Pure Blood: Steven & Stella.

Sitting in a huge living room with a young man more like a sculpture than a living being, Jane takes advantage of the silence of the moment to put her thoughts in order.

'The boss was right, this guild has nothing in common. I find it hard to believe that the world is fighting to have even one of their members. Grim Reaper and Heart Steel, are names that all players know, even those who do not play God-like online.

I am sure that the summoner darling was talking about is no other person than the tamer who holds one of the most coveted classes in GLO.

One is an outstanding tamer and summoner who could even transform a player into her little poppy; the other is a blacksmith who's among the top three of the most well-off players in the same game.

If only they were as austere as that, they would not be so famous. This tamer alone is like an army. They said of her that she was as strong as she alone massacred one of the ten strongest guilds in the game.

And that's not all, since she was so powerful with her invocations, they had ambushed her for revenge in a place that sealed the magical energy.

But the guild that wanted revenge on her was exterminated by her; and this time, without the help of her invocations. Alone, against an army!

It was during this raid that she was nicknamed Lucifer's wife. In addition to being a gifted hand-to-hand killer, she showed a skill that had never appeared in the game; tame the players!

Thanks to her class of divine tamer, she had no difficulty taming her enemies and turning them against others; it was a unilateral carnage that had not gone unnoticed even before the eyes of other players in other games.

No one knows how she was doing, or what are the conditions to be met for her to exercise this skill on other players. But one thing was certain, no one was ready to risk losing his avatar forever just to verify it. The risk was too high compared to the gains.

Anyway, The fight was so intense that the game masters of God-like online found no better than to rebroadcast the video using it as an ad.

Subsequently, the video was a great success by attracting more than fifty percent of other new players.

But even if it is famous, it is not the cream of the cream.

There is also this boy.

She mumbles while looking at Karl.

'If this psychopath is Grim Reaper's little brother, then it means until carries the pseudonym Vampire of the solar eclipse.

This nickname has nothing to do with his name in the game which is none other than his real first name; Karl Vamp. But he had it following a carnage he had done in his guild.

The guild that made a name for itself and maintained it throughout almost underwent a complete cleaning because of one of its members, this young boy.

With each eclipse, his heritage awakens; the primordial vampire.

Obeying this, he killed three demigods in the game because of his state of loss of control.

The entire members of the guild had gathered to stop him.

Some of the strongest players in the game had come together to stop a little boy who had never been noticed among the big caps. Seen from this angle, you would almost think that they were trying hard on him.

But reality had taken an unamusing turn; he managed to kill more than 80% of the players in his own guild, including the one nicknamed, the goddess of the sword, the deputy leader.

Without the presence of Lucifer's wife, the guild would have ended.

Because, in GLO, if all the members of a guild die at the same time, it is the entire guild that will be dismantled by the system.

But now that I'm thinking about it, it was following this epic news that had gone around all the forums, that another rumor had arisen.

This rumor spoke of the abandonment of the leader of this guild by resignation.

The story was not very clear, some talked about the resignation, others talked about betrayal. But the obvious thing was that the leader, the Joker, was not present in the guild during this major incident.

That's why these rumors were born.

Before this incident, he had not shown himself to any of their raids, some thought he was doing Farming solo.

But yet, he did not show up even after his guild had suffered the biggest incident.

Several things are still confusing in my head. Is Darling really, really the infamous master of this guild?

As crazy as this revelation is, the unexpected obedience of the Grim Reaper and his brother is the obvious proof that he is the one I think he is.

So, does that mean that I traveled with a legend from the beginning? Miss Maria is probably aware of his identity.

But it doesn't matter anymore. Since he has treated me well from the beginning, he does not necessarily have to be a murky guy at the depths.


"We are there."

After crossing through the portal, Isaac and the others found themselves in a large empty room where the temperature was above 100 degrees.

A little further from them, Isaac could see someone hammering iron in the depths of the room.

His sweaty muscles sparkled in the shady room, which was only illuminated by the flames feeding his blacksmith's oven.

From the back, anyone could feel intimidated by his giant stature.

He had long black hair tied in a ponytail.

After a few more strikes, he stopped sharply in his exciting work.

Isaac, who thought Steven had noticed him, was soon disappointed to hear the latter's growls.

"No, it's not okay at all! I told this naughty girl that we were no longer in the game and that the flames were not going to be powerful enough because of all this ice that surrounded me! Argh!! She will hear me this time!"

Like a madman, he snarled alone without even having noticed the presence of the guests who had just entered his territory.

By dint of being focused on his work, and his unconditional love for the forging, he was about to move to go and teach Stella a lesson, so that she could repair her bullshit.

