Paths to Redemption

In the next morning, the soldiers combed the area tirelessly, but not a single trace of the elusive assassin could be found. The Minister of Defence ordered to cover up the incident and refrain from responding to the media regarding the fire. They were determined to prevent any information that could tarnish their reputation from reaching the public.

Meanwhile, in a secluded room, Lieutenant Dialla and Sergeant Victor engaged in a serious discussion about the recent events.

"Sir, the assassin you hired helped us take care of the killer, but now he's causing another enormous problem for us," Sergeant Victor voiced his concerns.

"I seem to have underestimated him," Lieutenant Dialla responded thoughtfully. "However, thanks to him, Captain Raynolds is under scrutiny for letting the assassin escape. The General is questioning him right now."

"I heard Captain Raynolds encountered the assassin while trying to escape. And You know him, he won't rest until he gets to the bottom of this."

"I fear Captain Raynolds might suspect my connection with the assassin." Dialla's face tensed with worry.

"But we've gone through great lengths to cover up the incident. There's no way he could find out."

"He's not only an exceptional warrior but also skilled at gathering intelligence. Underestimate him at your own peril."

"Should I order my men to eliminate him?"

"No, that would only create more problems. We need to find out who else is on his side, then we'll dismantle them one by one. Be patience," Dialla replied with a sinister grin. "I will wait until he's all alone, and that's when I'll make my move. Once he's out of the picture, this country will be ours to control!"

Sergeant Victor nodded in agreement. "Indeed, he's the biggest obstacle in our path to power."

With a chilling resolve, Lieutenant Dialla continued, "Now, let's see who will have the last laugh."

In the aftermath of the incident, Captain Raynolds was summoned to the General's office for questioning. His reputation, once held in high regard, was now tarnished by the escape of the assassin under his watch.

"I can't believe you let the intruder get away like that. You owe me a satisfactory explanation," the General demanded sternly.

"No excuses, Sir. It's entirely my fault," Captain Raynolds admitted with a heavy heart.

Mockingly, the General asked, "Were your sunglasses obstructing your vision at night, making it easy for the assassin to escape?"

Captain Raynolds shook his head. "Regardless, there's no excuse for my failure."

"Captain Raynolds, you have been the cornerstone of our military, a symbol of unwavering strength and honor. Your leadership has inspired countless soldiers, and your dedication to the nation has been exemplary. But today, I cannot fathom how a man of your caliber allowed an intruder to escape under your watch. This is the Ministry of Defence of Kothern, and it has suddenly turned into a playground for an assassin."

"My deepest apologies, Sir. I take full responsibility for letting him escape. If necessary, I am prepared to face any punishment, even if it means being dismissed from the army,"

"You've been done so much for this country. We won't dismiss you, but you must take responsibility and redeem yourself for this."

"How can I redeem myself, Sir?"

"We've declared war on Nisaeria, and I need a capable leader. You will lead the attack with Lieutenant Dialla and his men. This is your chance to prove yourself."

"Dialla?" Captain Raynolds sighed, "I have experience in defending our country, but attacking another is entirely different."

"I have faith in you, and your experience combined with our advanced weaponry will be enough to handle the enemy. The attack on Luthernza… and now, this assassin… They have wreaked havoc in the very heart of our Ministry of Defence. Our reputation has taken a severe blow, and it falls on your shoulders to restore the honor of our military. Please, Captain, bring me good news from the battlefield. This is your opportunity to redeem yourself!"

Captain Raynolds straightened his posture, determination evident in his eyes.

"Yes, General. I will lead our forces with the utmost resolve and do everything in my power to secure victory for Kothern."

"Good! Get yourself prepared; we are planning to launch the attack on Nisaeria in three more days. Time is of the essence, and the nation's eyes are upon you. This is not just about reclaiming our reputation; it's about safeguarding the peace and future of our people!"

"I understand, General. I will gather my best men and prepare them for the upcoming battle."

"That's what I expect from you, Captain. Now go, prepare your men, and return as the hero this nation deserves."

Without hesitation, Captain Raynolds saluted the General and turned to leave. As Captain Raynolds left the General's office, he felt a mix of emotions. He returned to his office and sat at his desk, taking off his sunglasses and massaging his temples. Resentment swelled inside him. He picked up the phone and dialed Lieutenant Winton's number.


"Yeah Captain. You messed up big time," Lieutenant Winton replied, teasingly.

"I've been assigned to lead the attack on Nisaeria alongside Lieutenant Dialla's men."

