True Immortal

The vampire leader stretches out his hands as if welcoming me and says,

"Welcome to my humble abode. My name is Bill. And you must be the hunter boyfriend who has likely already dealt with my nest members, correct?"

"Yes, except for the two in the basement," I say, walking closer to him.

He sighs and then comes closer until we are only a few feet away from each other.

"That's a shame, especially since Keith had potential. But with my new mate, I can rebuild it and make it better," he says, somewhat happily.

I look at Cthylla, who is on the ground and is holding her neck while trying to catch her breath.

"I wouldn't plan so far," I say to him, then walk to her and help her up.

He watches calmly and then asks, "And why is that?"

Cthylla looks at me guiltily and tries to hide her face. But I turn her towards me and see the spot where he slapped her. Then I turn towards him again and say, "Because you will be dead in a few moments…"

This makes his eyes shine, and I can see his fingernails extend.

I look over my shoulder at Cthylla and say, "Can you go and deal with the ones in the basement? I will come down in a few minutes too."

She nods, kisses me on the cheek, and tries to walk through the broken door, but Bill vanishes and appears at the door.

"Not so fast, lov—"

So I use my telekinesis spell to send him flying towards the throne-like chair he probably enjoyed sitting in, which allows Cthylla to walk out.


"Hahaha, so the house shaking was really you. The strange thing is, I can't smell anything special about you…" says Bill with a laugh but a serious face, as he stands up.

Then he looks at the broken chair and says, "Too bad this chair was antique and a present from my father."

Father? He probably refers to his maker or sire here...

Then he turns toward me and explains, "You see, hunter, my kind needs three things to find fulfillment in this world: blood, a nest, and a mate.

You've taken my nest already and now you're also attempting to take my mate. After I've searched for her for two thousand years, this is not nice of you."

"Two thousand years?" I ask him, surprised.

"Yes... And if you think you can frighten me with your powers, then I need to disappoint you. You are not the first and will not be the last human with special powers that I killed in this lifetime," says Bill proudly.

"One question… how can someone who has lived for so long be so poor that he needs to live in a mansion without water and electricity?

I mean, it's no surprise you haven't found a mate until now. Nobody wants a partner who can't even make money after two millennia."

"Funny... but this is more of a lifestyle than a money problem."

"Sure, if you say so…" I say with a shrug, not believing a single word because that is what everybody would say in his situation.

This makes him look angry at me, and he suddenly vanishes. Afterwards, appears in front of me and pierces through my upper body with his hand.

With a satisfied smile, he then takes out his hand, and I fall to the ground because he also pierced my spine.

His money problems seem to be a sensitive topic for him…


"Not even 1% of my lifespan, and he thinks he can make fun of me... What hubris," he says with scorn, then turns around and wants to walk out of the room.

But suddenly freezes when he notices me standing up again.

"No, this is not hubris. I make fun of you because you are simply pathetic. You spent two thousand years trying to find a mate even though you can create one anytime.

Let's be real, you haven't found one until now because you are simply poor, obnoxious, and unlikable," I say and grin at him.

This makes him nearly foam at the mouth, and he dashes forward again. First, he disarms me by ripping off my arm then summons his fangs, and bites me in the neck.

"A monster... who thinks he is better just because he lives so long... I'm kind of disappointed. I expected more... from a fellow immortal," I say and need to pause occasionally as blood enters my throat and I need to spit it out.

He grabs my shoulder, rips a chunk from my neck with his fangs, and throws me against the wall.

I crash into it, then slide down, and my head starts to hang to the right because the part that should hold it in place is missing.

He spits the meat chunk out and says, "Fellow immortal? Please don't stain our name by calling yourself that. I don't want to be associated with something weak like you."

Ignoring him, I stretch out my left hand and catapult my right arm, which is still holding my machete, towards me. Catch it, then stand up and press it against the stump while my neck heals completely.

This leaves him looking at me dumbfounded, and he seems to want to attack me again, but I hold him in place with my telekinesis.

Then I walk towards him and say, "Weak? Well, at least I didn't spend two thousand years sulking in a dark corner...

