Level Up.

This interface is familiar to me, this chaos and this appearance I currently have, not to mention this tutorial and these creatures, everything is familiar to me down to the smallest detail.

But what disturbs me is this voice that answers my questions and reads in my mind without me being able to do anything to prevent it.

[It's to assist you as best I can.]

'You're going to shut your ass up and let me think calmly!?' I shrieked in a deep and hostile voice; of course, in my mind.


The good news is to see it obey me, even if I know he is not my ally.

In other words, this robotic voice is also proof that I'm constantly spied on; By whom or by what? I don't know. But it's frustrating.

Finally, it's not the time to worry about these details, the important thing's to focus on my survival. I'll talk to you after the end of the tutorial.


After this brief development, Isaac focuses on the whimsical creature that had just taken out its draconian head into the depths of a lake.

As I expected, a black sea snake with a length of about one hundred and ten meters. I know this because I faced this creature more than ten times before finding its weak point.

Its scales're hard to be scratched by my insignificant level two strength.

It's not a unique monster; but to hope to face it, the minimum level required is 70! In other words, I have no chance of defeating him.

But precisely, the purpose of this test is not to defeat it, but to have its favors; defeating it loyally is impossible.

"Little insignificant creature, why did you disturb me with your insulting offerings!? You have ten seconds to answer my question." It takes out its head which was my whole size and intimidates me with its ruby-red eyes as if they were pearls embedded in its eyeballs.

But the most important thing isn't its size, but its skills and its venom that can paralyze me instantly!

Tss~, I say that but my heart tries to get out by my mule while I try to do everything possible not to succumb to the fear it creates in its prey's heart.

Plus to its other cheating skills, this son of shit has a passive intimidation skill that paralyzes its prey with dread.

But facing this skill, in reality, is more frightening than in the game.

If I look it in the eye for too long, try to flee, or answer it nonchalantly, I'd be cooked in all these cases. But I've to put my pride aside; I'm not the prey, but a predator who came to look for it to boost my level before starting the real hunt!

With this conclusion, Isaac hardly swallows his saliva and kneels in front of the sea snake with his head down. "Great ruler of the seven lakes and undisputed master of the bloody forest, this servant has come to meet you so that you may fulfill only one of his wishes." He said in a humble voice.


The sea snake comes out its tongue in a fierce surprise.

Its gigantic body crawls out of the lake and circled Isaac with it.

"Why should I care about a disciple as weak who offered only his blood and creatures as weak as him!?" its high-pitched voice was haughty and arrogant!

But Isaac raises his head with a disturbed man's smile on his lips. "You've accepted my offering, and my wish will be like a dessert for your taste buds, O great sovereign." Like a fanatical follower, Isaac responds by joining his hands as if he adored one of the gods who're in the 'God-like Online game'.


"A wish resembling a dessert? Your words seem too bold for a weak creature. Do you know what you're talking about?"

"Yes, great sovereign, as a faithful disciple, I've noticed that my lord hasn't tasted the frail pulpit for centuries. These creatures who worshipped you before forgot you; the black elves who inhabited this forest, all of whom migrated to other countries." He said, showing a fictitious anger on his face.

The monster remains momentarily silent as if it had trouble trusting.

Seeing this, Isaac has shown up his acting skills!

He gets up from his knees and clenches his fist with rabid eyes!

"But I find this unacceptable and unworthy of them! How could these bastards dare!? How did they dare to commit such blasphemous and cynical sins!? This is unacceptable! They all deserve to die by your thunder and your divine punishment! You must punish them!" He roars with rage!


"My lord!"

"...Hem... your faith is commendable, but I'm merciful, it's part of my greatness." It replied to these words in an embarrassed voice.

Seeing its forced arrogance, Isaac sneered inwardly. 'Stop being cool, you cried for a century for losing your devotees!' He almost shoot these words out loud when he saw this scene in front of him.

But his expression has become even more fanatical. "The lord's clemency is unfathomable!"

"Isn't it!? Hahaha!!"

At the same time,


[You won an (immature) sea snake's favor.]

[It'll be ready to protect you throughout the tutorial.]

[Sea snake (immature): Llv 100]

[HP: 100/100]

Isaac's smile grew when he saw these notifications in front of him. 'Monstrous, as expected. Sea snakes evolve into sea dragons at maturity. It's good news that it's still immature.'

Barely finished pronouncing these words, the sea snake also stops laughing haughtily and looks straight into Isaac's eyes.

But unlike previous times, its eyes no longer had any trace of intimidation.

"Alright, alright, as weak as you're, I grant you the privilege of being one of my disciples." it nods in a blooming mood.

But to its great dismay, Isaac shakes his head. "I'm sorry for your greatness, but I can't accept this position!"

