3: It... It can't be.

"How do you know him?" Doraemon asked when he got up, dusting himself off. The boy did not reply; instead, he stomped on Gian's head, who was still kneeling in pain. Gian's scream of pain echoed throughout the room; the boy wasn't removing his feet from the poor boy's head anytime soon. The boy finally jumped away just in time to dodge an air cannon fired by an enraged Suneo, who found the tool in the spare pocket when he helped Shizuka get it from the closet earlier. Shizuka rushed to Gian's aid as Suneo continued to fire at the boy. But the boy just held a hand, and the force of air that was fired from the cannon bounced back to Shizuka, knocking her out along with Gian.

"I thought you had brains, Suneo. I guess you still don't." The boy smirked as Suneo and Doraemon stood their ground. The boy was about to attack when a yellow blur managed to knock him down.

"You're not getting away." The newcomer declared as she prepared the handcuffs from the future. "Hmph, Dorami..you are still no pushover on trying to capture me... Well, my time is over." The mysterious boy suddenly added when his figure suddenly started to faintly disappear,

shocking Doraemon and Suneo, while Dorami tried to grip him to not let him escape, but it was futile. "But don't you worry; I'll be back to kill you later." His voice echoed as he disappeared into nothingness. Suneo and Doraemon felt a chill as they heard what came out of the boy's mouth. It was disturbing.

When everything seemed to settle down, Doraemon turned to the distraught-looking Dorami.

"Who was he?" he asked.

"You did not kill them, right?" Nobita asked. The boy looked at him and scoffed, "No. Not yet. I will kill them later, but for now, they will entertain me." Nobita narrowed his eyes at the boy. "I hate them, but they are still my friends, Don't kill them."

The boy gave a small laugh. "You can't stop me, Nobita. Remember? " They treated you like trash. Admit it. They are no longer your friends. We made a deal. And besides, you can trust me. I'm your true friend. Right?" Nobita gulped, finding the boy's smirk creepy, but he was right. They are no longer his friends. They treated him like trash. Nobita nodded. "Yeah."

After things calmed down, the group listened to Dorami's explanation: "His name is Absolute." He came in an unknown period of time..shattering pieces of history..the time police have been trying to capture him but..some of the forces have been destroyed or have failed to capture him..he is a Super S Rank criminal..too big to handle..even Dora the Kid has failed to capture him.." Dorami explained

"But if he is messing around with history, shouldn't he?" Suneo was cut off when Dorami shook her head. "No. He has a strange power. the power to control time. he's a living paradox. Whatever he does won't affect himself. He could do anything he wanted." Dorami explained

"Yes, he is able to erase you from existence if he wants to." Dorami stated, worried, "But he'll likely give you time. He likes to play around with his victims for more than 3 months." Dorami continued, "meaning we all have 3 months to defeat him before we are erased from existence." Everyone was quiet. Fear took over their minds. How did such a ruthless villain come to be?

An awkward silence fell upon the room after Dorami explained. "So, what are we going to do?" Gian asked, effectively breaking the silence. The group looked at each other before Dorami spoke once again.

"First, we rest. We get an excuse to leave school every day. We must stop him before he does any more damage to the timeline."

The boy stopped. He smirked as he stood under a tree, a hood covering his face to avoid detection. "So... the race has finally begun... catch me if you can... my friends... because if you don't... Nobita shall give me enough energy to wipe you all from existence."

Will you be able to get rid of me?

[Next day]

Shizuka was on her way home. She felt dread in her entire body and couldn't sleep at all last night. She wanted this dangerous situation to end. She wanted to go back and live a peaceful life instead of worrying about her very existence.

She wanted the danger to end.

She decided to buy some snacks at a nearby store, but when she entered, she felt a wave of nostalgia as she remembered the time when she and Nobita would go buy snacks together here. Wiping her tears, she paid for her items and continued to walk home, her head down as she felt depressed, hoping to find Nobita soon. But how does that boy know about Nobita? That's when she realized what the boy said during their first encounter.


"I'm sorry. I wasn't looking." Shizuka bowed to apologize. She kept her head bowed until the person she bumped into spoke, but no voice was heard. Shizuka looked up, only for her eyes to widen in shock as she stayed rooted to the ground. The person she ran into... it can't be, but this person is standing in front of her now. The pink hair, the teal eyes—she was alive and well. Shizuka covered her mouth in shock. Tears were about to leak out as she stared at the person who looked at her confused. Shizuka couldn't hold back her tears as she spoke the person's name.