Let me tell you how I spent my time when I was your age.

During that time, a giant tsunami devastated my homeland, a catastrophe that people later referred to as the great flood. So, I helped the survivors rebuild what was left of their civilization.

At double your age, I went south and created the first true city in the world.

When I was nearly triple your age, I became the king of it and reigned for over 600 years. And the people began to call me the hero king and started creating legends about me.

Four times your age, I went to a man who later changed the world forever. People even created a religion based around him.

And now, at five times your age, I meet a pathetic being that tries to grope my girlfriend and says I would stain the name of immortals. So, I will give you a chance to show me that you are better than me."

I step directly in front of him while his whole body shakes as he tries to free himself. But I hold him in place by focusing my anger on my telekinesis and then swing my machete at him.

"Agh! You bastard—ugh!" I slice off his arm and kick him against the wall.

Then kick his arm towards him and say, "Come on, regrow your arm or pick it up and reattach it. At least this is something you should be able to do."

I stop my telekinesis and give him time to do so...

But he only stands up and holds the stump of his missing arm and says, "You will pay for this! I will rip you apart!"

He vanishes and tries to behead me by appearing from the side and slicing at me with his hand. However, I let my perception guide me and catch his wrist at the last moment.

"How? This is impossible," he says with wide eyes, then tries to bite me with his fangs. But I give him a headbutt and kick him back against the wall.

Even before the werewolf bites, I could strain my body far beyond human capabilities because the internal damage would heal anyway.

But now, with enhanced strength, I can easily match his strength if I break through my limits. Only his speed is a problem… but with my perception, I can at least predict his attacks.

I point my machete at his foot and use my telekinesis to send out a shot that blows it away.

"Agh!!!" He screams but manages to catch his flying foot in the air. I thought he would finally start to heal and adapt, but he only stares at it in shock.

I walk closer to him, then kneel down and say again, "Heal yourself... heal yourself and rip me apart. Adapt to the new situation and stop me. Show me that you are better than me and deserve her. Show me what a true immortal is."

But he still only stares at his missing foot... So I stand up and look at him disappointed.

"That's it? Where did your attitude go?! Show some honor, you are the leader of your nest! Fight for your place in this world, you piece of shit!"

He does nothing, so I kick him across the face, and he crashes to the ground motionless. It seems his brain has chosen to freeze as the better option rather than fighting at the moment...

"Tsk, I think I expected too much," I say as I click my tongue.

Then I cut my finger and begin to write his soul name on the machete.

Afterward, I kick him so that he lies on his back and step above him.

He looks at me and says while shaking, "If you kill me… my father will come for you."

His eyes start to shine, and I sense that a more powerful being is watching right now through his eyes.

"I'm fine with that. At least I can tell him personally how pathetic you were," I say and slam down the machete into his heart. His eyes flash one last time in a white color before the final traces of life leave them.

It would be too merciful to grant him the same fate as his nest members...