"What?! Seriously?! His men are unreliable!"

"I know, but I'll make do. I planned to ask for your help to investigate Dialla, but I'll do it alone this time."

"That's dangerous! You'll be facing both Nisaeria's army and Dialla's men simultaneously. How will you handle them?"

"But this is the only chance I have to prove myself and redeem my honor. And in case something happens to me, please promise me you'll take care of my family."

"This is madness! They are actually asking you to lay down your life in battle. You've done so much for this country, and this is how you're treated for a single mistake that had nothing to do with you."

"My only concern is for my family and the people of this country. The corruption within our ranks is disheartening, but you are different, Rosseaulyn. The only one I can trust with this delicate task is you. I'll count on your loyalty and integrity."

Lieutenant Winton sighed, "Fine, but promise me you'll come back."

"I promise."

He hung up the phone and sense the weight of this impending war, a feeling of no return settling in his heart. He meticulously packed all the documents in his office into boxes and asked his most trustable to send those documents to Lieutenant Winton. Looking at the family photos on his desk, he carefully removed them from their frames and tucked them into his coat, a silent gesture to keep his loved ones close as he ventured into the unknown.

On the other side, Lieutenant Dialla received the same instructions from the General, informing him that Captain Raynolds would be joining him on the battlefield. The news brought a sinister smile to Lieutenant Dialla's face.

"I didn't expect things would go on like this! Even the God wants to help me too! This time, I can surely destroy him with my own hands! Everything is going smoothly according to my plan. Hahahahaha!" He laughed gleefully.

Sergeant Victor, noticing the joy in his superior's expression, offered his congratulations.

"Congrats, Sir! You are getting one step closer to achieving your target."

Lieutenant Dialla's eyes gleamed with malice as he declared, "I will show him the truth he wants to find out, and he'll be left shocked and speechless. I can't wait to see the almighty Captain Raynolds kneel before me, begging for his life. Victor, go get others to prepare themselves! We are going to write a new history for Kothern! Hahahahaha!!!"

"Yes, Sir!"

Back to Vermilion and the others, Dr. Apgar and Alex headed to the town, while Vermilion returned to the wooden house in the hopes of witnessing another miraculous event. Taking a deep breath, she inserted the key into the door and slowly opened it, only to find the living room still empty. Disappointed, she made her way back to the village.

"Have you tried opening the door again? Did you succeed? Well... I can tell from your expression." Carmella said.

"I will try again tomorrow," Vermilion replied, still unsure about her powers.

"You can't control your power?"

"I can't even tell whether it is really me who caused so many unexplainable phenomena."

"I'm pretty sure it's from you. We never encountered such strange things before you joined us. It's okay, don't force yourself."

"Hopefully, I can find the answers."

Unbeknownst to them, Carmella had a thought about the village on the mountain, but hesitated to share it just yet.

Carmella then brought up Vermilion's past, asking about her family, parents, siblings, friends, and schoolmates.

"I don't know... My memory is all blank... I feel like it never exists."

"Memory loss?" Carmella pondered. "At least you still remember the language you learned; otherwise, you wouldn't be able to speak properly."

"I only learned how to speak when I arrived at this village as well."

This revelation shocked Carmella, and she quickly tried to make sense of the situation.

"Hold on a second, let me try to understand the whole situation," she said, trying to process the information.

After a moment of silence, Carmella came to a hasty conclusion, "I guess... Since you stayed in a village, you've never attended any school. And then you only learned to speak in a week since you have superpowers..."

"I don't think everything is connected to the mysterious power..." Vermilion wasn't entirely convinced.

Ayukawa couldn't help but intervene, finding their conversation perplexing.

"I just can't stand the conversation between the two of you anymore. What kind of silly conclusion is that?"

"Well then, I would like to hear your explanation."

Ayukawa confidently shared her theory.

"She mentioned she lost all her memory, so she forgot what she had learned as well. But after coming to the village, she regained part of her memory, including how to speak. Otherwise, it's not possible for a person to learn in a few days. The fact is that she did learn before, and those memories are still inside her brain, but she just forgot about them for a moment."

"That... sounds like it makes a lot more sense compared to Carmella's theory."

Carmella, being humble, responded, "Well, I admit I'm not good at logical thinking..."

"At least you tried," Vermilion said with a smile.

As they continued to wait for news from Dr. Apgar and Alex, boredom set in. Carmella yawned, remarking, "So boring here, no TV to watch. We can only wait until they come back. I hope there's good news from them so we can return to Luthernza promptly."
