The troublemaker even in the guild.

After Sasha's reminder, the meeting resumes its course without too much agitation.

"Well, before going far into the matter, I would like everyone to introduce ourselves again. Starting with his name, age, heritage, level, and other useful information." Like an exemplary guild leader, she continues her role to perfection by guiding others toward the introduction.

Following her proposal, she gets up intending to start with her self introduce to set an example.

"I'm known as Heliana Bloodheart who formerly inherited the holy knight's title of the goddess of war. But now, I play the secondary character I had created for fun and my name has remained as it is because of the accommodation rights that I had not entirely bought.

-I am currently at level 80, and my inheritance has recently mutated by evolving from [rank A+] to [rank S-]. As for my wealth, it amounts to 800 gold coins." She took a break to catch her breath and took advantage of this break to check that everyone was listening to her well.

She was not disappointed in them, just by seeing their eyes on her.

She then continued. "As for in real life, I'm Sasha Talent, from the family of the same name. I will soon be twenty-two years old next month. As for my favorite pastimes, my preferences, my hobbies, I prefer to keep them for myself." She ends her performance with these words before sitting down.

Just after her, Felix gets up hastily as if he were afraid of being ahead of someone else. "Felix Necron, my family lived in Corea before this chaos. Necron Corp. will probably help you know my origins and that of my brother. I am 24, also a model and basketball player of Goat Club.

-In the game, I still play with my character which was called Grim Reaper. My legacy is the first ancestral vampire's [SS]; to put it simply, I inherited the blood of the first vampire. I am currently at level 87." Felix was the opposite of Sasha. He started with his true identity before going into the game.

'As I imagined, this little show-off is therefore not only a nice guy but also a lucky little one belonging to the Necron family. I had seen his last name before, but I would never have thought it was the same family. What is that? I'm starting to feel the inferiority complex floating in the air.

-Just like the Talent family, this family is a multinational titan. Their companies are among the first three to manufacture and sell immersive capsules.' Isaac mutters in his mind while looking at Felix with dark eyes.

'Does his family have anything to do with it? I already know that Necron Corp. is a multinational company with a very ambitious futuristic vision. I even believe that it is this company is also the creator of [Progress World Online], the game that Jane played before.'

Feeling Isaac's eyes on him, Felix smiles ironically. "I prefer to warn you, that we are not responsible for this chaos."

As if he could hear Isaac's thoughts, he was able to strike the right place.

But Isaac did as if he had not heard Felix's words. "You said you bought the hosting right? So, why you are not currently using your game nickname?" He asks him this question.

"Jack's right. How is such a thing possible?" Sasha nods to Isaac's question to force Felix to provide them with answers.

But the latter had a forced smile on his lips. "I had only bought the inheritance of my character, the rest, I ignored everything."

"..." Isaac remains speechless after hearing the reason. "Never mind, you're an idiot regardless." He retorts afterward.

Subsequently, the self-introduction goes on.

"I'm Steven Smith. My locality doesn't matter; I was always left and right with my father who was constantly traveling to perfect his art for the forge. But if you are interested, I am Canadian. But I had spent almost all of my adolescence in Kyoto to learn the profession of forge after my studies. I am twenty-nine years old and single.

-As for my identity that you all know, it's Odin. My nickname had been changed to Odin following the acquisition of my current class; Odin, god of creation [Divine rank]. As I'm also the first player to appear after the tutorial, my current level is the most advanced here; 110."

As soon as he finished his presentation, Stella got up. "Stella, the witch of avarice, known by the nickname of divine class tamer or summoner. Like most of you, I also have an evolutionary heritage that is currently at the Legendary rank. Because of the sneaky nature of my heritage, I sometimes lose control over my emotions, so I count on your understanding and support when it happens.

-I'm 108 level regardless, and lead an army of 200 intermediate-tier elementary golems. The weakest among them has a level comparable to a level 50 player; as for the strongest, its level is 98.

-As for the URL, I am known as Clarissa Croft, almost twenty-one years old." Unlike the others, she didn't say much about her life.

But although half of the others wonder about her origins and identity, no one has found it necessary to hurry her if she's not ready to reveal more.

Now, Isaac and Karlos were the only last.

Isaac did not look far, especially knowing that Karl had difficulty expressing himself.

"I'm Jack, only Jack, level 56, holder of lust demon legacy who has recently evolved into another more problematic class that is named: Apostle of the God of lust(S+). I only have my two maids with me and my purse; in short, the weakest of you. As for my name, it's Isaac Jefferson. Since a year has passed since I was stuck in the tutorial, I think I'm now twenty-one years old." In a single paragraph, he finished his self-introduce.

