Chapter 11: Memories Unveiled

All of them headed back to the orphanage, entering the private room where Mother Joyce and Harrison were previously engaged in conversation. As Christian walked inside, his confusion still lingered. Before he could ask about what was going on, Harrison swiftly knocked him out cold.Mother Joyce looked disappointed as she observed the scene. "Always resorting to such drastic measures..."Harrison chuckled to himself. "It's better if he doesn't realize what's going on."Harrison turned his attention to Eve, and she immediately understood her role. They laid Christian down on a bed, and Eve placed her hand on both Christian's and Harrison's heads. She whispered a phrase, "Mind Meld."At that moment, everything turned white.As the whiteness enveloped him, Harrison gradually regained consciousness. Confusion consumed him as he wandered around, trying to discern his location. Finally, he muttered to himself, "I guess I'm here."The scene shifted to Mother Joyce, intently watching over Eve, Harrison, and Christian, who were all immersed in Eve's technique. She explained that the technique allowed Eve to transfer someone else's consciousness into another person's mind—an extraordinary ability, but one fraught with danger for everyone involved.Returning to Harrison's perspective, he continued his exploration in the white void until a ball of bright light materialized before him. Harrison was dumbfounded by its presence, but then the light transformed into a figure that looked exactly like Christian.The bright light Christian spoke, "Who are you?"Harrison, taken aback by the talking light, cautiously replied, "My name is Harrison. Christian is my student. I assume you're not him?"Ignoring the question, the bright light Christian responded, "Why do you seek Christian?"Harrison laughed, sensing something amiss. "Well, that's a silly question. He's my pupil, after all."The bright light Christian stared at Harrison for a moment and then opened a path of light before him. Harrison asked, "What is this?"Pointing to the door of light, the bright light Christian replied, "That is where you will find your answers."Satisfied, Harrison was about to step through the doorway when the bright light Christian uttered one last warning. "Keep in mind, you can't do anything to change the past." And with that, the bright light Christian vanished, leaving Harrison to enter the door of light.In an instant, Harrison found himself in an unfamiliar city, its streets foreign to his eyes. A few feet away, he heard the animated chatter of children coming from an alleyway. Intrigued, he followed the sound, eventually spotting three kids, approximately eight years old, engaged in conversation. To his surprise, one of them bore an uncanny resemblance to Christian.Unexpectedly, the bright light reappeared beside Harrison. "Yes, that is Christian, and we are within his memories."Harrison startled, exclaimed, "What the hell! Where did you come from?"Ignoring his question once more, the bright light explained, "In order for you to find the answers you seek, it is important for you to understand how he became who he did."Taking a nervous breath, Harrison replied, "Okay, I understand."The narrative shifted to the kids in the alley, engaged in a dispute."Hey, stop being stingy, John!""Finders keepers, Christian!""I said give it to me!""No! It's mine!"In response, Christian summoned a weak bolt of lightning, shocking John."Oww! That hurt, you bully!"John then punches Christian in the arm causing Christian to get angry.However, Christian's expression shifted from anger to sadness, tears welling up in his eyes. It reminded Harrison of the last time he saw Christian angry, but this time, instead of fighting back, the younger Christian burst into tears."That hurt, you bully."John laughed, reveling in his victory. "That's what you get."Out of nowhere, another child's voice emerged, saying, "Hey, guys, cut it out."Both Christian and John turned to see the newcomer and cheered, "JJ! You're back!"JJ smiled at them, and even at their young age, they looked up to him as an older brother. JJ's smile seemed to brighten even the gloomiest day.With a curious expression, Harrison asked the bright light, "Who is that?"Finally answering a question, the bright light revealed, "That is JJ. Christian's first and last friend..."Harrison didn't fully comprehend the implications, but he continued observing.Christian asked about JJ's whereabouts, and JJ explained that he had been scouting the city for signs of the pursuing military forces.Frightened, Christian with tears in his eyes says, "I don't know why they want to catch us so bad."John with an angry expression in his eyes responds, "It's because we're specials, are you stupid? If you're born a special, you only have two options: join them or die."Depressed, Christian replied, "I know, but... but..."JJ, sensing the distress, added, "I wonder the same thing, Christian... We are just kids. We shouldn't have to suffer like this simply because of who we are. That's why one day, I will fix it."John rolled his eyes, exasperated. "Here we go again..."With unwavering determination, JJ proclaimed at the top of his lungs, "ONE DAY, I WILL BECOME KING!"Christian's eyes shimmered with admiration for JJ's dream. "I believe in you, JJ. You're the best person I know."JJ's smile widened. "Thanks, Christian."After the exchange of words, the kids departed, and Harrison remained a silent observer. Thoughts swirled in his mind, prompting him to ask the bright light another question."Throughout the time I've known Christian, he has always spoken of becoming king, just like this JJ kid. So, what happened to him?"Once again, the bright light ignored his question, leaving Harrison to continue watching and seeking answers within Christian's memories.