Chapter 12: A Shaky Memory

After watching the children interact for a while, Harrison couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. He turned his attention back to the bright light, realizing that it might not respond to him but still hoping for answers."So, I can see that this memory is focused on Christian's childhood, and it seems like he and these kids are orphans. But where are their families, their parents?" Harrison asked, his voice tinged with a mix of frustration and concern.For a brief moment, the bright light remained silent, testing Harrison's patience once again. But to his surprise, the light finally responded. "That memory is sealed and cannot be unlocked until the time is right," it said, its ethereal voice carrying a weight of mystery.Perplexed, Harrison furrowed his brow. "What do you mean by 'until the time is right'?" he pressed further, hoping for a clearer explanation.The bright light spoke again, its words sending a shiver down Harrison's spine. "If we unleash this memory, Christian will cease to exist. That is why I allowed you here—to prepare Christian for what is to come."Harrison fell silent, his mind spinning with the implications of the light's statement. The gravity of the situation began to sink in, and he understood the delicate nature of the memory hidden within Christian's past. With a heavy sigh, he decided to continue observing and allow events to unfold naturally.Meanwhile, the scene shifted to Christian and his friend JJ walking down the bustling streets. The city around them was filled with turmoil, as violence and famine seemed to be the norm. But amidst the chaos, Christian and JJ walked side by side, their bond shining through.As they strolled along, JJ turned to Christian with a smile. "So, what do you feel like eating?" he asked, genuinely curious about his friend's culinary cravings.Christian pondered for a moment, his face lighting up with hunger as a familiar food came to mind. "You know, there's this amazing dish called a musubi. It's rice with spam on top, all wrapped in seaweed. It's the greatest creation that ever existed!" he exclaimed, a hint of nostalgia in his voice.JJ curious asks, "Musubi? What's that?" he asked, eager to learn more about Christian's favorite food.Christian's eyes gleamed with excitement as he described the dish in vivid detail. "Oh, you won't believe it! It's this perfect combination of flavors and textures. Once you try it, you'll be hooked forever!"JJ chuckled, clearly amused by Christian's enthusiasm. "Well, it looks like you really love this food," he remarked, a warm smile spreading across his face.Christian nodded eagerly, but then a shadow seemed to pass over his expression. His smile faded, and he suddenly looked troubled. He clutched his head, as if experiencing a sharp pain. Simultaneously, the memory surrounding Harrison started shaking violently, threatening to destabilize everything.Struggling to maintain his balance, Harrison called out to the bright light. "Is this related to the memory you mentioned before?" he shouted, his voice barely audible amidst the chaos.The bright light remained silent, refusing to offer any solace. However, as quickly as the shaking had begun, it subsided, leaving Harrison shaken but determined to understand the significance of what he had witnessed.In the scene, JJ turned to Christian, concern etched on his face. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked, reaching out to support his friend.Christian forced a smile, trying to reassure JJ. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a small headache, that's all." Deep down, he felt a sense of unease, but he did not know why.Deciding to push aside their worries, JJ suggested they go on a quest to find the elusive musubi. Christian agreed, temporarily setting aside the unsettling experience.As the two boys continued down the street, their journey took them past the remnants of violence and famine that plagued their city. The destitution and suffering were stark reminders of the harsh reality they faced daily. However, their spirits remained resilient as they embarked on their quest.Suddenly, they came across a confrontation between a military official and a homeless man. The official exuded a cruel demeanor, seemingly enjoying his power over the vulnerable. The homeless man pleaded desperately, clutching onto something the official possessed.A sinister smile formed on the official's face as he taunted the man. "Is that all you've got for me?" he sneered, reveling in his sadistic game.The homeless man begged, his voice filled with desperation. "That's all I have! Please, I need it!" He humbled himself, willing to do anything to regain what had been taken from him.With an evil glint in his eyes, the military official laughed mercilessly. He kicked the man to the ground, callously discarding the item in his possession. Still laughing, he mocked the man's pitiful state. "How pathetic! I expect compensation tomorrow, or else," he jeered, before strutting away, leaving the homeless man a mix of misery and fleeting hope.JJ and Christian approached the downtrodden man cautiously. Concerned, JJ asked, "Hey, are you okay?"The man composed himself, his anger overshadowing his vulnerability. With an angry face, he lashed out at the kids. "Go away, you fucking kids! Or else!"JJ was taken aback but remained undeterred. "Hey, we're just trying to help," he calmly replied, hoping to diffuse the situation.However, the homeless man's anger escalated, his voice seething with rage. "I don't need the help of some stupid kids!" he spat venomously.Unwilling to witness his friend being berated, Christian couldn't contain his emotions. "Stop being mean to JJ!" he yelled defiantly, his voice filled with unwavering determination.The homeless man's expression turned sinister, his fury mounting. "What was that?" he growled, his eyes narrowing with malice.Christian, refusing to back down, shouted once more, fueled by his righteous indignation. "JJ was just trying to help you! He's a great guy who cares about others, and you looked like you were suffering!"The homeless man's anger reached its boiling point. With a murderous expression, he snarled, "Shut up! Or I'll kill you brats!"Realizing the danger escalating before them, JJ swiftly made a decision. He grabbed Christian's hand, pulling him away from the confrontation. It was clear they needed to remove themselves from the situation.Christian was still fuming with anger, but JJ managed to calm him down. He spoke softly, his voice laced with wisdom beyond his years. "Don't worry about it, Christian. That guy is just going through a rough time. It's the corrupt military official's fault. He's the one you should be mad at," JJ said, determination glinting in his eyes. "He deserves justice."Reluctantly, Christian allowed JJ's words to soothe his righteous fury. Together, they turned away, leaving the homeless man and his torment behind.Later, JJ and Christian returned to the safety of an abandoned warehouse, where other young kids sought refuge. The atmosphere was filled with camaraderie as the children gathered together, sharing smiles and stories, finding solace in each other's presence. It was almost like a little orphanage in the city.Unbeknownst to the others, JJ quietly slipped away, unnoticed by his companions. With a purposeful stride, he embarked on a solitary mission.Meanwhile, John approached Christian, concern etched on his face. "Hey, where did JJ go?" he inquired, his voice laced with worry.Christian, uncertain but aware of JJ's intentions, replied, "I don't know for sure, but I think he went to seek justice against the military official we encountered today."John's eyes widened in terror upon hearing this revelation. "He did what?! We have to stop him now!" Panic and fear crept into his voice. "Or maybe... maybe it's too late. Should we run?"The weight of the situation pressed upon Christian's shoulders, but he knew deep down that running would not solve anything. With resolve burning in his eyes, he looked at John and said firmly, "No, we can't run. We need to find JJ and help him. We can't let him face this alone."