Afterward, I fill the palm of my hand with his blood and drink it.

~~~ At the same time, near the door to the basement ~~~

Cthylla could be seen walking down the stairs, her wound from the slap had already healed.

However, her honor was still wounded because she had made a fool of herself by underestimating her opponent.

In the end, Rasiel had to step in to clean up her mess again...

At least she could show that she was still a bit useful and deal with the two in the basement as he had asked her to.

On the way, she also picked up some needles and an empty blood bag next to the unconscious woman who had been kidnapped with her.

Because she also wants to experiment with the possibility of enhancing her own abilities...

Upon arriving at the basement door, she suddenly feels the emotions of a deeply hurt and sorrowful being, as if something important had been torn away from it.

Ignoring it for now, she continues to walk downstairs and hears the Violet woman talking.

"Eric, why did you have to go after that blonde psychic bitch? I could have been your mate... and now look at you, locked up until you become a true monster," says Violet as she sits next to the imprisoned and partially bald Eric.

"Because I love her," says the starved vampire, his gaze fixed on the emptiness of his prison cell.

"Tsk, you're just like Bill. You don't even see when the right person is right beside you. I hope you have nightmares of her death," Violet says while standing up to leave, but then suddenly freezing in place.

"Flumen aquae tempero et corpus tuum est ludibrium meum!"

Cthylla steps out of the shadows, extending her hand toward the envious woman and red veins start to appear on Violet's previously flawless vampire body.

"Agh! What are you doing... how did you get down here... where is Bill?!" Violet exclaims as her whole body cramps.

"Since I can sense my boyfriend coming down the stairs, he is definitely dead," says Cthylla with a smile.

Then looks at the pitiful being in the cell and takes Violet's empty glass, while walking toward him.

"Poor thing... I know this pain all too well," she says, grabbing a broken piece of sharp stone from the ground and cutting herself to fill the glass with her blood.

Then places the glass in his cell.

He looks at her with confusion, and for the first time in a long while, a glimmer of light returns to his eyes.

"Drink it and free yourself once you've recovered. Then find something else to fight for," Cthylla instructs him with a smile then turns back to Violet.

What she doesn't know at that moment is that this act of kindness will give rise to a new species of vampire in this world, a species that will have something to fight for...

"Don't worry. You're lucky. I only need some of your blood for experimentation. Because your friend James has already provided us with his teeth," she remarks, inserting a needle into Violet's arm to fill the blood bag.

"Agh, I'll kill you... you bitch!" Violet shouts, even though she can't do anything as she is much younger than Bill and can't control the blood in her body.

"See? Wasn't so bad, was it?" Cthylla says, removing the needle from the woman's arm. She then starts walking towards her boyfriend, who seems to be waiting upstairs.

But before Cthylla can leave, Violet stops her and asks, "Wait, are you going to leave me like this?"

"Hmm, oh, sorry. Of course not."

*Snap* *Splash*

Cthylla snaps her fingers, causing Violet's head to explode, and then continues walking upstairs.

~~~ Rasiel's POV ~~~

After drinking the blood, I felt it invading my bloodstream, but my body simply destroyed it again.

Since the werewolf bite took nearly a night to enhance my body, I let it be and walked towards Cthylla, and waited in front of the basement door.

I could, of course, help her, but this would probably hurt her ego, so I stayed outside.

After a while, I could sense one of the vampires dying, and then she started to move towards me without dealing with the last one for some reason.

She opened the door and smiled at me while being covered in blood, but since I wasn't much better, I asked her, "Finished?"

"Yes, but I left one alive because he seems to have paid for his sins already..." she said somewhat thoughtfully.

This piqued my curiosity, but since I could sense a bunch of people outside who had an aura I had sensed before, I said, "Then so be it, let's go outside; there seem to be people waiting for us."

She looks confused at me but then grabs my hand, and we walk outside, where a bunch of black buses are standing with some scientist-looking guys and soldiers next to them.

A woman with shoulder-length dark brown hair sees us and steps forward without even caring about our bloody state.

Then says while stretching out her hand, "Hello, my name is Teresa Lisbon Jane. My husband sent me here after we got the information that the police are searching again for you.

We cleared that up and will also clear this place and remove all evidence, so don't worry about that."

Well, if this isn't generous...

I grab her hand and say, "Thank you. You probably know my name, but I'm Aiden Cross, and this is my lovely girlfriend, Anna Milton.

Where is Jane? I need to thank him for the last time, even though I didn't ask him to…"

She sighs and then says, "He… he seems to shift some priorities right now and is busy with all kinds of stuff, but I will tell him your thanks."

I nod at her and start to walk with Cthylla past her, but then my girlfriend turns around and states, "I have a request."

Teresa raises her brows and says, "Sure, what can I do for you?"

"There is a vampire in the basement. Leave him alone and bring the hurt girl upstairs home."

"Sure, don't worry about it," says Teresa with a smile and then sends her people inside before walking after them.

Strange, why are they so obedient? Jane was the same when I met him…

Since I am pretty sure I will meet him sooner or later again, whether I like it or not, I keep it in the back of my head and we walk towards our car.