But just as he turned around, his eyes met those of Isaac who shone harmoniously with the lights emitted by the flames.

"You? What are you doing here!?" Unlike Felix, he was very direct in his words, and above all, very authoritarian.

From the back, he looked like a young athlete in his twenties. But his bearded face showed that he was much older than what he gave as a first impression.

Isaac smiles slightly before walking towards Steve.

"Old man, you haven't really changed. You'd almost think you were playing with your own body in the game."

Following Isaac's sarcasm, he scratches his bristling beard while slamming his tongue with discontent.

"I'm not an old man; I'm only 29!" He snarls like a wolf in a cage while walking towards Isaac with heavy steps that resonate with the natural echo of the almost empty room.

"It's about eight years older than me; so you're an old man for me," Isaac replies while smiling slightly.

Arrived in front of Isaac, he clenched his fist and sent it directly to Isaac's torso.

But the latter stops him by using his palm.

But it was not without consequences, he stepped back one step.

"TSS~, always the same, the body filled with muscle until you leave nothing for the development of your brain."

Isaac's words only increased his rage, which was none other than the result of his boiling-hot temperament.

"Don't look for me, little one, otherwise I would kick your ass as I used to do." He sounded while trying to give Isaac another punch.

But unlike the first time, he immediately regretted this decision when he noticed the shaded room becoming darker.

He had chills all over his body when he saw Isaac's shadow rise on his legs followed by the appearance of a purple and cold dagger that stopped an inch from his throat.

Before he even understood what had just happened, he saw two purple pupils staring at him like a predator straight out into the depths of hell.

"Who is this slu...-ugh!"

He swallows his slurs by finally realizing that his life is about to be swapped for nothing.

"Cindy, we're used to teasing each other; it's nothing serious." Isaac smiled ironically when he saw Cindy becoming hostile.

'NPCs now have their own will; this means that I have to be considerate before those two inadvertently kill my teammates. I would have to make them aware of this subject before misfortune happens.' That was his conclusion after seeing Cindy get excited for so little.

Because of her free will, she did not wait for Isaac's order, nor did she let her sister manage the situation in her place.

Felix, who had just seen another guardian of Isaac come out of nowhere, could only shake his head with irony.

"Your caution is always so frightening." He made this comment that seemed to have fallen into the ears of the deaf since no one was listening to him.

Following her master's orders, Cindy says nothing.

But she frees Steve before stopping near Rendy who congratulated her through her sadistic smile.

Steve lightly massaged his neck to make sure he was not injured.

Following this, he completely ignored Isaac and advanced towards Cindy with a jubilant smile.

He then reaches out to his with sparkling eyes. "Can I see your weapons up close?"


'Pfff, this guy is even more disturbed than the others.' Felix squints his eyes with disbelief when he hears et sees Steeve's actions.

Without responding positively, Cindy first looks at Isaac.

And when she saw the latter nodding with a smile just as ridiculous as Felix's, she passed her dagger to Steve; although she was reluctant.

Anyway, As soon as Steve took the dagger, he lowered his two pairs of glasses on his eyes. "Magnificent! This dagger is absolutely sublime! Its weight is light, surely due to its antigravity characteristic. Um, Um, it's perfect, I wouldn't have done better." From one second to the next, his mood changed 360 degrees.

Cindy and Rendy were no different from him either; hearing such comments about the weapon specially forged by their master could only revive them.

'As expected of someone of his caliber; he did not need his expertise to understand the complexity of this dagger. Although... if we take into account the materials I used to forge the two pairs of daggers, it makes sense.' Isaac remains silent while wandering in his thoughts while Steve idolizes him without knowing it.

"Ahem, if you're done, can you give back to sesame what belongs to sesame?" Knowing that only the scorns worked against the current Steve, Isaac did not go with a dead hand.

"Who forged your weapons, my little one?" He then asks, ignoring Isaac's sarcasm.

"..." Cindy just recovers her dagger by tearing it from his hands before storing them in her shadow.

"...It's a shame." Steeve sighs while shrugging with deception.

He finally looks at Isaac after seeing Cindy's hostility come back. "What brings you here after abandoning us for several years?"

"Abandoning you?"

"Don't pretend the ignorant, we all know that you vanished overnight and without leaving us a word."

Isaac smiles slightly. "I just wanted to leave you room to grow. But given the current situation of things, I don't think it's a good idea."

Steve snorts with cynicism. "So what? Are you going to come here and act as if nothing had happened? Do you think the others will accept you?"

"Well, in all honesty, I don't need your agreements."


"Steve, you don't seem to realize it, but the person who needs others is not him, but we are the ones who need him." At this moment, a woman's voice resonates behind the group.