Chapter 5: Converging Paths

As Harrison and Christian departed the partially destroyed city, embarking on their journey, another group of individuals emerged on the scene, poised to fulfill their own legacies.The city lay in ruins, bearing witness to the overwhelming power displayed by Christian. Soon after, Captain Ryon's men arrived at the scene, surveying the aftermath of the battle. The sight of their commanding officer, Captain Ryon lying unconscious shocked them to the core and after searching the outskirts of the city they see Lt. Neo's body unconscious as well. The Sergeant managed to regain consciousness from his previous fight, his eyes wide with disbelief. It was an unprecedented sight, witnessing both officers of the Marines utterly defeated. One of Captain Ryon's men urgently instructed the Sergeant to contact headquarters and report the dire situation.Following the report, Headquarters delivered some relieving news to the Sergeant. "No worries, Sergeant. Fortunately, we already have someone en route to your location, handling a separate mission. We will inform them of your situation, and they will take charge." A sigh of relief escaped the Sergeant's lips as he relayed the information to the rest of the Marines. Help was on its way.In a car speeding toward the city, three individuals sat in silence. These were members of an elite small unit within the Marines, entrusted with some of the World Government's most critical missions. The first among them was Lieutenant Emma Campos, renowned for her deadeye accuracy as the former best sniper in the Marines Special Forces. Then there's Captain James Jackson, a former bounty hunter who had captured numerous criminals for the World Government. Both individuals were formidable in their own right, known for their strength and independence. However, their lives took a turn when they encountered Colonel John Johnston, a prodigious figure within the World Government. At just 21 years old, Colonel Johnston had risen to the rank of Colonel in the Marines, demonstrating extraordinary prowess in wielding his unique special ability. Known as a Prime Elemental, he possessed control over fire, but what set him apart was his noble heart. Colonel Johnston's violent power was balanced by a gentle nature that drew people to his side, leading both Lieutenant Emma Campos and Captain James Jackson to join his cause.As their vehicle neared the city, Lieutenant Campos concluded an important phone call. Just as she was about to brief her comrades on the situation, Captain Jackson interjected with curiosity. "What was that all about?" he asked, a mischievous grin on his face. Ignoring his jest, Lieutenant Campos addressed Colonel Johnston directly."Sir, HQ has contacted us," she informed him, her voice brimming with seriousness.Colonel Johnston responded a tinge of anticipation in his voice. "Is it regarding our mission?"Lieutenant Campos continued, "No, sir. It's something different. We have been instructed to handle a situation that has arisen in the city we're headed to."Pausing for a moment, Colonel Johnston contemplated the implications. "Will we have enough time?" he questioned, concerned about the potential conflict between their assigned mission and the current crisis.Captain Jackson, eager to alleviate his friend's worries, interjected confidently, "Don't worry about it, John. You focus on completing the mission, and I'll take care of whatever is happening in the city."Uncertainty clouded Colonel Johnston's expression as he hesitated to accept Captain Jackson's proposal. "Are you sure it's alright? I don't want you to face it alone," he said, his concern for his comrade evident.With a laugh, Captain Jackson casually slung his arm around the Colonel's shoulder, emphasizing their bond. "Of course, John! What are best buddies for?" he exclaimed, exuding an air of camaraderie.While Captain Jackson reveled in the lighthearted banter, Lieutenant Campos wore an irritated expression, finding his behavior unprofessional. In her stern voice, she admonished him. "Stop calling the Colonel by his first name, Captain Jackson."Captain Jackson's laughter only intensified, dismissing Lieutenant Campos's seriousness. "Loosen up, Emma," he chided, unaware of the irritation etched on her face. Colonel Johnston, on the other hand, simply smiled and chuckled, savoring the friendship they shared.Soon, the trio arrived at their destination—the city in ruins. The vehicle arrived at its first destination where Captain Jackson disembarked from the vehicle, taking charge of the situation described by Headquarters. The vehicle then left for another destination. He began gathering information, seeking out the Sergeant for details. The Sergeant, obliging, recounted all he knew but remained puzzled by the defeat of Captain Ryon and Lt. Neo.As he pondered the situation, Captain Jackson couldn't help but wonder, "Who could have beaten both a Captain and a Lieutenant so thoroughly? While they are not dead, they will be unconscious for quite some time." Instructing Captain Ryon's team to prepare an official report and secure the injured officers.While Cpt. Jackson continued instructing the Marines, the Sergeant returned to his side remembering a crucial detail he had forgotten to mention earlier. "Sir I just remembered some other important information of potential suspects. There was a boy with some sort of electricity or lightning ability. And then there was another man... I believe they called him 'The Wandering Priest' or something of the sort."Captain Jackson was taken aback by this revelation. Pondering the implications, he thought to himself, "The Wandering Priest, huh... Regardless, even if someone as skilled as him was involved, I can't fathom the extent of destruction witnessed here." Seeking further clarity, Captain Jackson asked the Sergeant a crucial question, "And what about the kid you mentioned? Could he have caused this devastation?"The Sergeant responded promptly, his tone firm. "No way, sir. I fought the kid, and he only managed to defeat me through cheap tricks. He's not that special.""I see," Captain Jackson muttered, piecing together the puzzle. With a resolute expression, he continues to take charge of the situation at hand as the focus then shifts back to Colonel Johnston and Lieutenant Campos.Both of them arrive at their destination—a seemingly ordinary coffee shop on the other side of the city—the duo enters the deserted establishment. No one is here but one man sitting at a table by himself sipping coffee. Colonel Johnston's fiery aura flared momentarily upon spotting the man.However, before Colonel Johnston could react, Lieutenant Campos swiftly intervened, her voice calming his flames. Meanwhile, the man sitting calmly in the coffee shop uttered one final statement."I surrender."To be continued...