New sightseers.

Steve and the others look towards the direction of the voice.

"Alright then, I wanted to go see you to tell you two words." Steve slowly articulates these words so that the woman with long white hair and strangely very bright sky-blue eyes as if stars sparkle in them, could hear him well.

She was dressed in a tight black set resembling a custom-made uniform and a long black coat that was placed on her shoulder with her hands out of its sleeves.

"Old man, if you have time to complain, use it instead to create something that could exceed this limitation." She retorts nonchalantly without even listening to Steven's complaints.

Steve slams his tongue with annoyance following Stella's proud proposal. "How many times should I tell you? My level is low enough for me to use my real gear. And as the guild leader ordered me to focus on the manufacture of low-ranking weapons to strengthen the safety of the tomb, I don't have the luxury of going to level up."

At the same time, Stella arrived near Isaac. But instead of being interested in him or continuing to converse with Steve, her attention was entirely focused on the twin girls.

"Tell me, Jack; are these two upper-class NPCs?" She asks in a particularly different tone from her former.

To this simple question on her part, which is accompanied by a possessive smile, Isaac guessed Stella's intentions.

"Don't trust appearances, these two are not easy to steal." He answers without turning around.

"Uh oh? How much are you bet on?" She then asked as her smile became more and more suspicious of the others.

"...sigh, It's a bad idea that you have here, little tamer." This time, Isaac's voice also seems different.

But Stella doesn't seem to take his warnings seriously.

"Among all the players, you are probably one of the people to have more, these beings defying the laws; so why be so petty?" She asks for a fun air while approaching Rendy who frowns.

*Master, is this woman your friend? I ask because I don't have this impression.* Feeling the greed in Stella's eyes, Rendy shared her suspicions with Isaac by telepathy.

But the latter beckoned her not to do anything that risks hurting Stella's life.

'Let's say that she is somehow cursed by her heritage.'

*Cursed? I don't understand. I don't feel the slightest aura of curses around her.*

'It's pretty normal that you can't see, this curse is part of her heritage that's a divine class heritage. Her inheritance has two faces; she's known to all and is named the divine class tamer. But in reality, it is only a facade, the real name of her heritage is none other than... The witch of avarice.

-Because of her heritage features, she wants to have everything that others have but she doesn't have, the knowledge, and the skills,... going so far as to desire to possess the other players.

-This makes her both dangerous as an ally, but also very useful; especially by taking into account her ability to break any debuff spell! Anyway, she is not a hostile person, just peeving enough, her craving for possessiveness.'

Following this brief sharing of information with Rendy and Cindy who was also listening, Isaac sighs before grabbing Stella's hand just before she touches her maid's shoulder.

When Stella looked at him, she saw her eyes become dark and severe towards her. "What?" She asks while keeping her greedy smile.

"Are you sure that's what you want?"


The silence became heavier in the room, especially for the other two people who attended the stage as spectators.

"Ahem, what if we talk about really important things?" Feeling the tension reached its climax, Felix felt the need to intervene between them before the situation unleashed.

Following Felix's intervention, Stella withdrew Isaac's hand on her own and made a forced smile. "I apologize for this inconvenience, I still have trouble controlling this side because of the poverty of my current level." She says in a scratched and mortified voice.

But the target of her apology was not an ordinary person. "Never mind; I know what's up to you," Isaac answers nonchalantly before focusing on Felix.

"Do you have a way to contact others?"

"Nah, she didn't want to add me to her list of friends."

"Yeah, it's her kind." He mutters while tapping Felix's shoulder before walking towards the exit.

"Let's go upstairs, I have two or three things to tell you all." He then stops before turning to Steven. "But for now, I would like to know what you have planned to do to stay in control of this place."

"...Why should we listen to you?" Steven retorts in a dissatisfied voice when he sees Isaac play the pseudo-role of guild master although he had let them down.

Isaac gives him a little mocking smile before continuing his way to the teleportation's pentagram which was a few steps behind them.


On the first level, Karl suddenly opens his eyes and looks at the front door in silence.

Noticing his sober look, Jane also frowns while remaining on her guard.

