Eyes to Remember: Prussian Blue

During the sunset, Dr. Apgar and Alex returned to the village, their faces burdened with disappointment. Carmella eagerly awaited good news, but they sighed and shook their heads without saying a word. Dr. Apgar handed Carmella a newspaper instead.

"Just read it yourself," Dr. Apgar said.

Carmella took the newspaper and read the headline: "Civilian Mistakenly Killed by Soldiers." The content reported that most of the guerrillas had been purged, but the military action had resulted in numerous civilian casualties, angering the citizens of Luthernza.

"Oh my gosh, it's really getting worse... Just like what we heard that day. The soldiers simply broke into the building and killed everyone they saw," Carmella exclaimed.

Dr. Apgar turned to Vermilion, Alex, and Carmella, his expression grave. "I think three of you better stay in the village for a few more days. Alex and I are heading to the border of Nisaeria. Carmella, you'll have to go to the town by yourself tomorrow."

"Alright, but where is the town? Is it far from here?"

"It's quite far, just follow the road signs, and you should be fine. It's the only town around here."

"Alright, then when will you come back?"

"I'm not sure this time. The war with Nisaeria is going to start anytime soon, so I will stay there as long as I can."

"Please ensure your safety, doctor."

"This is not the first time I've done this; no need to worry. Alex! Stop flirting and let's go now!" Dr. Apgar said, motioning to Alex.

"Alright, bye Vermilion, see you. Hehehe," Alex said playfully.

"Bye Dr. Apgar and Alex!"

After they left, Carmella prepared dinner using canned food. When she went to get water, she discovered that the tap had stopped working, leaving them without any water supply.

"Why have I been so unlucky lately?" Carmella sighed.

"There's a well outside the village where I saw the villagers get their water." Vermilion suggested.

"Great, let's get some water from there. I might need your help, I guess."

They came to the well with a wooden bucket, intending to draw water. However, neither of them had ever used the well before, so it was a challenging task for them. As they attempted to pull the bucket full of water from the well, their hands shook with tension as they tightly gripped the rope.

"It's... so... heavy...!" Carmella strained, her face turning red from the effort.

"Wughhh, it's… really… heavy…! Vermilion struggling as well.

Just use… your power, Vermilion…!" Carmella gasped.

"I... don't... have... any... power..." Vermilion replied, straining.

The bucket felt like a weight that neither of them could lift alone. They tried to coordinate their movements, pulling the rope with all their strength, but progress was slow.

"I can't do it anymore! Oops, the rope! Oh no... my hands just slipped," Carmella said, exasperated.

Vermilion let out a sigh of defeat, "Maybe... we should find another way to get the water…"

However, Ayukawa, who had been observing them from behind, stepped forward.

"Just get out of my way and leave it to me." Ayukawa intervened, walking over to the well.

"Ayukawa?! You can walk already?!" Vermilion exclaimed in surprise.

"It's nothing for me. Just watch and learn."

With her injured leg, Ayukawa effortlessly reached for the rope and pulled up the bucket full of water with a single right hand. Vermilion and Carmella watched in awe, their previous struggles now overshadowed by Ayukawa's strength.

"Hey sis, you're truly a monster," Carmella said in awe.

"Why don't you say that it's because you two are too weak?"

"Wow! Thanks, Ayukawa! Finally, we got water to use," Vermilion said gratefully.


"One, two, wughhhh!!! I can't... lift it up!" Carmella grunted as she attempted to lift the heavy bucket.

"Just put it down, I can't watch it anymore!"

With seemingly little effort, Ayukawa lifted the bucket with ease and carried it all the way back to their house. Despite her lingering leg pain, she never expressed any discomfort or bitterness on her face.

"Perhaps she's the one with superpower," Carmella mused.

"Yeah, I agree too," Vermilion chimed in.

"Alright, let me quickly prepare dinner for you two!"

"I can't wait... I am so hungry... Don't you feel hungry too, Ayukawa?"

"A little…"

"Tonight, we'll just share a room together," Carmella suggested.


After dinner, Vermilion and Carmella chatted before falling asleep, while Ayukawa lay on her bed with her eyes closed. In the middle of the night, a mechanical sound mixed with the wind grew louder. Ayukawa immediately sensed something was amiss.

"You two! Wake up!" she urgently whispered.

"Hmm? Why did you wake us up?" Vermilion asked.

"Shhh! Just listen carefully... the sound... I think it's from the tanks and they are heading to this village!"

"How come?! Carmella! Wake up!"

"Hide yourselves! I will go and see what's going on," Ayukawa said, walking to the kitchen and picking up a small knife.

A group of tanks drove past their village. They watched the tanks from the window, their expressions tense with concern. Besides the tanks, they also saw many armored vehicles trailing behind them.

"They've left. I believe they are heading to Nisaeria since Dr. Apgar mentioned the war is going to start soon," Carmella said, her eyes fixed on the departing convoy.

"Will the war implicate or spread to this place?" Vermilion asked worriedly.

"It won't, for sure. Nisaeria does not stand a chance to win against us."

"War... That means many people will die again..."

"Don't think too much about it. Let's continue our dream... ZZZ... Snoring

"Carmella falls asleep so fast!"

The next morning, Carmella headed to the town, leaving Vermilion and Ayukawa behind in the village. Vermilion headed to the wooden house again. As Vermilion reached the wooden house, she tried to open the door once more, hoping for another miracle. Unfortunately, nothing happened this time.

