Isaac's order.

The towers guardians, the final bosses of the seven towers, or the midnight demons. Although the seven deadly sins may be monsters, they are often considered to be stronger than demigods.

The proof of this is that some players had obtained demigod status without being able to defeat only one of them. But they could not leave the towers of the gods, which makes them almost harmless as long as we do not approach their homes.

As for their nicknames of midnight demons, it is because of their times of appearance. Even if a player reaches the boss room, he can only fight them after they appear at exactly midnight.

They are also considered the heirs of the seven primordial gods: the god of Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride.

"TSS~ stop with your stupid questions. All I did was defeat Chronos, then they appeared following a hidden reward announcement for being the first to kill a real god instead of his avatar." Isaac justifies himself with these words.

"In short, don't you know if they have returned to the towers of the gods?" Steven asks with darker eyes than Felix's.


"I hope at least that they will listen to you if they appear in the future." He asks when he sees Isaac silent.


"They... they will listen to you, won't they?" This time, it was Sasha who asked him this question with concern.

"...Haha! Do you think they will listen to someone weaker than them? Nah, no chance." His smile looked more like that of an irritated person than anything else.


Following his response, the room became strangely colder than usual, even if the windows were all closed. This cold was none other than the manifestation of anxiety, an uncontrollable nervousness that was trying to seize them.

At that moment, the person who was like a ghost in the meeting room finally expressed himself. "Karlos Necron, 19 years old. Legacy: the same as my brother. Level: 90. Two blood knights of level 99/100 and a blood wolf of level 112 are my current companions who help me finish the dungeons that I can't finish with my current level."

Everyone looks at him with amazement.

In addition to his original presentation, he interfered in the conversation to put an end to the current subject.

Feeling everyone's eyes on him, he became silent once again, acting as if nothing had happened.

"Alright, now that everyone has introduced themselves, let's get to the heart of the matter." Sasha then retorts with an ironic smile.

"First of all, I would like us to clarify some things. The first concerns our relationship with other guilds." She then continues by addressing a new subject.

Isaac frowns. "How is our relationship with other guilds? Since we are making confidences, I would therefore like to take advantage of this situation to inform you of some of my primary objectives." He made this announcement while looking at the other members.

Guessing that he intended to discuss another subject, Sasha shrugged with a nonchalant air. "What is it about?" She asks on behalf of all.

And with the same severe look, Isaac continued. "I have just arrived, so I must first make sure that my family is in a safe place before engaging myself in anything with others."

"You don't need to worry about that," Sasha answers him instantly.

"Why then?"

"Stella took care of this task by sending half of her golems to find and shelter all those who are linked to us."

Despite her answer, Isaac was not convinced. "Do you know what our weaknesses are?"

A brief tic sound in Sasha's mind when she hears Isaac's strange question.

But before she answered him, Isaac got ahead of her. "I came here with a specific objective, hoping to find information about my loved ones. And since you had the same idea as me, it's reassuring.

-But except that it's not enough!

-If there's one thing I learned while at Maria's plantation, it's that normal people won't be safe, no matter where they are as long as it's not close to each other. That's why I would like to get information about my family's location, the faster the better." He explains himself, crossing his arms, and with a look a little darker than usual.


Seeing Sasha silent, Felix slips into the conversation like a bookmark. "Ahem! ... You know, Sasha had her reasons when she told you not to care."

Seeing that he had Isaac's attention, he explains himself. "If I'm not mistaken, your younger sister's name is Zoe, and your mother's Clarissa, right?"

"..." Even if Isaac did not answer, his eyes answered Felix's question.

"Ugh, relax, man; I'm only asking for confirmation." He hastens when he sees Isaac's suspicious eyes on him.

"How did you get this information about me? I don't remember revealing anything about my private life till now." He asks in a deep voice.

"I was the one who revealed this information to them." Sasha then took over. "To cover more area, we found it good to share this information to prioritize the safety of our respective families. However, the Necron family and Croft have enough resources to better perform in this research. In addition to her golems, Stella's social status allowed her to find your sister. She is currently safe, In the Imperial Palace of ancient Netherlands."

"...!? I... I see." Isaac nods with some doubt in the heart.

Even if he did not let his emotions appear blatantly, his relief was visible through his sigh.

'That's what I thought, this girl is the one I thought. But thanks to this decision, I can now focus on my leveling up.' He mutters with a little shock that he failed to hide in his eyes.

"And what about my mum?"

Sasha froze for a brief moment following her new question. "...We have not yet heard from her." She looks next door while answering Isaac's question.

"..." Isaac frowns when he sees Sasha avoid crossing his gaze.

"But our research continues." She then adds when she sees Isaac's suspicion through his eyes.

But before Isaac places one, Felix takes over him. "Ahem, we are always looking for his tracks. And between us, I don't think you can do anything; let us take care of that." He poses proudly while placing his hand on his chest with arrogance.

"...Okay, anyway, I don't have as much influence as you do in the real world."



After two extra hours, the meeting ended between the members of Pure Blood.

At that very moment, Isaac was alone with his two maids.

This time, the smile and his fake joy were no longer on his lips or his face.

He gets up from his chair before facing his two subordinates. "Cindy, Rendy, I have a mission to entrust to you."

