Chapter 4: A King's Legacy is Born

Harrison begins walking toward the truck after he finishes his fight against both Lt. Neo and Cpt. Ryon. With no threat in sight he begins to approach the truck only a few feet away. However, to his surprise, he felt there was something wrong and he looks back towards the two military officers. All of the sudden Captain Ryon and Lt. Neo swiftly appear inside the truck, seizing the opportunity to slip into the vehicle where Christian was located.Confusion and frustration gripped Harrison as he turned around, witnessing the vehicle speeding away. "What the hell? I already countered his ability?!" he exclaimed in disbelief.Captain Ryon smirked from inside the moving vehicle, realizing Harrison's miscalculation. "You may have deciphered the mechanics of my ability, priest, but your arrogance got the better of you. In our battle, I posed another question to you, just in case a situation like this were to arise. While a second question is far less effective in combat, it still buys me enough time to make my escape."Harrison swiftly changed direction, sprinting after the fleeing vehicle. However, Lt. Neo, though weakened, began firing explosives and weapons at him, attempting to impede his progress. Determined, Harrison deflected each obstacle that came his way, relentlessly closing the distance between himself and the vehicle, despite its increasing speed.Lt. Neo shouted to Captain Ryon, warning him that Harrison was gaining ground. Yet, Captain Ryon remained unperturbed, flashing a confident smile. "No need to worry, Lieutenant. He will never catch us," he assured.Just as Harrison was on the verge of reaching the vehicle, Captain Ryon activated his ability once more, causing the vehicle to surge even further away. It was at that moment Harrison realized the futility of his pursuit. "I can't catch up to it..."With the realization that rescuing Christian seemed nearly impossible due to Captain Ryon's ability, Harrison faced a difficult choice. Gathering his resolve, he took a deep breath and unleashed a thunderous shout into the air. "CHRISTIAN, CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" his voice echoed across the tumultuous scene, capturing the attention of Captain Ryon and Lt. Neo, who were puzzled by Harrison's actions.Continuing his fervent plea, Harrison bellowed, "I KNOW YOU'RE NOT DONE YET! YOU SAID IT YOURSELF, RIGHT? ONE DAY, YOU WILL BECOME KING! SO, IS THIS ALL YOU'VE GOT? ARE YOU GOING TO LET THE WORLD GOVERNMENT HAVE THEIR WAY?" Doubt briefly flickered in Harrison's mind, questioning the effectiveness of his words. But he quickly pushed forward, delving deeper into his heartfelt message. "KID, I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT! THAT'S WHY I TOOK AN INTEREST IN YOU! YOU HAVE THE POTENTIAL, YOU HAVE THE HEART, YOU HAVE THE MOTIVATION! THE WORLD IS IN A STATE OF CHAOS AND DISORDER, AND IT NEEDS TO BE SET RIGHT. SO, WHAT WILL YOU DO, CHRISTIAN? IS LOSING HERE THE END? IS LOSING HERE YOUR LEGACY?"Unbeknownst to Harrison, his impassioned plea reached Christian, who laid unconscious within the vehicle. Whispering to himself, Christian muttered, "My legacy..."In a monumental surge of power, a colossal lightning bolt crashed down upon the vehicle, triggering a cataclysmic explosion. The force of the blast engulfed the surroundings, casting waves of destruction in all directions.Harrison shielded himself from the impact, his heart pounding with a mix of awe and anticipation. Harrison's eyes widened in astonishment as the dissipating smoke revealed an extraordinary sight. Standing before him was Christian, but he looked utterly transformed. Radiant light emanated from his being, casting an ethereal glow that illuminated the surroundings. From his back, lightning-like wings extended, resembling those of an angel. His hair shimmered with an otherworldly brilliance, and his eyes glowed pure white. Harrison's mind raced with disbelief as he struggled to comprehend the sight before him. "Is this Christian?" he questioned, his voice barely a whisper.Meanwhile, Lt. Neo, though weakened by the explosion, looks in awe at the being in front of him. His survival instincts kicked in as he reached for a weapon from his belt, intending to retaliate against the seemingly invincible angelic being in front of him. However, before he could even process his next move, Christian moved with an astonishing swiftness, appearing right in front of Lt. Neo in a blink of an eye. Extending his arm, Christian pointed his finger at Lt. Neo, releasing a minuscule bolt of lightning that made contact with him. The impact sent Lt. Neo hurtling thousands of feet outside the city, his body swallowed by the distance.Lt. Neo gone and completely out of commission, Captain Ryon regained his composure and found himself bewildered by the turn of events. His gaze shifted upward, and his eyes met Christian's awe-inspiring presence. Like Harrison, Captain Ryon struggled to comprehend what stood before him. "What the hell is that?" he muttered in disbelief, a surge of fear gripping his heart. It was a sensation he had experienced only once before when he dared to challenge one of the formidable Generals of the Five Branches of the Military. This fear mirrored that fateful encounter, and Captain Ryon's immediate response was to launch an attack. Determined to regain control of the situation.Captain Ryon activated his ability believing he had paused the angelic being's perception of time, but that was all for naught as the being appears behind him. The realization strikes Captain Ryon too late as a barrage of colossal lightning bolts, is summoned from the sky, and descends upon him with unrelenting force. The impact was overwhelming, reducing Captain Ryon to a burnt crisp, consumed by the devastating power of the lightning.Both enemies are defeated in an instant, the only person left is Harrison, still in awe of the spectacle before him, remaining on high alert, wary of the unpredictable turn of events. Yet, his caution proved futile as Christian, moving at an astonishing speed, suddenly appeared in front of Harrison.Harrison couldn't help but chuckle, despite the gravity of the situation. "Uh, hey kid, you look a little different," he remarked, attempting to maintain a semblance of levity amidst the chaos.Christian's voice, now resonating with an almost angelic timbre, responded, "I leave the boy to you."As those words left Christian's lips, the radiant power that had encompassed him vanished. Fatigue overcame him, and he collapsed into Harrison's waiting arms, his transformation subsiding.Cradling Christian, Harrison felt a newfound responsibility and resolve stir within him. He had become Christian's guardian, and together, they would strive to fulfill Christian's destiny of becoming king. However, their encounter held far-reaching consequences, as the immense power unleashed by Christian reverberated across the world. Beyond the city's borders, a mysterious figure, shrouded in a cloak, observed the events unfolding before them."It looks like it has begun," the figure uttered in a tone laced with anticipation, knowing that the awakening of Christian's true potential was the catalyst for the tumultuous events to come. The fate of the world now hung in the balance, its future destined to be shaped by the interplay between light and darkness, hope and despair.