"What did you say?!" its hostility, which had just vanished, resurfaced!

"Don't be angry, I have a good reason to refuse this position." Isaac was always calm as he said these words. He had the assurance that the monster wasn't going to attack him without the system warning him.

Just as he warned him after winning the favor of the dragon.

'Let's move on to the next step.' He whispered to himself without diverting his eyes.

"As I said rather; my wish is to sacrifice myself to allow you to appreciate once again, the pleasure of the table that you've forgotten for decades."

"How!? Your famous wish is...!" Its eyes widen with disbelief!

"Yes!" Isaac clenches his fist in front of his chest.

His acting will certainly earn him one of the most famous trophies in the world if he had to reproduce it in a film drama.

But he didn't care about the ridiculous movements he made! "You must devour me! I'm not afraid to die, as long as it's to make my lord happy!"

"...No, you're my only disciple, if you come to die, I'll ever...

"Don't worry! I've already created a sect that will soon come to meet you! They're at least two hundred members!"

"Two...two hundred!?" Its brain had a total blackout!

"Yes! So, you can grant my wish by eating me with peace of mind! All I ask as a last wish is to accept your worshippers who will come to meet you soon!" He continued without giving it time to think!

'You're unbeatable, that's true, and my power's weak compared to yours. My survival will even be assured by staying with you. But none of these interests me! I've to grow up as quickly as possible. For this, your head must be in my slate!' He murmured these words without changing his expression.

"Is that really what you...want?" The sea snake asks with dubious eyes.

"Yes! Unless my pulpit isn't juicy enough to make you drool with envy?"

"Mwhaha! As insignificant as you're, you've proved your faith; as the seven oceans' dragon, it's my duty to grant the wishes of my disciples."

'Please stop wasting me more time! I have a leeches army to exterminate!' Impatience was visible in his eyes as he spoke these words.

But seeing the monster open its mouth towards him, his heart trembles once again as an instinctive fear manifested itself in his heart.

Its teeth were like sharp chainsaws that could grind everything between them; not to mention its tongue that could numb and paralyze the muscles of its prey; in short, suicide was the only word to describe Isaac's crazy actions!

The monster plunges towards him at lightning speed and swallows him with some debris!



[You've achieved an incredible feat! Survive this test to get your rewards!]

He was inside its body, spreading his legs and hands to hang on! "Ha...hahaha! Damn shit! I almost lost the timing!" Isaac's cynical laughter resounds in the snake's belly as he looked at the notifications in front of him.

[You're affected by the sea snake's gastric poison, your [HP] will decrease by one point/sec!]

[Alert: The sea snake is suspicious of you.]

[Alert: The sea snake becomes nervous about your miraculous survival.]

He closes the notification tab and displays all his white teeth in his demonic smile.

"You haven't seen anything yet, my dear lord!" He finally shows the dagger that he had hidden in the sleeve of his black shirt.

"ALRIGHT, let's start the festivities!" As soon as he finished this sentence, he stabs the bowels of the sea snake with his dagger!

But this one, unable to scratch a level 100 monster, breaks!

Simultaneously, feeling the threat posed by his food in its paunch, the sea snake shake in all directions to make Isaac fall into the gastric fluid that was at the bottom of its stomach!

[You've developed the sea snake's hostility towards you! It sees you as a threat that must be exterminated!]

But Isaac was like a bug that hung on without letting go of anything! "Ugh! As expected from a hundred-level monster if I fall into this shit, I'd directly turn into a bunch of skeletons!" He ignores the graduation that the system has just made.

His smile became Machiavellian as he activated the only offensive skill he had in his arsenal! "Skills: Energy draining!"




"... Sigh, let's wait for my skill to evolve to hope to do more damage." He whispers sneakily as he continues to drain the vital energy of his prey.

'Yes, this bastard is invincible at first glance, but God-like Online may be a game with crazy and unreasonable challenges, they never give impossible challenges to achieve, however. Each legacy has its tutorial, and since I'm perhaps the only one who has awakened this heritage, it's quite normal that I find myself alone in this forest with thousands of leeches and an invincible final boss! In other words, I'd have all these monsters of my own to do 'farming!'


[Your [HP] have been restored!]

[Your skills have evolved!]

[You leveling up!]

[You leveling up!]

[You leveling up!]

[You leveling up!]


'The only problem is how to solve the other problem that will appear when I have exceeded level 50?!


In some cultures, dragons were originally sea snakes living for several centuries in the underwater world; it's only after reaching maturity that they become full-fledged (Chinese) dragons.

Be rich, be cultivated; the world is ruled by them. Haha, joke aside;

Next: --> Succubus Sasha!