The two kneel instantly in front of him. "Command and we will obey, master." They say of a synchronous rhythm.

Isaac frowns. "Just now, I noticed that my companions are hiding information about my family from me. I know that he (Félix) didn't lie saying that my sister was safe, but about my mother, it's another story."


Seeing the two become irritated as if they could feel his own emotions, Isaac sighs slightly.

"Finally, I also know that they will do nothing to harm my family. But I have to make sure they're doing well, do you understand?"

"Basily, you want us to locate your sister and mother and bring them back to you; did I describe the objective of our mission correctly?" Cindy asks for confirmation.

"Exactly. But be careful, although all means are necessary for this, don't do anything that can harm the members of this guild or their families." He brought this warning to their attention.


The two women remain silent while looking at each other.

"Is something wrong?"

Rendy immediately nods. "With your permission, I would like one of us to stay with you to guarantee your safety. Ideally, I am well-made to accomplish this mission faster than my sister."

"...Because of your spiritual powers?"

"Yes, I can mentally control those present in this mansion and question them to set a starting point in the search for your family. Plus, they will not remember my questions, since I would alter their memories afterwards."

"That's a good idea. But you still have to carry out this mission together. You will be more efficient, faster, and cover more areas. To be honest, I am not reassured to know that my sister and mother, i.e. the only remaining members of my family, are not safe." He adds with a distant and worried look.

"But, master, if we all leave, your safety would be compromised. Even if you are stronger than anyone in this mansion, despite your low level, it is still important to--

"My decision is definitive!" Isaac raises his voice with an irritated air when he sees Cindy wasting time trying to make him change his mind.

"Listen, you are right to say that I am stronger than the others. I also know that you are worried that I would not be powerful enough to defeat them all together." He stops to catch his breath and, at the same time, regulates his emotions that were beginning to govern him.

"... It's... That's true."

"But you forget a detail, these people who are with me are not enemies, but long-time comrades."

Cindy was still not ready to give up. "Master, trusting humans is the most unthinkable thing you can do!"

Her words made Isaac react with an ironic smile. "It's funny to hear you say that. You forget one thing, even if I'm currently a demon, I'm also a human."

"-!! Forgive my insolence, master, that's not what I meant!"

"It doesn't matter, just do what I order you to do. If there's one thing you can be sure of, it's that I'm not so easy to kill. I can be defeated by the current players but not killed, I guarantee you."

After such words from their creators, the two maids had no choice but to comply by raising the white flag.

Seeing their determination, Isaac nods with a satisfying smile. "Very well, don't hang out too much, otherwise you will have to wait for my return by staying here and protecting the mansion in my absence."

"We won't disappoint you, lord!" They respond together before leaving the room through the door.

Strangely, a person was waiting at the door.

But apart from Isaac, the other two girls don't seem to be surprised by her presence; as if they knew she had been there from the beginning.

"Hmm, even if I doubted that you would find this suspicious, I didn't expect you to be so decisive," Sasha mutters while locking the door behind her.

"What did you expect? We are talking about my family; people for whom I would be willing to do anything." Isaac retorts vehemently.


"Anyway, do you intend to confess to me?"

"A confession?" Sasha raises her eyebrows as she approaches him with a smile.

"...For example, information you had hidden about my mother. She's...alive, right?" The hesitation was perceptible in the tone of his voice when he asked this question to her.

The latter freezes slightly following his question.

But it only lasts a beat of the eyelashes. "What are you talking about? It's not easy to find people in this chaos. My father is also missing, so I'm here managing family affairs in addition to taking care of the guild."

"...sorry for that."

"If you are, assume the position you gave me."

"Ugh! You know that I can't. Because of my last quest, many people are against me, all those who are linked to me will be in danger of death." He said, peeking at Sasha sitting on his former chair.

"Hmm... to hear you, I don't feel like the ones you fear are simple players, is that correct?" She asks in a monotonous voice while staring at Isaac's eyes.

"..." Isaac looks away, unable to answer Sasha's question.

'The notification I received after killing Chronos always makes me uncomfortable. However, I did not receive such a notification when I killed Mogis' avatar, which is of a higher rank than Chronos; is it because it was his avatar? Even taking this fact into account, it would take centuries for a deity to reappear in GLO after the death of his avatar.'

Seeing him silent and thoughtful, Sasha furtively approaches him.

"Huh? What are you..--

Before Isaac finishes his sentence, she wraps her hands around him in an affectionate embrace. "I'm glad you're doing well." She then whispers in his ear.

Isaac was first confused by Sasha's action. But soon, a warm smile appears on his lips as he hugs her in turn.

"Don't worry, I'm not as fragile as that." He also whispers while stroking Sasha's head.


After a long moment of silence, Isaac suddenly remembered one thing.

"Now that I think about it, how did you overcome the curse of awakening? Have you found a new partner?"

Sasha's body trembles slightly in his arms following his question.

"You are an idiot for daring to ask me this question even though you know my current class."

"Hm? What does your class as succubi' princess have to do with my question?" He asks while releasing her after noticing her detaching her hands around him.

"Do I have to understand that you don't know how a player gets this class?"

