Succubus Sasha.


-You have achieved the impossible!

-The sea monster was defeated by you.

[You've obtained the monster hunter's title.]

-This title will allow you to afflict more damage to monsters above your level.

[Energy draining evolved into Gluttony after evolving beyond level 10!]

[Gluttony(active) (Lvl01)]

-Effects: In addition to stealing [2HP], you also can steal the same amount in your prey's [MP]. - It also gives you a 5% chance to steal a skill from your enemy after defeating it.

-Cooldown: None, but it's voracious in MP, unlike before its evolution. When your [magic points] are emptied, you'll no longer be able to use this skill, but you still could use [energy draining] that doesn't consume MP while waiting to have the [MP] necessary for its use.

[Thanks to Gluttony skill, you've absorbed the passive skill, resistance to higher poisons, of the sea snake.]

-Effects: immunizes you against any poisons/venoms inferior to the sea snakes'. - Allows you to resist superior poison effects to that of the sea snake's venom.

[Drop*: poisoned canine from the sea snake (immature): poisoned dagger (intermediate).]

-It inflicts poison debuff on your targets; their [HP] will continue to decrease as you inflict wounds on them with the dagger.

(Drop: loots dropped by a monster.)


[You leveling up!]

[You leveling up!]

[You leveling up!]


[You have reached level 50!]

[You have reached the maximum level threshold for the tutorial!]

[Your [XP] will be converted to [IP]!]

[IP: -/-] -> [IP: 5]


"Tsk, these bastards have become too greedy at the reward level. I should've obtained a higher-ranking weapon instead of intermediaries." Isaac slams his tongue in frustration as he scrolls through the notifications.

"And what's this fucking limitation!? My level has only reached fifty even though I have just defeated a level 100 monster!? Damn it! Where is justice in all this!?" He looked like a madman who spoke alone by the lake. But no one was present to be wary of him in the future.

Finally, he sighs of abandonment by closing the notifications tab.

Seeing too shoddy rewards drove him crazy with rage. But knowing that he could not do anything against it, he had no other option.

"Well, it's now the problems will arise! Reaching level fifty means that my legacy can be awake at any time! That's the only good news; I wouldn't know what to do if I became a beast greedy for lust in the middle of nowhere." He finally sighs of relief when he learns this fact.

He then looks around, without worrying about the monster he had just defeated.

'My vision has improved, I can see so far away and with as much detail just by leveling up; I'd no longer need my geek glasses.

But it's not only my vision, which has improved, I can expand better than before, in short, all my senses have evolved. How's such a thing possible? I'm not dreaming, am I?


It's fretting; Such an evolution means that the world is really in a shitty situation! If humans evolve and become powerful as in the game, what about monsters!? The biggest concern isn't only the monsters that will appear, but also the non-player characters who're the most unpredictable than all the others!

My current appearance's already sufficient proof proving this game is no longer a game."

After this brief recapitulation, he opens his status tab.


[ Name: Jack]

[Lvl: 50] [XP: 5099/5100]

[Race: Incubus]


[LP: 100/100] = Lust points

[Heritage: demon of lust]

[Titles: monster hunter]

[MP: 150/150]

[STR: 25]

[AGI: 25]

[STA: 50]

[Skills: charm(lvl01) night vision(lvl08) Gluttony(Lvl01) resistance to superior poisons(passive)]

[SP: 50] =stats points

[ IP: 5] =Impact points


Seeing the new information, Isaac's expression darkens; more precisely when he saw the new information in his stats points, lust points!

'As I expected, the famous Lust Points appeared in my stats. I'm kinda worried; In the game, it's easy to overcome this curse. But now, I see myself very very badly fucking at least once every twenty-four hours to prevent my legacy's debauchery from activating.' He whispered with confused eyes.

'Finally, after spending so much time in this monster's paunch, my night vision also leveled up. I've kinda impression the Games-masters're doing their best to force me to comply.'

While he was immersed in his thoughts, his ears sharper than ever, hear noises nearby.

'Heh! Monsters? Nah, no chance a leech will come here of its own free will.' He frowns at whispering these words.

Finally, his curiosity prompted him to check what was happening in the vicinity.

But just before he moved to the source of the noise, it was the noise that approached him!

After a few seconds,

A girl appeared ten meters from him, galloping like him, to escape her pursuers.

