Bright World*

After the meeting with the vampires and the SCP, it's time to relax a bit, so our next course of action is to find a place to sleep.

However, since we're covered in blood, especially me, we stop at the side of the road and decide to clean ourselves in a small lake in the middle of the night during the cold Nebraska winter...

Luckily, Cthylla packed our clothes and other stuff back in the car before she was kidnapped, or we would have also had to wait in the cold to dry ourselves.

"Are you sure you want to jump into the lake and not search for a toilet or something like that to clean us?" I ask her, not looking forward to bathing in a nearly frozen lake.

She takes out a bath towel from the trunk, then looks down at me for a second and says with a grin, "Is the badass immortal afraid that something gets smaller in the cold water?"

"First of all, nothing gets smaller on me, not even my ego. Secondly, not everyone is a born octopus and is fine with ice-cold water," I say in my defense, but she only rolls her eyes and throws a bathing towel at me.

Afterwards, walks to the water, sticks her finger in, and says, "Don't be a baby, it's slightly above freezing temperature, so we will be fine."

This woman... even as an immortal, I don't want to get my friend down there frozen.

She sees my hesitation, then smiles evilly and slowly strips down her clothes while walking back into the river, saying, "Ego sum dominus maris et mare mihi obedit, et tibi iubeo te calefieri," and then dives completely in.

(I am the ruler of the sea, and the sea obeys me, and I command you to get warm)

The next moment steam starts to rise from the water, and she emerges slowly out of it while the moonlight plays along and shines upon her curves.

She steps out of the water and slowly walks towards me, while swinging her hips, and says when she arrives in front of me, "You promised me that we would continue where we stopped in the alley, so keep your promise and come inside."


So I grab her hips softly and throw her back into the water to cool the pervert off again.

When she emerges from the water, angry and with hair all over her face because she forgot to make a show this time, I grin at her, then strip down and enter the water too.

Her magic makes the water relaxingly warm, and I walk towards her, while she still stares at me for destroying her buildup.

I arrive in front of her, where the water reaches my shoulders, remove the hair from her face, and press her against me.


Then I want to kiss her, but she turns her face away and "humphs" at me.

"First, you destroy the mood, and now you're still trying to get some sexy time, not like that, mister."

She says this but still presses her lower body against me.

So I grab her ass and lift her a bit to position my member at her entrance.

"Are you sure?" I ask her and start kissing her neck, then wander down to her breasts to play a bit with her nipples.

But she grabs my face and makes me look up at her. Then she lowers herself slowly onto it while looking me in the eyes until she takes it all in.

"Mhm… you are lucky, mister, that I still need to thank you for saving me again, so for now, do as you please."

Even though she says that I should do as I please, she starts moving up and down on her own and tries to control of the situation.

So I stop her while she moves up and press her down again with a bit of force.

"Mmm-ahh~, more!" she moans and looks lustfully at me while her body starts to tremble.

So I grab her ass a bit firmer and start to fuck her.

"Mh—" When I want to moan too, she presses her breast against my face while hugging my head and lets herself be pumped while suffocating me.

"Ah~, mhm~, yes, don't stop!" she moans above my head, and since I don't get tired or need to breathe, I fulfill her wish and simply continue like that.

While the water around us starts to get hotter as she loses control over herself.

"Nghhhhhhhh~" After a few seconds, she suddenly arches her back and climaxes, causing the water around us to suddenly evaporate.

So I use my telekinesis spell to stop the incoming water from crashing into us and let it softly engulf us again.

I don't know if I can even call it a spell anymore… since I can use the telekinesis by simply thinking about it after it got out of control for the second time.

She then looks down at me, still a bit drunk from the orgasm, and waits for me to continue. So I lift her from my penis, turn her around, and then thrust it back inside her.

"Aghhh~" "Mhm~" We both start moaning rhythmically, and I grab her breasts to move her up and down while playing with them.

She looks over her shoulder at me, grabs my head, and I kiss her deeply while not stopping, making her moan.

When I notice that I'm about to come, I start playing with her clit while increasing the speed of my thrusts, and she loses it again, puts her head on my shoulder while moaning intensely with half-open eyes.

"Ah~ Oh God~ It feels so fucking good~" She says and climaxes again, sso I thrust one last time and also come, and fill her up with my semen.

Afterwards, she starts to lose her strength and sinks into the water, so I pick her up and carry her to the car while she snuggles up to me happily


Since it was already late, and we could keep ourselves warm by pressing our bodies against each other, we decided to spend the night in the car rather than in a hotel.

So we simply lay down there while covering ourselves up with a thin sheet.

*Ring, Ring*

After having no idea how long we slept, I suddenly hear my phone ringing.

I open my eyes but instantly close them again because the brightness outside started to hurt them. So, I begin to search for my phone blindly.

We probably slept till noon, considering how bright it is...

*Ring, Ring*

"Yes, Aiden Cross here. Who's calling on such a sunny day?" I ask the caller.

