto us?" … "Is this a Terminator? …"

I will really, really enjoy killing him…

After dying over 150 times and watching Cthylla getting pierced, I can finally move the body with my thoughts.

"Do you think we can finally take a breather here? My father's Followers have become pretty active lately," says Cthylla, coming out of the bathroom and sitting across from me.

I smile at her and say, "Yes, everything will be fine soon. Wait a bit, I need to kill someone really fast."

Cthylla looks confused at me while I grab the tablespoon from my coffee cup and walk towards Penny.

"Hey, do you want to order something to eat?" asks Penny, standing at the counter and probably waiting for an order to be finished from the cooks.

"You brought me a steak earlier, so I'm fine," I tell her, halting directly in front of her.

"I don't know wh--- argh." Before she can finish her sentence, I grab her by the throat and lift her into the air.

Then try to use the tablespoon to stab her. But as the spoon is about to connect, she shimmers away from my grip, and I stab it into the counter.

The next moment, the sounds in the diner become quiet, and time seems to freeze, even for Cthylla.

*Clap, Clap, Clap*

"Impressive… not only by breaking my control over you but also finding my true body. What gave it away?" says 'Penny,' after appearing a few feet behind me.

"Is it? I think you didn't really want to hide your identity. And if you really tried, then you were terrible at it… different dialogues, hoarse voice after screaming at us, and also, she was a TV star in my world."

"Got me. I didn't really hide it very well, even though I didn't know she was a TV star…" says Penny with a smile.

Then blue transparent flames appear around her, and the guy from the beach stands in front of me.

Yeah, because she is a waitress in your world…

Well, it seems that he can't read minds, or at least not mine, since I know Penny or Kaley Cuoco from watching Big Bang Theory in my old world.

But since he could build this world so perfectly, he probably could read Cthylla's mind, who was not, at least not in my world, a big fan of pop culture and never watched TV.

"Well, since your little prank is busted, it's time to die," I say and walk slowly towards him with the tablespoon.

"Wait! You want to stab me with a tablespoon? Isn't that a bit brutal? I mean, it's dull…" says the prankster, walking backwards while raising his hands submissively.

"Don't care, you made a T. rex eat me… after I gut you with the spoon, I will take the fork over there to slowly behead you,"

I say bluntly, while gesturing towards the table where a guy is eating some eggs with a fork.


When he reaches the wall and can't escape any further, he calms down, smiles silly at me, and then says, "You are quite the stubborn one…"

"Yeah, so it's stabby, stabby time…" I say and want to stab him. But he shimmers away again and appears relaxed a few feet from me.

Afterwards snaps his fingers, and the tablespoons in my hand and any other cutlery in the diner seem to vanish.

"I didn't mean it positively, you wannabe highlander…" he says snarky after making my sword disappear.

I killed people with less, so it's not really a drawback…

So I look around for what I can use to torture him as he continues to talk, "You are so stubborn that you're not even getting my lesson, that I try to hammer in your head."

This makes me stop looking around, and I ask him, "Lesson? And what lesson would that be? How to die? Or to accept the death of loved ones?"

"No… to finally accept that you can't save her. She has a part to play, so let her play it. Your presence makes it more complicated and also puts more people at risk."

"That's funny… you read her memory right? If she plays her part, you know what happens?" I ask amused.

"Yes, but this is not your world… we have beings here who would instantly intervene if they notice that it goes out of control, and believe me, they are already watching…

So pack your stuff and continue to live your immortal life in peace somewhere far, far away from her before your highlander ass becomes a target too," he says seriously.

I raise a brow and ask him, "They, huh? Well, it doesn't matter anyway… I promised her a normal life, and I'm planning to keep it, so go and teach your lessons to someone else."

He gets upset at this, walks towards me, and grabs my collar, then slams me into the wall.

"Did you even listen to what I said? Do you even know what she really is? I saw it! She is the abomination of abominations… the mother of all evil, the devourer of universes. She probably uses you---"

*Rumble, Crack, Shatter*

After a very, very long time, someone made me so angry that I lost my cool for a second…

This small emotional outburst activated somehow the telekinesis spell and made the whole diner shake before cracking the wall and shattering all glass in the building.

But more importantly, it stopped the fucker from talking more bullshit…

So I grab his wrist and make him let go of my collar while he stares at me in shock.

"You think you know everything… That's why you think you can teach someone a lesson, right?"

He stays quiet and only stares at me… and finally, his shocked state allows me to sense what his true aura is…

"Since you only know the parts of that day that Cthylla remembers herself, let me show you what really happened that day when I let my world die."