Even when she was a simple human, she knew how to feel the danger in the distance, but now, her senses overdeveloped by Maria's heritage only made her better.

Anyway, the person she was most suspicious of was none other than the young unstable psychopath who was currently sharing the living room with her.

"What's wrong? Why do you look so tense?" Subsequently, the two were deconcentrated by Felix's voice who had just entered the living room through the back door with the small group.

While Jane frowns in the face of the surplus, Karl mutters in an unfeeling voice... "She didn't come alone."

Hearing his words, his older brother wrinkled his eyelids before his pupils turned blood red.

But soon, he also frowns understanding what his brother is talking about.

"Stella, I think we will need your golems to protect the avant-garde of the mansion." And this time, his voice was nothing pleasant, but rock and serious.

Jane, also activating her vampiric vision, was able to learn a little more about the situation from the outside, even if she was far from seeing as clearly as the brother duos.

But the detail that worried her the most was not what she saw outside, but the tension that manifested itself in the living room because of the bloodthirsty aura of Felix and his brother.

'These two give me chills in my back just with their auras, I wonder how much level they are at the moment.' While mumbling in her mind, she saw Isaac come near her with a reassuring smile.

"No need to worry, I have already ordered Epsis to protect you in the event of a glitch; so everything will be fine for you." The latter whispers in her ear before moving away from her and heading towards the main door with the others following him.

*Master, I feel a very familiar presence behind this door; please let me ensure your protection for the future.*

His hand stopped near the wrist of the lock following Rendy's unexpected warnings.

'Familiar? In what sense? Maybe an acquaintance?'

*No, the spirit of a weapon; I think.*

Even if Isaac could not quite grasp the exact meaning of Rendy's words, he still understood the message she wanted to convey to him.

Now aware of the danger, his caution goes up a notch as he slowly opens the door; ready to welcome the new guests who had just knocked on their door.

Against all odds, the first person he saw turned out to be none other than Sasha; the deputy chief of Pure Blood Guild.

Behind her stood a man and a woman, both dressed in a military uniform with some medals of honor everywhere.

The man was of large stature and looked fierce; he had blond hair styled on the left side of his face and hazel eyes.

As for the woman, she was quite the opposite of her colleague; long blue hair cascading on her shoulders, bright blue eyes, and an oval face that made her look innocent.

But what captivated Isaac's attention was not the fairy-like woman and her geek glasses, but the man; or more precisely the two-meter wooden chest he cares on his back.

'Is that what I think?' Isaac's face was as dark as an anchor as he crossed the cruel eyes of the man who gave the impression of having lost his humanity in bloody wars.

The latter also raises his eyebrows with suspicion by noticing Isaac's eyes on his wooden chest.

[Johnathan Walker: Lvl (-/-)]

[HP: -/-]

[IP: 400]

His face wrinkled when she saw the information from the system, especially the rank of this stranger named Johnathan.

In the meantime, Sasha was frozen on the spot when she saw Isaac standing in front of her.

Her impression of living a daydream immediately flew away when she heard Isaac's dark voice sound in her eardrums.

"What led you here, Demonic Sword?" Isaac's voice was not welcoming, but hostile, as if he had just crossed a sworn enemy.

Immediately, confusion took hold of Johnathan before a sneaky smile replaced his shock. "Joker Jack, I guess?" He mumbles in a low voice without breaking eye contact with Isaac.

"Yes, I am." Unlike other times, Isaac did not refute his pseudonym; this proved in every way that he was not in a joking mood.

John looks at Sasha near him with an icky face. "Did I hear wrong when you said that he had vanished by abandoning your guild?" He asks Sasha this question.

But the latter completely ignores him. "I'm glad you're back, Guild leader."

"Guild's head?" Isaac asks this question out loud and inadvertently.

But as his gaze switched between Sasha and Johnathan, and taking into account their silence, he a little understood the situation as a whole.

"Yes, I'm back; what did you expect? I'm not going to abandon my guild while hyenas roam around to steal people's loot." His words sound clearly like provocations even for Jane, who does not know much about the current situation.

But for the others, they were statements and warnings for the newcomers in case they tried to attack his guild.