But his eyes widened when he saw the girl coming towards the lake. She wasn't a leech of human appearance, but a player!

He knew it, and was convinced of it; just by seeing the appearance of the girl!

'Seriously!? So there are people as crazy as me to choose the lust demon's legacy!? And a girl above all!? No, rather a...succubus?' His brain had trouble dealing with the shock he had just suffered when he saw the girl.

She was dressed in a short black Gothic dress that almost revealed her plump H-Cup breasts!

Her ass, well compressed in her panties, blessed Isaac's eyes at every step she took.

She had long black hair in Hime-cut, Neon red eyes, resembling the depraved's eyes; like Makima's in Chainsaw-Man (or red rinnegan for Naruto's fans). Her two black horns were bent backward, and her enchanting tail was pricked up on top of her ass like a frightened cat!

Immediately, she frowns, also noticing Isaac by the lake.

And unlike Isaac, she had a two-meter scarlet red scythe in her left hand; one of Isaac's favorite weapons after inheriting the legacy of the twisted reaper.

"H-help me!" Her hypnotizing voice sounded in Isaac's ears who immediately awoke to his awe.

His smile became more 'beautiful' when he saw the girl bring her problems to him!

If he were at his old level, he'd surely have prioritized the escape; but he was different!

A small squad of ten leeches followed her in a rush! As usual, these hideous monsters had nothing to do with humans when they pursue their prey, once their identities were exposed.

Isaac didn't care about the girl, he draws the new dagger he had [Dropped] on the sea snake's corpse which had now disappeared.


His silhouette flashes in front of the girl and appeared in the middle of the leeches' pack with the poisoned white dagger that he swings with all his strength.

After a time of blink...

[You defeated a leech (Lvl 10)]

[Because of the level differences between you, you'll not gain XP!]

The body of the leech split in two without the slightest resistance!

Seeing this, his smile became sinister!

'I instinctively used all my strength, but it's not necessary, finally.' He murmured while painting the ground with black blood on his dagger after nonchalantly swinging it to get rid of the blood it had.

At the same time, a leech, walking on her four legs, bites his ankle.

But he felt nothing pass; the leech's teeth broke instead of entering Isaac's pulpit.

[Your passive skill: resistance to higher poisons, canceled the paralyzing venom's effects.]

He ignores the notif and catches the leech by the hair with cold eyes when he sees her struggling to free herself.

He then throws her toward the white tree which was ten meters from him.


The leech yells in agony and dies instantly; not because of the tree's poison, but Isaac's strength that broke her spine!

The other eight were suspicious of him when they saw his ruthless actions. They began to retreat with a subtle fear in their blood-red pupils.

Isaac's smile becomes sadistic when seeing this anomaly never seen in the game.

"Hahah, it's good to know that even monsters have now primitive instincts!" He sneers with confident and fearless eyes.

But he didn't let them escape, he continued his bloodbath!

Twenty secs, the time it took him to kill the ten leeches!

The girl had eyes out of their orbits, for lack of a better word to describe her current expression.

Her jaw was wide open, her heart flaring in her chest, which resulted in giving her depraved eyes a strange glow; but which forces others to be wary of her.

She was beautiful, but her eyes spoiled her beauty by giving her a look resembling a bramble; which can only be admired without touching it, if you don't want to bleed because of the thorns around their skin.

[Jack: Lvl -/-]

[HP: -/-]

[IP: 5]

'Impossible!' It was the cause of her stupor.

For a player not to see another player's level, the latter must be at twenty-five levels higher than its level.

'How did he gain so much level in just twelve hours?' Her brain seemed to have stopped working as she admired Isaac as a ruthless knight who leave straight off hell to rescue her.

It wasn't love, but admiration and pure gratitude.

As for Isaac, he wasn't interested in what the ten leeches left behind. Now he had reached fifty level, he had access to his inventory!

But a problem remains, his level was too low to use his items and weapons. Only a few, not even exceeding the number ten, were accessible to him.

And these items weren't weapons, but basic artifacts that had charmed his interest.

He focuses on the girl.

[Sasha: Lvl 25]

[HP: 20/25]

[IP: 3]

'Ho~? She reached such a high level in a tutorial!? She's not bad, but just by seeing her eyes, I swear she's the source of problems! [God-like online]'s girls are anything but normal.' He only made this brief conclusion before turning his back and trying to leave.