"Sunny day? It's like 5 am... This is Sam Winchester, and I need your help or better said, Dean needs it."

"When a Winchester is calling me, it must be a sunny day. So, what is the problem?" I ask him, still trying to open my eyes but can't.

"Dean got electrocuted while fighting off a Rawhead and is currently dying slowly because he damaged his heart…"

"I'm not dying. I still have—" Dean tries to say in the background, but Sam interrupts him.

"He has like a week to live… and Bobby said you are in Nebraska, so I thought we could meet."

I can feel Cthylla waking up, but I couldn't see her. Who the hell turned up the sun so bright in the middle of the night?

After lifting the phone to let her listen, I ask the brothers, "Wait, not so fast. What the hell is a Rawhead? Some electricity monster that shocks people or something like that?"

I mean, this could be a useful ability to have…

"No, it's a monster that preys on children and lives in basements, the electricity was to kill it," answers Sam and waits for my response.

Yeah, not an ability I want…

"And let me guess, he shocked himself while trying to kill this thing?"

"Yes, like a hero!" says Dean in the background, and I can imagine Sam shaking his head.

"Sure, why not. Let's meet, I have nothing to do anyway," I say, finally managing to open my eyes, only to see a too-bright Cthylla staring back at me.

Do I have something on my face, or is it because I want to help them?

I already told her that I want to investigate Sam's connection to the demon who killed their mother and snapped my neck when we have some free time.

So, why is she so surprised?

"Good, thank you. We are driving to Ford City right now, but we can turn around and come towards you."

Cthylla comes out of her stupor, grabs the map, and shows it to me.

"No need for that. It's only an hour away from us, so let's meet there. But why are you driving there?" I ask him because it's literally in the middle of nowhere.

"I read about a miracle healer there, and I thought of him as a backup option if you can't."

"Wait?! You said it's a doctor and not some imposter who heals people probably in a tent!"

This guy fights monsters in basements but doesn't believe in miracle healers? I would even believe people if they told me Santa Claus is real in this world…

"I said that he was a specialist, so don't complain. Aiden, call us when you arrive in Ford City, and thank you," says Sam seriously.

"Don't worry about it, but let's meet at the miracle healer. I want to see him too, and if he is an imposter, I will simply heal your brother," I say to Sam.

Maybe I can learn a thing or two about him if he really is a miracle healer.

"Sure thing, I'll send you the address. Until later then."

"Yeah, bye," I say and hang up.

Finally, someone who has manners while talking on the phone…

After putting the phone away, I turn to my overly bright girlfriend, who is staring at me again.

"Is something wrong?" I ask her, and she merely raises her hand, then points the rearview mirror at me.

What I saw looking back at me was a good-looking guy, but the strange thing was that I didn't remember his eyes having a blue shine in them...

Well, that explains the brightness. It seems the vampire blood has finally started to upgrade me, as I can also feel a tingling sensation throughout my body...

Then I open my mouth and playfully bite her shoulder.

"Ouch! Why did you bite me?" she asks in disbelief while hiding her other body parts that are within my biting range.

"To see if I grew some fangs or something like that, but sadly not," I say, a bit disappointed. This would make eating meat so much easier...

"No... but we don't need flashlights anymore while walking in the dark because your eyes can do that job," she says and opens the door, probably to put on some clothes.

I close my eyes, relax, then open them again, and the brightness and glow disappear.

Then I also step out of the car and check out my body to see if anything has changed, but there are no obvious changes like with the werewolf bite…

Afterwards, I close my eyes again, and when I open them again, the brightness returns, and I can see clearly in the darkness.

While looking at the forest, I can discern even the smallest details, though it's a bit too bright. When I think that it's too intense, the brightness lessens slightly, and I can see more clearly.

Since the vampires were also fast, I go to the trunk where Cthylla is putting on some clothes, grab a knife, then walk a bit away from her and throw it.

Then I use my telekinesis to propel it back towards me while increasing its speed immensely until it becomes nothing more than a blur.

However, I'm still able to see it as if it's flying in slow motion and manage to catch it out of the air.

"Seems like the upgrade was more than just becoming a flashlight," says Cthylla as she comes next to me.

"Yeah, but I can sense that the changes aren't complete yet, because my body feels kinda restless and tingly…"

She thinks about it while stroking her chin then says, "After meeting the brothers, I'll have to test out the blood as well. If it goes wrong, well at least I'll get some fangs and some nice fingernails,"

I playfully slap her ass and walk towards the trunk, saying, "Sure, I'm always ready to experiment with you."

"Hey, no spanking unless you're ready to finish what you started," she complains and waits for my reaction.

But, I simply wink at her while putting on my clothes.

She huffs playfully and places the car seat back in its place so that we are ready to drive.

"You drive. I don't want to crash our car because my body goes out of control," I tell her as I sit down in the passenger seat.

She nods, and we head towards Ford City.