"You have ever had the blessing of one of the gods?" Stella's eyes shine with avarice when she hears Isaac's words.

"Keep right, Mrs. Greedy; this heritage only serves to create problems for me. You don't need to get on fire for that." Seeing Stella's eyes, Isaac did not go around the bush, his primary objective was to prevent Stella from coveting him more.

"He's right, this woman is the naughtiest among the deities inhabiting the game." Sasha nods her head, per Isaac's words.

"Oh!? So you know her sex?" Isaac's eyes shine with curiosity and astonishment.

"Um, she had turned my life into hell during one of my quests when we were still in the game. I ended up abandoning her quest just at the last level." She mumbles with shivers.

Naturally, Isaac was interested in the details, but seeing the sadist shiver just while handling this topic, he preferred to leave his question for later.

While Isaac thought the interrogation was ending, Stella's voice echoed in the room.

"Why didn't you say the rank of your bodyguards? I understand you want to hide information about your private life from us, but not information about GLO."

Hearing his question, Isaac's lips moved several times, but he could not articulate words.

In the end, he sighs heavily. "Stella, I know you're curious to hear the answer, but it's not going to be pleasant for you." He said in a deep voice.


"Close your ears, eyes and all senses will allow you to feel, hear, and see what will happen." He responds instantly as if he had pre-recorded this answer.

This answer from him surprised not only Stella but also the others.

Hearing him say these words with such seriousness, and giving this order only to Stella who tends to be a completely different person in certain situations, Isaac did not need to explain himself more for others to understand what it was.

After several seconds of silence, Stella sighs heavily before getting up and leaving the room.

When she closed the door behind her, Isaac waited a few more seconds to make sure she had moved far enough away not to hear what he was going to say.

Then, he looks at everyone in turn after getting up from his chair.

"Just before this chaos began, there was an official announcement in GLO." He begins with this reminder while standing near Cindy.

"An announcement?" Steeve frowns.

"Yes, this announcement said that one of the ancient gods was killed by an anonymous player whose name had only been revealed for a few players who had already obtained demigod status." He then continues.

At this moment, a small stealthy smile stands on Sasha's lips, as if she knew what Isaac was talking about.

But she was the only one who was serene.

Steven caresses his beard barely formed with a thoughtful air. "However, I had acquired the title you were talking about at that time; but even if I don't remember the announcement, I also remember not seeing the name of the player in question."

"It's normal." Sasha overtook Isaac by responding to Steven. "Title and status are two different things." She responds to Steven's curiosity.

"Are you sure?" Steven asks skeptically.

"Yes, after all, only a few players have the status of demigod in all GLO. It could only obtained after killing at least three half-god rank NPCs." She persuades Steven with this additional explanation.

"Ugh! That...That makes sense." Finding nothing to complain about, the latter had no choice but to agree.

Seeing that he could continue, Isaac scraped his throat. "Well, do I say that?" He looks at Sasha, who is one of the two members with a demigod status, with hesitation.

The latter smiles at him as if she could guess Isaac's worries. "Why turn around for such a simple thing?" She pronounces with somewhat disappointed eyes.

"O-Oi, Heliana, moderate your words." Isaac holds out his palm towards her as if he wants to silence her by sealing his mouth.

But unfortunately for him, Sasha was in front of him.

"No, there is nothing to moderate. Sooner or later, the others will know that it was you who killed Chronos, stole his castle, and subdued the seven demonic generals who were unfortunately on a mission to his castle."

"What did he do!?" Felix exclaims in disbelief.

"The seven demonic generals? Are you talking about the seven deadly sin--"

"Yes!" Sasha cut Steven off.

Felix looks at Isaac with restlessness.

"WTF!? How could you submit the seven demonic generals of these towers!? These bastards who have transformed the towers of the gods into nightmarish places?! Regardless, How did they leave their prisons!?" He was like a tomb rider as he tried to solve one of the mysteries that bothered him to the highest degree.

"Hey, calm down! This is not the question; I point out to you that we are debating the identity of my two servants." Seeing the situation he wanted to avoid settling at all costs, Isaac raises his voice to help others calm down.


And then, he sighs with relief when he sees them be quiet.

But it was only an illusion, he only understood this after hearing Steven's next question.

The latter looks at him with dark eyes. "I hope at least you sent them home!? Where they must be forever!?"

"..." Once again, Isaac became mute.