Disheartened after her unsuccessful attempt to open the wooden house, Vermilion ventured towards the waterfall, seeking solace in its serene ambiance. As she reached the waterfall, she noticed the back of a man standing half-naked under the cascading water, showering himself. Intrigued, Vermilion watched from behind a bush, wondering who he was. The man turned around, and she quickly averted her gaze, not wanting to be caught observing him.

The man walked to the shore and put on his clothes. Vermilion's curiosity got the better of her, and she risked another peek. When she looked again, her heart skipped a beat as she found herself deeply drawn to the man's presence.

The man, with a muscular physique, he exuded strength and confidence. But what truly captivated her were his eyes— a pair beautiful Prussian blue orbs, full of firmness and calmness. Vermilion was left speechless, mesmerized by such a remarkable sight, and she accidentally rustled the bushes, alerting the man to her presence.

The man quickly put on his suit and slowly walked over to Vermilion, his footsteps firm and purposeful. His voice was gentle as he asked, "Who are you, lady?"

Apologizing nervously, Vermilion replied, "I just happened to pass by and saw you standing at the waterfall…"

"Are you living nearby?"

Vermilion hesitated for a moment before responding, "Yes! Ermm… no… I'm just staying here for a little while."

"Only yourself?"

"No, with my sister."

Understanding her situation, he then warned her with concern in his eyes, "Listen, there will be a war starting soon near the border. It will be very dangerous, so don't get close to it."

"Thanks for your advice! Hmmm… your uniform… Are you a soldier?" Vermilion inquired, noticing the distinct attire.

"Yes, I am. We stopped nearby last night to take a rest."

"Oh! So, you are the one who passed by our village last night."

The man nodded.

"Anyway, did you just hide here and watch me all the time just now?"

Admitting her curiosity, Vermilion responded, "Yeah… But I had no other intention; I just wondered why there was someone over there since no one lives nearby…"

"Exactly, I thought there was nobody here as well. That's why I decided to take a shower from the waterfall… Why are you keep staring at my face?"

Caught off guard, Vermilion blurted out, "Your eyes… they are so beautiful and shining like the crystals..."

"Interesting… You are the first person ever attracted by my eyes. All people were scared off after they saw my eyes, so I have to wear sunglasses to avoid any unnecessary attention."

"Why are people scared of your eyes?"

"Don't you know about the race of blue eyes?"


"Then it means you are not paying attention in school. You should study hard and contribute your intelligence for the future of the world."

"Me? I don't think I can do anything for this world…"

"Believe in yourself, as I do. Find a goal for yourself and work hard to achieve it."

"Goal…? What is your goal then?"

"My goal? As a soldier, of course, protecting the people I value most and the people of this country. Sounds simple and meaningless, isn't it? But the reality is harsh, as I am risking my life every day to achieve it."

"It sounds amazing! I believe the people around you must appreciate you very much!"

With a hint of a smile, he responded, "Probably. What time is it now… Sorry, lady, I got to go. What a pleasant conversation with you. What's your name?"

"I'm Vermilion Yeleona. How do I address you?"

"Everyone calls me Captain Raynolds."

"Wow, you are a Captain of the army," she admired.

"Hopefully, we can meet each other again. Farewell, young lady."

"Bye bye!" she waved as he walked away, leaving her heart racing with the memory of their brief encounter.

After bidding farewell, Captain Raynolds returned to the makeshift military camp they had built the night before, ordering his men to make final preparations and head to the border of Nisaeria. As the troops journeyed towards the border, the soldiers wore serious expressions, fully aware of the impending battle. In stark contrast, Captain Raynolds remained calm and relaxed, with a subtle smile on his face.

"Captain Raynolds, you don't seem that nervous, aren't you?" One of the soldiers asked.

"What kind of stupid question is that? This is Captain Raynolds! He is the best combatant in our military! This means nothing to him at all. Am I right, Captain?" Another soldier chimed in with admiration.

"Not really, even though I've fought in many battles before, I am still nervous but I will not let my guard down," Captain Raynolds responded humbly.

"But you seem quite happy now," the first soldier observed.

"I just encountered an interesting and a little weird girl this morning, and we really had a good chat with each other. She reminded me of why I wanted to be a soldier in the first place," Captain Raynolds shared, with a touch of nostalgia in his voice.

"I want to know about why you joined the army. Would you mind telling us about it?"

"Not for now, I will only share it after we win this war," Captain Raynolds replied, leaving a sense of mystery in the air.

"You guys heard that? We must win this war, and our great Captain will share his personal story with us!" the soldiers cheered with newfound determination.

"Hooray!!!" Everyone echoed.

Meanwhile, in another armored vehicle, Lieutenant Dialla and Sergeant Victor overheard the loud cheering from the vehicle behind them.

"Seems like they are having a good time back there…" Sergeant Victor remarked.

"Pathetic, this is the last time he can laugh that loud. He still has no idea what's coming for him. Hahahahaha!" Lieutenant Dialla's sinister laughter resonated with ominous intent.

After traveling a long distance, the troops finally reached near the border at night. Everyone prepared themselves, standing by, and waiting for Captain Raynolds' command to officially launch the attack on Nisaeria. The tension was palpable as the soldiers readied themselves for the impending battle, unaware of the destiny that awaited them on the other side of the border.