2: Who Are You?

They wished it was a lie; they wished that those words did not just come out of her mouth. They wanted to go inside the house to see Nobita sitting in his room, but the words were clear, and their ears were not fooling them. They felt their world crashing down on them, feeling so heavy. The group collapsed, unable to get up when they heard the devastating news.

Nobita was gone.

"No..No, this can't be Nobita!" Giant was the first one to snap out of his shock. He dashed into the house, followed by Suneo and Shizuka. The trio rushed upstairs, and Giant did not think twice when he kicked the door open. When he noticed what was in the room, he froze in shock. Suneo and Shizuka followed the shocked boy to peer inside the room, only to have the same shock that Giant was feeling now.

The room was a mess—torn cupboard walls, books torn and ripped to shreds—even the table was broken into pieces. It seems to have been thrown into a wall. Nobita had done this. That gentle boy who wouldn't hurt a fly? The condition of the missing boy's room was already not a good sign. Suneo examined the pieces from the table, still not believing his eyes that Nobita was capable of destroying his own precious things.

That's when Shizuka noticed the cupboard where a certain robot used to sleep. "Wait... Where's Doraemon!?" She asked two boys who seemed to have finally noticed their other missing friend, and if they were going to find Nobita, the only one to help them is him. "Where the hell is Doraemon!?" Giant shouted, his patience already reaching capacity. That's when the drawer to the familiar time machine opened and a certain cat popped up.

"Did some-" The robot did not manage to finish when he was violently lifted from the drawer by a fuming gorilla. "WHERE WERE YOU!? WHERE IS NOBITA!?" The giant shouted, full of rage in his voice, that Suneo and Shizuka did not dare to speak. The cat gave a grunt of pain when he was dropped to the ground when Giant released his iron grip on his collar. "Explain," Giant growled.

Now that Giant had calmed down a little, he was finally able to notice what was wrong with Doraemon. The robot looked normal, but they could see he was tired. They could see he had been crying, "What happened?" The giant finally asked calmly. Doraemon seemed to stay on the ground where he fell as if he had no energy to get up.

"I-I don't know..yesterday, we got into an argument, and I snapped..and left him... I felt so ashamed, and when I finally resolved to apologize to him, when I got out of the time machine, all I could hear was Nobita's mother screaming, crying in pain, and the room was a mess. I blacked out, and Dorami saw through the time TV what happened and took me back to the future.

Doraemon was cut off when Giant punched him in the face. "You had an argument!? After Nobita had a bad day, What the heck were you thinking? He had enough stress, and you just left him?! What kind of friend are you?

It was Giant's turn to get punched in the jaw, surprising the remaining occupants of the room, including Giant. Doraemon has never punched a giant before. "I know what kind of friend I am!" Doraemon screamed in sorrow, "And I wasn't there to help him..to put his broken pieces back together!.. I felt guilty ever since.." Doraemon's voice got softer and softer with each word.

Giant slowly got up, ready to punch the cat, but finally, Shizuka intervened, "Please! Stop..." She screamed as she got between the fighting duo. This effectively stopped Giant and Doraemon from attacking each other. We just need to find him. Find our friend."

"Yes... there's no point in bickering about whose fault it is..the important thing is that we find Nobita first," Suneo reasoned.

Looking down at the brown bag that had all his toys, he thought to himself, "Mom bought me these. These were used by my mother's money." I don't deserve it. A useless child does not deserve this."

"You know Doraemon. We have the time machine, right?" Suneo asked after discussing a failed strategy of finding Nobita in obvious places. The field, school, and anywhere they could think of, but they couldn't find him. They regrouped back at Nobita's house to rediscuss.

That's when they heard Nobita's mother crying once again. Shizuka had to go console Nobita's mother; however, her condition worsened, and they had to take her to the hospital. This took until the night when this obvious idea came into Suneo's mind.

"Yes...why?" The cat asked

"Well, why don't we go back in time and stop Nobita from running away in the first place?"

There was silence in the room until "THAT'S BRILLIANT!" Doraemon screamed with joy. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" With the new idea in mind, the group rushed to the broken drawer where the time machine was and was about to jump in when...


They were blown back by an invisible force. The drawer was completely destroyed. "Now now, I wouldn't want you to interfere," a voice said. Doraemon and the others looked to where the drawer was only to see a young boy stand in its place. The boy had sharp eyes and looked quite handsome from Shizuka's perspective. The boy stomped on the remaining pieces of the drawer to destroy the entrance to the time machine.

"You...Why you!" Gian charged at the boy, readying a punch, but he did not see anything; he only felt a shockwave and intense pain in his stomach. The giant gave a gasp and coughed as he fell to his knees in pain. The unknown boy stood in pleasure, watching his victim on his knees. "Now, aren't you still a rush bugger? Nobita would be disappointed."

That shocked the group for the 7th time today. Does this boy know Nobita?