"Jack, are you the real Jack!?"

Sasha's question made Isaac lose his balance as he moved away from her.

'Holy cow! I forgot to hide my pseudonym! I'm anything but appreciated by the players who played VR games.' He didn't wonder how Sasha could guess his nickname, the most important thing for him was to hide it; it was no longer a game after all.

'Storage.' He whispers instantly in his mind.

At the same time, his inventory, filled with weapons, artifacts, and any kind of wealth that could make other players drool, filled his sight.

At that moment, he forgot Sasha when he saw that all his possession was with him. 'I'm happy to have bought the right of possession, I'd have died of anxiety if I hadn't done so.' He whispered to himself while navigating between his items.

But as previously explained, he couldn't use them, not yet, not until he reached the required level.

After a long search, he found what he was looking for.

[Thief with a thousand faces' ring (common)]

-Effects: allows you to change your level and change your pseudonym. (Works only against players below sixty level).

'For now, it's more than enough.' He said when he saw the ring appear in his hand.

Too strange, in normal times, it'd have appeared directly on one of my thumbs. Sigh, I guess I have to get used to the new changes.' He comments by wearing the ring on his left thumb.

[You want to alter your level to how much?]


[... Success!]

[Do you wanna alter your nickname?]

'Yes, change my name to Isaac.' He said with a narcissistic smile.


[Request accepted. From now on, any player above level sixty will see you as Isaac: Lvl 10. These changes will remain fixed until you make changes.]

"I was sure of it! You're Jack's bastard!" At the same time, Isaac instinctively moves away from the girl by seeing her closer to him with her insane eyes staring at him.

"Hey! Stop sticking to my ass!"

Sasha's face became anchored when she heard Isaac's harsh words.

The latter also frowned and continued: "I'll be honest with you; keep it secret if you don't want me to kill you." But contrary to what he expected, a sneaky smile appeared on Sasha's lips when she heard his threats.

"Did you just threaten me?! Sigh, forget this detail; I guess you don't know me with my current appearance."

"..." Isaac looks at her carefully before shaking his head. "How do you want me to remember a succubus?" He asks with a ridiculous smile.

"I'm not talking about my current appearance, but about my pseudonym; Heliana, Pure-Blood's leader. This title doesn't recall you anything?" She asks in a frustrated voice.

At this moment, Isaac's eyes flicker slightly when he heard the name of the guild to which he belonged.

"Tss~ No chance you're this craziest girl. She..-

Isaac stops in the middle of his sentence when he sees Sasha's eyes go crazy.

"Did you just call me crazy? Since when have you become so bold towards your boss!?"

Seeing her arrogance, Isaac begins to become nervous. 'No, still not!' His brain becomes overwhelmed by all kinds of negative thoughts when he sees Sasha murmuring under her tongue...

"...If I had my sword with me, I'd have cut your puppy and offered it to the leeches who were chasing me! I'd have skinned you and offered your balls to my little Vicky (her dog)! If I had...

'Okay, she's this sadist who loves to satisfy her personal fantasies in the game; although, she's not different from other players, including me.

-More, I have the impression that she still resents me for leaving the guild after creating it and raising it to the top of all the other guilds of [God-Like online].' Isaac whispered to himself, without paying attention to Sasha's insults that will bleed his ears if he ever did.

'But why does she have the legacy of a succubus? And why is her pseudonym Sasha instead of Heliana, the divine blood knight? Is Sasha her real name? Now that I think about it, I also started with the weakest legacy in my arsenal. But my case is different from hers. If I had a choice, I'd never have chosen this legacy announcing problems.'



[Name: Sasha]

[Lvl: 25] [XP: 2570/2600]

[Race: Succubus]


[Heritage: Lust demon]

[Title: Slayer; noble]

[MP: 30/30]

[STR: 17]

[AGI: 20]

[STA: 21]

[Skills: charm(lvl09); night vision(lvl02); Energy draining( Lvl04); Sword master (Passive)]

[SP: 0]

[IP: 3]


-Noble: the plebeian NPCs will respect you and won't be able to disrespect you.

-Title acquired and based on your experience.


Power stones don't cost money, you know what I mean, don't you?


Thank you for following the history so far; let's stay strong and virile, we are future leaders. And above all, let's keep our «sacred texts» under our beds.

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